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Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP

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If I were a clerk in the proposed environment I'd dress in full rainbow-coloured drag adorned with phallic accessories and deny all comers for being gay (regardless of their actual sexual orientation of course). I'd make a big show of it too, pulling out the Bible and the Qu'ran to slam on the table and screaming slurs at the top of my lungs. 


Seriously though, how can people tell if a customer is gay? Other than indications given in plain sight (such as public displays of affection and unambiguous statements), they can't, which really defeats the purpose of denying homosexuals at all when they can easily "slip through the cracks" (c wut i did thar?) unless you're actually denying everyone as I'd proposed or have a perfect gaydar. This bill is still stigmatizing, awful, and shouldn't be happening of course and I'm sure Jesus and Muhammad would disapprove. 

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Also why the fuck would you want to turn away customers?


Seriously though, how can people tell if a customer is gay? Other than indications given in plain sight (such as public displays of affection and unambiguous statements), they can't, which really defeats the purpose of denying homosexuals at all when they can easily "slip through the cracks" (c wut i did thar?) unless you're actually denying everyone as I'd proposed or have a perfect gaydar. This bill is still stigmatizing, awful, and shouldn't be happening of course and I'm sure Jesus and Muhammad would disapprove.

And this.

The only thing I can think of is situations like making a wedding cake for a gay wedding or some shit like that.

In which case they will just go to someone else because someone is going to be willing to accept their money. Also, not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure you can get away with not saying the wedding is between two people of the same gender.

I do find it odd that they somehow got gay marriage to pass, but also had this pass. Seems...........odd.
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Should they be able to turn people away because they're a different religion then too?


And this suggests you can just tell by looking if someone is gay. Yea because they dress in a certain way....


I suppose the businesses clearly don't deserve their money then, they'll just give it someone less homophobic (as religion is commonly used as an excuse for homophobia, I'm not implying all religious people are homophobic.)

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This bill is stupid, and the governor who did it doesn't deserve to be the next president.


If people want to be that homophobic about this (and again, how can you tell if a person is gay or not), then yeah you deserve your business to decay into whatever due to lack of business.

Yes, there are some people who don't approve of it, but that doesn't make it right to reject others because of your own feelings.


I can understand the religious reasons for this, but just keep your anti-gay hate to yourself.



Props to the mayor for disagreeing with him, and being open to all people in the city.



Should they be able to turn people away because they're a different religion then too?


Definitely not, and if they even tried this, businesses might well close up because you just alienated a lot of customers that aren't Christian/Catholic.

(A lot of you should know that not everyone practices Christianity/Catholicism)

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It'll be overturned. In the end, it's unconstitutional and also just impractical from a business and a common sense stance.

I'm not gonna tell people what they should and shouldn't do, but this is just straight up discrimination, so there's no way that the bill will win.

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Thing is, it may keep people from being open about their sexual orientation, especially with the emergence of extreme availability through the internet. Considering many businesses do… business over the internet, appearance won't have to be the only factor here.

Being denied on the grounds of "you look gay" or "we suspect you might be gay" (or just plain "you are gay") is awful.

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