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So after posting a couple times, I figured I should do an introduction post (whoops). Anyways, I'm VCR_CAT. Some of you may know me from DevPro for the same name; probably not, but maybe so. Anyways, Machine-type monsters are my favorite types, with my current favorite decks being Trains (made this deck way back when like two years ago when the promos were first announced and Railcar wasn't even a thing) and probably Proper Superheavies (none of the spell/trap BS).


Anyways, 'sup.

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Welcome to YCM, VCR Cat.

I think you know who I am at this point, so intro redacted here.


Before going further, make sure you've read/understand the rules of each forum.


However, I do encourage you to check out the other sections; including TCG because they got more stuff coming in.



PM me if you need any help around :D

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