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YCM GPT Match 1-12

Flash Flyer - Sakura

世界を征服するためにアタシの優雅のための時間..今ですよ! - Latias  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Latias/Sakura the psychic dragon Signer capable of attaining Top Clear Mind vs Serena's starter at the beginning of Kalos vs negativity counterpart of Pikachu vs Tyrogue

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It should be very obvious by now that my heart will always belong to my Eon; due to movie 5 and a lot of other things. 

She's not a main character in a 5Ds spinoff fic for nothing (and/or got 40+ custom cards designed on her)


Fennekin is alright; though evos are still cooler.

Tyrogue is iffy, but I had to breed him with Bullet Punch for Lucario, so...

Minun, I don't even have feelings for; considering they really don't do much.


(It's also fun to note that some people thought Plusle/Minun evolved into my Eons; which has since been proven false)

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Zex's one has something similar to it, but that's related to our statuses (which have been confirmed enough times)

Then again, some of us are linked with certain nominations this tournament.


(I'll go remove the distinction about CC; but the psychic dragon thing remains; given it's her default.)



Latias still wins 3-1-1-1 (for now)

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Minum is adorable. Even more so than most of the Pika clones. And it's always fun in the movies/manga/show/etc.

This is currently "Latias vs babies" (Not all babies but you get my drift.

Minun has no evo, but you might as well consider it a "baby" due to its stats.


Excuse me while I provide an IC quote in Latias's voice:


While I'm perfectly fine that I'm in the lead right now, did it have to be against NFEs? Oh well, provided that I shrug off the memories that've bothered me since last time, I suppose it doesn't matter who I fight.



I'm more of a Latios person but the other 3 are so awful and I'm still quite fond of Latias. Easiest decision I've made so far.


Yeah, I also like Latios as well; enough that I took enough effort to get a Timid one with nice IVs and name it after me. 

Then again, the Eons sum up my personality in a few areas, so probably makes sense.

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Delphox will be in a later match though, so...

But yeah, Fennekin would've probably gotten vote if my Eon weren't playing this round.


And yes, the Signer mark is relevant; because of the 5Ds intonations.

(Too bad I didn't Photoshop Ruka's hair out of Latias's helmet, because I scrapped it from that screenshot in 138)


Should be noted that I did name one after Ruka; but then their personalities are similar.

Not so much with Rua and Latios, but that's another story.

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Go throw a rock at RNG for making this a bad fight for your Tyrogue (well, against me and some other NFEs/stuff).

That in mind, it's still early on and Tyrogue certainly has time to force a second place tie by Wednesday.


(Also remember that you nominated legends as well, so...)


Eh, too true.  It seems that every legend has gotten/appears to be getting into the second round though...

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Keep in mind we still have a few more legends in the coming days; a lot of them are mine.

Also note that Palkia was RNG filler, not mine (although I would've nominated that, if I had space)


As for Latias attacking little kids, it's not that she WANTS to beat them up (and she certainly could, given her power), but rather she has to because RNG is making her do it this time.

Her memories from last time aren't a factor; at least from what she tells me on certain nights.

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She does show concern for Ash when he gets hurt + protects Altomare with her bro, however; but yeah she does act like a kid.

But that's probably why I love her.


Latias will be in movie 18, though hopefully she has a sizable role in it.

And Ash, if you have to pull out a Pokedex on her, I will come over there and cream you. Have you forgotten that the M5 one had (has) a crush on you?


That being said, she's the only Hoenn Poke to not appear in a regular episode; SS025 doesn't count.

(And yes, that's where the bulk of my Latias GIFs on profile come from)

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Well, it seems that ORAS post-hype made it prevalent once again.


As the final member of the CC Trinity, Sakura the Latias advances with flying colors to round 2; followed by Pikachu's negativity counterpart in Hoenn.

However, if Serena had evolved her Fennekin earlier on, perhaps it would've advanced here as well (or would have enough power to get that last vote), but appears that wasn't the case.



For the record, I DO have a Latias named Sakura; and technically it fits.

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