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[HearthStone] Flamewaker-Gazlowe-Illidan-Anto Mage


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The concept is that every card works with every other card whether it's in the early game thwarting off aggro with spell damage aoe or garnering spare parts for the end game whilst surviving the mid-game with value Yeti's and Fireballs/Flamecannons.
The early game cards should in theory never be dead because they work early game (obviously), the spell damage buffs make them viable mid-game and then late game you can still get value using the 3 legendaries. 
Gazlowe - Recycles the cards, potentially really valuable if you pop Yeti/Shredder/SkyGolem/Sneeds.
Illidan - Easily swarm the board, trade off the last of the aggro scum or become the aggressor.
Antonidas - 1 mana spell -> 1 mana spell -> Fireball -> Fireball -> Hello -> Hello -> Hello -> Opponent concedes.
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