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YCM Grand Pokémon Tournament 4

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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You do realize that Walrein's on my kill list as of this round, right?

Because of what happened to Yveltal.


However, that and Minun are the only ones on that list so far.

Hmm, both of them are Hoenn-based, so...

That's just rude. Besides, when has kill lists ever mattered? Need I remind you who won the last tournament?

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I'm not the only one who has a kill list; British and Tinkerer both have one as well if you noticed by now.

And yes, I haven't forgotten about GPT 3.


I might've forgiven Vaporeon at this point, but my Pokemon probably didn't (at least some of them anyway).


But we know full well that it's dead after its fight with Feraligatr.



Anyway, once the last matches conclude; we'll get started with Round 3.

With those up, the hypotheticals start.

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Yeah, I'm right about the kill list.

Raikou goes off with its death; but seems Rotom is getting added and Reuniclus was already there.


Miffed about the loss of two more legends, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

The fact Keldeo and Reshi broke out of Round 1 this time around is impressive enough as is.



Although Napoleon and the elephant end up on another one later; remind me if penguins are hunted like elephants nowadays.


3rd round will be up tomorrow.



In the meantime, enjoy the W-1 match with Milotic and Altaria.

Reminder that I did say it would be a redemption match for Zex and Nai in a way.

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So after Round 2, I only have one of my nominations still in the running; Feraligatr.

My Kill List lost 8 pokemon, but gained 3 new ones following the deaths of my other nominations.


[spoiler=Kill List for Round 3]

- Kingdra

- Ninetales

- Reuniclus

- Suicune

- Pidgeot

- Rotom

- Chandelure


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I only have 4 right now.


[spoiler=Konoha's current Bingo Book for Round 3 (listed in order of threat)]

  • Walrein
  • Minun
  • Donphan
  • Empoleon (sorry Zex)



I'm down to 6-7 nominations, but that's still pretty good so far.

At least both Eons and my associated Eeveelution advanced to Round 3; rather than one of them dying out in R2.



With that said, W-1 is up.

So far, appears to be a repeat of W-5 from last tournament; minus my inclusion.


And again, I mentioned that the special images would be used during YMB battles in hypotheticals, because they represent certain members here.

I even made a list a few posts back.

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Next 5 matches are up.

Also, Nai won the hypothetical...again.


By that, I mean Altaria; you guys should know by now what this means.

(And for reference, Nai's the one who changed the description of Altaria)


[spoiler=Konoha's Bingo Book (updated after 3-5)]

  • Walrein
  • Minun
  • Donphan
  • Empoleon (sorry Zex)
  • Ampharos
  • Zigzagoon


I lost two of the 'mons on my kill list, but got two more.

Sheesh, most of them are Hoenn-based.


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Last batch of Round 3 is up.


  • Lucario beat out Latias, so there goes one of my avatars. (Although I do have Lucario as an alternative, so there's that). And I also have Latios in contention, so...
    • I would've loved to see both Latias/Lucario get through together, but oh well.
  • British narrowly got through against Starmie.
  • Arcanine lost against Walrein, hence the walrus stays on Konoha's kill list. Needless to say Arca was not thrilled, and either are his comrades.
  • Suicune beat out the seahorse dragon.
  • Lapras beats the psycho blob.
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I have two more nominations left; Latios and Xerneas.
As of the last batch, my kill list hasn't changed.
But yeah, your avatar advanced.
On that note, I am working on breeding an Adamant one with its HA.

I could get the ha if you got me an egg, just saying.
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I have the one from the PokeBank promo; breeding that now with some Adamant Ditto I caught the other night.

Would be fine if it weren't Modest natured, grr.


Then again, I have two daycare things.

Route 117 deals with nature acquisition; Battle Resort gets the IVs.



Anyway, back to tournament business.


Are there any matches that you guys would like to see as hypotheticals?

Oh yeah, I need to formally end W-2.

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All matches of Round 3 have concluded.

As of right now, my kill list stands thus


[spoiler=Konoha Bingo Book]

  • Walrein
  • Ampharos
  • Zigzagoon
  • Ninetales / Naruto Uzumaki



Minun's out after it died to Serperior, as did Empoleon/Donphan.

However, Naruto is on my list now; and the ice walrus is still there.


And just so we are clear on this; if I mention Naruto for the purposes of this tournament, it means Ninetales.



Three more hypotheticals were made yesterday:


W-3 is British vs KingOfOblivion

W-4 is Cow vs UE

W-5 is Yin vs Tinkerer.


I should make W-6 soon.


If anything, Rai can be Arcanine (since that's literally the closest Poke to being a shiba inu that you can get).

And unlike the other matches with Arcanine, there will be no usage of the voseo (you know Rai is an Englishman, not Argentine like Mugen).


On that note, Mugen is Infernape (it's either that or Simisear (or the others); think the former is more appropriate).


If you guys think of appropriate Pokes for the other mods who lack an associated Pokemon form, feel free to throw them out there.



Current List:


Myself: Espeon / Latias / Latios / Lucario

Zextra: Milotic

Nai: Altaria

Yin: Houndoom / Giratina

Flame Dragon: Charizard

UE: Hydreigon / Vaporeon

Cow: Miltank

British: Umbreon / Feraligatr

RAEG: Salamence

Tinkerer: Shuckle

Mugen: Infernape

Night: Darkrai

Pikachu: Pikachu (duh, it makes sense)

Striker: Golduck / Porygon-Z

J-Max: Eevee

.Rai: Arcanine

evilfusion: Zekrom

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Yeah, Golduck works for Striker.

Then again, lack of duck-related Pokes are disappointing (and pretty sure Psyduck won't do justice for Striker).


evilfusion would have to be either Dragon or Electric; only thing that comes to mind is Zekrom.

But what would go well with Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon?



Need to do Aix, Roxas and LZ; but what fits them?

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