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+ Card Contest Points Thread +

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Effective 3/24/2015 @ 12 AM Hawaiʻi Standard Time, the following reward system will be in place.
Basically, if you've taken the Card Contest Judging Exam and have gotten certified, you will be entitled to the following rewards (based on how many times you've passed). Your judging rank refers to the number of exams you've taken/passed, similar to how RL tournament stuff is applied. If you haven't taken an exam yet, then you're considered to be Rank 0. 


The card making exam is officially deactivated, BUT if you would like to take an exam, shoot me a PM and I'll give you one. Each time you pass an exam, your Rank moves up by 1. 
(Note that Rank 3 will grant you the CC Judge group as a sign that you know what you're doing. If you took the exam in the past, whatever rank you had attained at the time will still be honored; you can reference your past rank in the linked thread below)
If you need to get certified, go over here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/324067-card-contest-judging-exam-v2-optional-updated-342015



  • Rank 0 will be given 200 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.
  • Rank 1 will be given 500 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.
  • Rank 2 will be given 700 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.
  • Rank 3 will be given 900 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.


  • Rank 0 will be given 400 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.
  • Rank 1 will be given 800 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.
  • Rank 2 will be given 1000 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.
  • Rank 3 will be given 1500 points x the number of members who entered/submitted an entry.

Keep in mind that points will NOT be awarded automatically; it is your responsibility to report your hosting/judging in this thread. Just link to any contests that you've judged/hosted, and I will let you know how many points you'll receive.
Point values do not cross-accumulate. 
Also keep in mind that the points listed above apply only if you've gotten your certification prior to starting the contest. If you took your certification in the middle of your contest (or afterwards), you won't get the points. If you already took the exam, you will given points according to the highest Rank you had prior to the start of your contest.
Like always, ask if you have any questions/concerns about things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Technically, you're getting awarded for the amount of people you get to join + submitted an entry through the tournament.


Looking at it, 4000 points for members; although the wording is somewhat vague on submission; especially in cases like yours.

But the extra points are awarded due to technicality issues.


Then again, you're doing a hell of a lot trying to run Leaderboard, so...

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  • 4 weeks later...

You have to mention it in here.

Although contests are somewhat inactive lately, you need to note it here. 


Basically, once contest is finished; just note it here and I'll award your points based on your judging rank. 

(I think you got all 3 of them, but let me double check. I'm pretty good about updating things ASAP)


Anyway, I'll award the points later; can't do it now because of express computer at library.

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  • 1 month later...

Basically, card contests are a way for you to compete against 2 or more members in cardmaking. 

A member makes a contest with a theme, you design something that fits it and then you get graded. 


As for how to enter, you just need to say that you're interested in joining, and have an entry ready by deadline. 



CC Monthly contests are mod-sponsored events (well, I'm the only one doing it). 

Same principle, but standard scale. 


(I have an info thread stickied above)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

The exams are done by PM. 


As of last June, the exam is no longer required for you to host/judge contests in this section, BUT if you want to check your competence in grading a card, then you can PM me to take it. (I do these on a case-by-case basis + more/less decide the theme on the fly). 


You don't have to take it, though (I may need to reorganize the point system in light of this fact, but going to keep the ranks of people who have already proven themselves when this was official). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of you know this by now, but the CC Judge group will no longer be available from the optional exams and will be awarded by a different set of standards. As a result, the point award system will be readjusted accordingly, so it is independent of whether or not you have taken the exam (and done by the quality of the way you either judged/hosted the contest). 


To be fair, this should've been redone last June after the entire exam was removed, but lack of interest in this system otherwise may have been a reason for the late change.



Those of you who have already obtained the group from the exams, either from pre-June 2015 [under my watch or that of Saber/Aix] or recently, will still retain it, but know that taking the exams will no longer grant you the group.


Exams will still be available upon PM request if you'd like to check if you have sufficient enough to host/judge entries in this section; again, these will be strictly voluntary. 



The new award system will be announced shortly. 

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CC#1 (10 Entrants Total): http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/348040-everybody-hates-pendulums-judging-completed/

CC#2 (8 Entrants Total): http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/349951-ym-cc2-re-post-due-to-glitch-judging-completed/


Black also Judged my CC#2, so should he be awarded any points?


CC#2 is the one with the glitch that I had to re-post in order to accept further entries, since Page 2 and beyond were broken. Also, I was one of the earlier ones that earned the CC Judge tag at Lvl. 3, so do I have to re-take that exam in order to be rewarded? Also, what about people who requested entry, but didn't submit their entry in time for judging? Are they counted (1 person in CC#1 posted to enter, but never submitted their entry in time for the competition)? Are the competitions I'm requesting points for going to use the old form, since I have the CC Judge tag, or the new form being announced?

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