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A weird idea I had

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Sleep deprivation does weird things to my brain.
hence, this deck
[spoiler V1]GrohXU8.png[/spoiler]
[spoiler V2]L28qB9I.png[/spoiler]


[spoiler V3]4ipTamP.png[/spoiler]


Monsters: (23)
Risebell the Star Psycher x 3  {messes with Xyz and Synchros}
Artifact Scythe x 2  {stops Xyz and Synchros}
Artifact Beagalltach x 1 
Gusto Thunbolt x 2  {searcher}
Mist Condor x 2  {returns Mist Valley monsters to hand}
Mist Valley Apex Avian x 2  {returns Mist Valley monsters to hand, negates effects}
Mist Valley Falcon x 2  {returns cards to hand}
Mist Valley Thunderbird x 3  {ss itself when returned to hand}
Elfobia x 2  {negates effs, can combo with Psycher to really mess stuff up}
Artifact Moralltach x 1  {it's an artifact involved deck, you knew that was coming}
Genex Ally Birdman x 1  {returns Risebell, Elf, and Mist Valleys to the hand for more fun}
Mist Valley Executioner x 2  {returns call and divine wind for more ssing}

Spells: (8)
Artifact Ignition x 2 
Double Cyclone x 2
Snatch Steal x 1  {Sorta Staple}
Divine Wind of Mist Valley {Ssing like no tomorrow}
Terraforming x 2  

Traps: (9)
Artifact Sanctum x 3
Call of the Haunted x 2
Solemn Warning x 1
Evac x 1
BTH x 1
Soul Drain x 1  {no grave effs, so might as well}
ED: (15)
DRXD x 1
Gagaga Cowboy x 1
Lightning Chidori x 1
101 ARK x 1 
103 x 1 
50 x 1
85 x 1
Exciton x 1
39 Utopia x 1
61 x 1
Pleiades x 1
74 x 1 
14 x 1 
62 x 1
S39 The Lightning x 1

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What exactly do you search with Tempest?

I still don't get what's the goal of the deck, but if you are running the Sanctum engine, I suggest the following:


+1 Beagaltach: Makes dead drawn Moraltach/Scythes live when Summoned through Sanctum

+2 Double Cyclone: Also makes dead drawn Artifacts live.


-1 Scythe: With the addition of Beagaltach, you don't really need, or shouldn't need, 5 Artifacts in the deck; 4 should be enough.

-1 Ignition: From my tests, 2 copies works better. When you run too many of these you can end up clogging your S/T Zones with Artifacts and remove too many Sanctum targets from the main Deck.

-2~3 MST: You are adding Double Cyclones plus you have Ignitions so keeping these in the deck may be an overkill.


Then, I don't see the purpose of Failnaught in the deck: It recovers Artifacts yes, but then what you do with them? bounce them back to your hand? wait for your opponent to willingly destroy them? I don't think you really need these guys.


On the other hand, you could try 1~2 Call of the Haunteds to revive Artifacts during the opponent's turn; it turns into a nasty surprise along Moraltach.



As for other searchers, there is Kujakujaku, but it may be tricky to play consistently.

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What exactly do you search with Tempest?  Ah nothing. whoops. 

I still don't get what's the goal of the deck, Trolling with Elfobia, Tempest. Stopping Xyz and Synchro plays without using Vanity. Idk why. but if you are running the Sanctum engine, I suggest the following:


+1 Beagaltach: Makes dead drawn Moraltach/Scythes live when Summoned through Sanctum

+2 Double Cyclone: Also makes dead drawn Artifacts live.


-1 Scythe: With the addition of Beagaltach, you don't really need, or shouldn't need, 5 Artifacts in the deck; 4 should be enough.

-1 Ignition: From my tests, 2 copies works better. When you run too many of these you can end up clogging your S/T Zones with Artifacts and remove too many Sanctum targets from the main Deck.

-2~3 MST: You are adding Double Cyclones plus you have Ignitions so keeping these in the deck may be an overkill.


Then, I don't see the purpose of Failnaught in the deck: It recovers Artifacts yes, but then what you do with them? bounce them back to your hand? wait for your opponent to willingly destroy them? I don't think you really need these guys. Good point. 


On the other hand, you could try 1~2 Call of the Haunteds to revive Artifacts during the opponent's turn; it turns into a nasty surprise along Moraltach.



As for other searchers, there is Kujakujaku, but it may be tricky to play consistently. I don't tribute. Unless I wanted to be stupid with an artifact or apex.  I actually found something to use this as fodder for. thanks for the help.

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This deck looks like it auto-looses unless it topdecks that Limited Divine Wind.

Swap your 2 Kajuz for 2 Terraformings.

Or Thunderbird + Bouncers. If anything Executioner is what i would switch for terra. but then i have nothing to tribute for Kajuz. So you might have a point. I'll try it and see. 

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