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Mirror Force Dragon-CDP1

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Yes I'm gonna run a 3-mat Xyz and crummy rum cards, a total of 2 extra deck slots and 1-3 main deck slots that are all reliant on having the 3 appropriate monsters, as opposed to a 1-2 of tech card that beefs an already good card and takes 1 extra deck space, while being completely unreliant on anything except having the mirror force.


You don't need Coat of Arms to make C69's nuke effect live. And Limited Barian's Force can turn any Rank 4 into C69 (although running it purely for C69 is a meh idea).

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You don't need Coat of Arms to make C69's nuke effect live. And Limited Barian's Force can turn any Rank 4 into C69 (although running it purely for C69 is a meh idea).

Right forgot the nuke was generic. Still I'd rather play something that only needs me to have a mirror force than needing a rank 4 and crummy rum outside a rum deck.
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Right forgot the nuke was generic. Still I'd rather play something that only needs me to have a mirror force than needing a rank 4 and crummy rum outside a rum deck.

You need mirror force and fang, both of them are unsearchable at the moment, so you do require a lot of luck to both of time in your hand..C69 on the other also require luck, but not as much as MFD (only need the right rank up magic and rank 4 after all)
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You need mirror force and fang, both of them are unsearchable at the moment, so you do require a lot of luck to both of time in your hand..C69 on the other also require luck, but not as much as MFD (only need the right rank up magic and rank 4 after all)

Forget luck, I'm talking practicality. MFD is a good tech in a deck that already runs mirror force or is an encouragement to run it. C69 is practically unsplashable, requiring Rum which is very not good in most/all competitive decks.
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The same can be said for the fusion spell for this card.

The fusion spell is a good tech in any deck that is running Mirror Force. Rum is only good if you have a good number of things to rank up into, taking up extra deck space that competitive decks don't have; this takes up only 1.

Further, top decks don't really have access to rank 4s as much right now, not that they want it with their powerful main deck. You can't justify rum in a Qli deck, but if it's running Mirror Force (as many now do) you can justify the fusion.
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The fusion spell is a good tech in any deck that is running Mirror Force.

Wait what? No that fusion spell is a bad tech in any deck that run Mirror Force! This card only has 3 target so far (and all of them are unsearchable, expect with A Cat of Ill Omen) so this card is useless unless you have those 3 target on your field or in your hand. RUM on the other only require the right xyz on the field, which can be easily achieve (even more easy to achieve if you are using LBF) RUm also has far more target than Fang. (and yes RUM is a meh tech in decks any play xyz anyway, but hey we are comparing fang and RUm now so..)

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Wait what? No that fusion spell is a bad tech in any deck that run Mirror Force! This card only has 3 target so far (and all of them are unsearchable, expect with A Cat of Ill Omen) so this card is useless unless you have those 3 target on your field or in your hand. RUM on the other only require the right xyz on the field, which can be easily achieve (even more easy to achieve if you are using LBF) RUm also has far more target than Fang. (and yes RUM is a meh tech in decks any play xyz anyway, but hey we are comparing fang and RUm now so..)

Sorry but if you think a rum and C69 are better than critias in most decks then I'm just going to move on as there's clearly no reasoning here.
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Sorry but if you think a rum and C69 are better than critias in most decks then I'm just going to move on as there's clearly no reasoning here.

But most deck won't even run critias! (even if they run those trap cards)Thats the whole point! Yeah I'm just going to move on as well, as 'there's clearly no reasoning here'

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both of them are unsearchable

Mirror Force is a Trap
Critias is a Spell
Both are@3

Magical Merchant/Kuribandit can potentially grab them.
Cat of Ill Omen(As stated) can grab Mirror.
Gold Sarcophagus is Limited, but it can search either.

You could kinda' sorta' grab it from the Deck. But it wouldn't exactly be that easy.
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Nope, I actually was chatting with my mates about how cool that this card is finally being released and that amazing artwork. Guess you got it wrong?


Well considering all the comments I've seen from you regarding this card has essentially been "This card is so hard to use, because I can't just tutor Mirror Force and/or Critias at a whim, even though both are unlimited, and Mirror Force can still be played.  C69 is better, because I can Rank it Up off a Rank 4, even though there's a chance I'm not actually running Rank 4s or RUM.", excuse me if I didn't quite get the impression that you actually liked it.

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Well considering all the comments I've seen from you regarding this card has essentially been "This card is so hard to use, because I can't just tutor Mirror Force and/or Critias at a whim, even though both are unlimited, and Mirror Force can still be played.  C69 is better, because I can Rank it Up off a Rank 4, even though there's a chance I'm not actually running Rank 4s or RUM.", excuse me if I didn't quite get the impression that you actually liked it.

Of course I love the card! Is Mirror Force Dargon for god sake! Whats not to love about it? Don't judge people base on their comments alone lol

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Of course I love the card! Is Mirror Force Dargon for god sake! Whats not to love about it? Don't judge people base on their comments alone lol

That last statement is up their with the most idiotic things I have ever read. What in the world do you expect people to base their responses on? Are we expected to read between the lines of your negative comments to find the hidden positive thoughts not expressed or implied?
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That last statement is up their with the most idiotic things I have ever read. What in the world do you expect people to base their responses on? Are we expected to read between the lines of your negative comments to find the hidden positive thoughts not expressed or implied?

Again I did stated the first time that I love the card so...

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