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[HS] Blackrock Mountain spoilers 3/19/15


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Did Face Hunter just get a 7/7 for 4 mana? Damn.


KC, hounds, and the owl(s) make it hard for face-hunter to empty their hand by turn 4. 

6/30 reactionary/dependent cards make the possibility of having an empty hand at any point difficult, even more so when it's so early in the game.  


Mid-range hunter has Boom and Highmanes that sit in the hand past turn 4, so that's even harder to do.


Hard to see how this card will fit in either deck, seeing as though removing those pivotal cards is near impossible at this current juncture. 

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tbh I don't like any of these cards upon reflection. They all feel too niche to warrant deck space in anything in constructed right now.


Flamewaker definitely has a place in mech/tempo mage.


The way I see it, he pretty much replaces spider tank, 2/4 combo: deal two damage > 3/4 vanilla. Blastmage does a lot for tempo, don't see why Flamewaker can't do the same. Mechmage almost always has spare parts to proc the effect and tempomage has the low mana spells. 

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The main thing that gets me about playing Flamewaker in Mech Mage is mainly the fact that he's not actually a Mech, so playing him over Spider Tank means that turn 3 tank into 4 mage is significantly weaker due to not being able to reap the immediate 4 damage. His stats also don't seem aggressive enough for a deck like Mech to want to utilize as much.

Tempo Mage I forgot about though, I'll admit

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Fair proposition but if mechmage is reliant on the turn 3 Spidertank, the game's already over.


By adding Waker to mechmage you're definitely losing some synergy there, that's undeniable, but how much does that really matter. Technician on-curve procs off of the 2- mana mechs, Mechwarper can't get the Waker out for less but generally you're playing shredder/yeti turn 3 with the Warper up, not Spidertank, and again if you're curving out a Blastmage on turn 4 and don't already have a mech on the board you're pretty much fucked already.


Also, I don't think the Wakermech mage would run Cogmaster so that card's irrelevant. Instead, I think this version would allow Mana Wyrm to see play along with the addition of more spells. 


You're right about it being less aggressive though, this version would basically be half-way between mech and tempo mage, honestly though, that doesn't sound too bad. 

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