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Number 108: Silent Honor SPARK

Monarch King

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2 Level 4 monsters.
You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card, then target 2 cards in your opponent's Graveyard; attach them to this card as face-up Xyz Materials. You can only use this effect of "Number 108: Silent Honor SPARK" once per turn. If this face-up card would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead.
Most of Decks depend on Graveyard. This card can slow them enough.
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So.... It's Number 80, but 9 times out of 10, it will be vastly superior?

Seems.... Weird, in that regard.

It trades #80's "definitely going away" part for only a temporary leave, and in return this doesn't suck as much as a monster.


Even then, it's only a stubborn 21 that guards against destruction twice. Since it guards twice, it begs for a NDR, but then again, it doesn't seem to matter much if you can Summon something stronger than it (which is easy enough). Chances are I'd still want to run #80 over this because you're pretty much permanently removing the cards in question from the game. Then there's the +1200 ATK thing that sometimes happens. This card's stalling would only be good for keeping you alive a little longer, and doesn't even amount to anything if your opponent can bypass it with NDR stuff/BTS (but Fiendish Chain Ever is resurfacing as the best monster-negator).


As for this, it's... ok, I guess. As I said, I'm probably going to still want to run #80 because stuff I already mentioned, but that's alright. Maybe this might be better than it this coming format because I'm seeing more Mirror Force and Raigeki in Deck threads, maybe not. Also, RIP Number flavor, I think.

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Basically, it's a 101 that uses the opponent's Graveyard to replenish itself for most intents/purposes.

Everything else is basically the same as Ark Knight (if the name didn't imply that already).


I mean, it's nice for using up your opponent's key cards in the Graveyard so they can't recycle them, but that's about it; and some of them might already have a 2nd or 3rd copy of said card ready, so it wouldn't really slow them down. 


Then again, once they're in the Graveyard, their purpose is more/less dealt with + once this goes, they get it back.


Honestly, I'd probably prefer 80's effect to just get rid of them for the rest of the game, or some other banishing effect.


Much like 101, this thing is still vulnerable to Castel and other forms of removal that don't kill.



Also, RIP Number flavor, I think.


That in mind, there should've been a particular reason for giving it the number 108; not slapping it on randomly. (Also helps if people explain why they choose a specific number when doing customs).


Of course, ZEXAL set the mark at 107 with Tachyon; so anything between 108 - 999 is essentially fair game at this point (manga's ending, so don't think we need to worry about things too much)


A lot of the cases, Number is determined by Japanese goroawase or something related to its user.

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