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[HS] Blackrock Mountain Spoilers 3/30/15


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Majordomo Executus: Freeze Mage/Control Warior toy

Nefarian: Pretty good in control decks

Volcanic Lumberer: Post-Swipe value? Probably bad.

Chromaggus: brb changing pants

Rend Blackhand: Possibly good in a control heavy meta, if ever

Drakonid Crusher: s*** in Constructed, godlike in Arena

Emperor Thaurissan: brb changing pants again

Volcanic Drake: Pretty solid, lots of value from boardwipes/trades

Dragon's Breath: Either gonna be really good or really bad

Solemn Vigil: look up

Blackwing Corruptor: Generic Fire Elemental, sign me up!

Dark Iron Skulker: Control Rogue incoming?

Dragon Consort: NEXT Dragon altogether, not this turn. That makes it really amazing.

Grim Patron: Technically bad, but I feel like it can get out of hand a bit too quickly.

Axe Flinger: Meh.

Core Rager: MAYBE a 1-of in Midrange Hunter? Face doesn't want it for sure.

Dragonkin Sorcerer: Probably eh, gonna be alright in Arena but there are better Dragons for constructed.

Fireguard Destroyer: NOW WE'RE TALKING! A better Yeti at least, and possible Venture Co stats, with drawback being...overload 1?

Hungry Dragon: Most probably gonna be a staple.

Demonwrath: Yay Warlock consecration. I guess it has an use if you wanna kill the board and save your tiny Imps? It also hits your own Eggs and whatnot.

Blackwing Technician: Staple in Dragon decks for sure.

Druid of the Flame: This one looks pretty eh, the flexibility is there, but both modes are pretty underwhelming.

Flamewaker: This looks like it has potential, a lot of it. If not now, someday.

Imp Gang Boss: Warlock staple most probably.

Gang Up: WHAT

Lava Shock: Eh-ish. It's not BAD, but I can't imagine a situation where it would be actually worth it. Some stupid Spell Power decks?

Quick Shot: Hunter staple. It's either a vanilla Darkbomb (which we already know is a good deal) that occasionally cycles into more damage. Really good.

Ressurect: Priest staple? I mean, it's hard NOT to get value out of it, since your only 1-drops are usually gonna be Chow and Northsire only.

Revenge: Warrior getting the very short end of the stick again?

Dragon Egg: This kinda needs testing, but I feel it has potential. It's TECHNICALLY worse than Nerubian, but it has split bodies and most importantly, is a 1-drop.

Twilight Whelp: Cute. One thing it has going for itself is that it's a Dragon himself, so if you lack other Dragons in hand, you can hold this off for Technician/Corruptor.


tl;dr Chromaggus, Emperor Thaurissan, Fireguard Destroyer, Hungry Dragon, Imp Gang Boss, Gang Up, Quick Shot, Ressurect the "money cards" of the set. Rest depends on how good the Dragon decks will be.

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Not entirely sure I understand this one? I can understand playing it in a Mage deck, but why Freeze Mage in particular? And also why Control Warrior? o. O

Freeze Mage runs Ice Block. That's why it popped to me. Admittedly, a new, non-freeze variant running Majordomo + Ice Block might pop up, but Freeze Mage was a first guess.


And Warrior due to armor stacking, unless it removes all your armor on the swap. If yes, nevermind.

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Freeze Mage runs Ice Block. That's why it popped to me. Admittedly, a new, non-freeze variant running Majordomo + Ice Block might pop up, but Freeze Mage was a first guess.
And Warrior due to armor stacking, unless it removes all your armor on the swap. If yes, nevermind.

Yeah the Ice Block makes sense in conjunction with Rag but I don't know whether you want to commit a slot toward something like that instead of another burst spell in Freeze. Maybe a new Mage variant instead?

And yeah Rag breaks all your armour when he becomes your hero unfortunately, like Jaraxxus.
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Warrior does have access to things like Shield Block and Shieldmaiden, you would just have to save them until after you become Rag.


Dragon Consort is probably my favorite card from this expansion. Play it into Chromaggus on turn 6, or maybe Ysera turn 7, or what have you.

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