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Ojama Funarama


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This is just a fun deck I came up with. It isn't that powerful as it is an exodia deck. But I thought I might as well see what people thought.



Ojama Black x 3

Ojama Yellow x 3

Ojama Green x 3

Left Arm of the Forbidden One x 1

Right Arm of the Forbidden One x 1

Left Leg of the Forbidden One x 1

Right Leg of the Forbidden One x 1

Exodia the Forbidden One x 1

Manticore of Darkness x 2

Sangan x 1




Card of Safe Return x 3

Dark World Dealings x 3

Foolish Burial x 2

Heart of the Underdog x 3

Ojamagic x 3

Upstart Goblin x 2

Swords of Revealing Light x 1

Level Limit Area B x 1




Common Charity x 3

Gravity Bind x 1

Mirror Force x 1



Total [40]


Basically you are going for a high draw rate or the manticore cycle to get you your exodia pieces. The Ojamas serve both as feed for the first Manticore and draw aids. Ojamagic makes a good deck thinner and ups your hand by a lot and ensures you have normal monsters in your hand for Common Charity. I thought this was an interesting take on an exodia/manticore deck so thought I would show it off.

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+ 3 Magical hats

+ 3 Magical mallet

+ 1 Upstart Goblin

- 3 Heart of the Underdog

- 1 Level Limit Area B

- 1 Mirror Force

- 1 Swords of Revealing Light

- 1 Gravity Bind

I took out all the defence and concentrated on its OTK instead. The idea being to get all pieces of exodia as quickly as possible through Manticore. This is a very chancy deck, but is certainly not terrible.



- 1 Sangan

+ 1 Green Baboon Defender of the Forest

(Sangan isnt much use for the cycle while baboon is and adds some defence)

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