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Buenos Noches: Yubel Deck IRL, needs Mucho help

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Threw together last night when I traded for Yubels. I made it kinda for fun, My Monarchs are getting stale. Here goes.


Monsters ( 18 )

3x Yubel

1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

2x Doom Shaman


3x Mystic Tomato

3x Giant Germ

2x Samsara Lotus

1x Treeborn Frog

1x Lava Golem

1x Marshmallon

1x Sangan


Spells ( 12 )

3x Soul Exchange

2x Reasoning

1x Monster Gate

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Magical Mallet

1x Pot of Avarice


Traps ( 10 )

3x Shift

2x Staunch Defender

1x Call of the Earthbound

1x Dark Illusion

1x Torrential

1x Transmigration Prophecy

1x Magic Cylinder


Questions or comments, post them. No negative crap like "scrap for DAD". I have a few side notes to add...

  • I know I have only 1 Terror Incarnate, but the original Yubel can fetch Incarnate from the hand, deck or grave, so until I get another, 1 will do.
  • I am prompty going to remove my Samsara Lotus' for Black Pteras.
    I want to fit All-Out Attacks in, but they'll kill my Lotus'. Ptera can stop that. I can get 2/3 off my friend by trading him a burnt CD of Disturbed / Metallica songs :D

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nice idea using reasoning but, i would use it in a deck with more nomi monsters to increase your chance of summoning yubel. im currently making a deck like this. their is too many traps. the only traps you need are stuff like ,3X dark bribe, 3X solem, or maybe 2X royal decree. also Cyber Valley could help speed up this deck

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Why would you even want more than one Terror Incarnate? Also' date=' the Lotus/Treeborn/Ptera thing is unnecessary; Doom Shaman is the way you should be getting Yubel out.



I might try, but I'm gonna keep 2x Ptera. I dunno why, it just seems logical (for me) to keep the original out longer, then when it finally dies my opponent has to face another :D

Another thingy: What about Blue Thunders? I figure they might help. And if you know any good recycler cards (besides tTP and PoA) I would likez to know

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