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Madison and D.C. police shooting.

Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP

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One happened in D.C. as well: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2015/03/person-trespassing-in-se-d-c-metro-tunnel-shot-dead-by-police-112246.html


I seriously think some of investigation into whether police are using too much excessive force needs to happen. It's most likely not every cop who's doing this, mind you.


For the one in Madison, I'm confused. If the officer really was attacked, why not try the taser? Why shoot him? Deadly force needs to be and should be an absolute last resort. And for the D.C. incident, same thing.


I don't think all cops are bad, but there needs to be some sort of change or something. There should be zero tolerance for police misconduct whether it's excessive force or not. It may seem extreme, but remember, these are police we're talking about. In addition, the last thing the good cops need are these guys making their jobs harder in an already tough, potentially deadly, job.

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It's beginning to look like a matter of, "who can be the biggest jackass?".  So far, just about every incident that could have dodged a fatality ended up with gunshots.  And strangely enough, it's all been black boys.  Young, usually 25 or under.  But what makes me steaming fucking mad, is that there never seems to be enough evidence as to whether or not the victim was behaving violently or "posing a threat".  Soon enough, the incident in Ferguson won't be uncommon.  These cops--the corrupt, twisted, "push your buttons" assholes--are gonna step on the toes of the wrong family.  I'm tired of seeing this shit in the news.  Men and women being killed.  CHILDREN being killed.  Shit is ridiculous.

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How come arresting someone instead of shooting them is so friggin' hard?! This has been happening again and again! Oh well, the death cycle is just going to continue until certain cops realize it's actually a bad thing to pull out the gun whenever somebody commits a crime. 

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How come arresting someone instead of shooting them is so friggin' hard?! This has been happening again and again! Oh well, the death cycle is just going to continue until certain cops realize it's actually a bad thing to pull out the gun whenever somebody commits a crime. 


We don't know the entire story.  We probably never will.  But as long as a police officer says, "I felt threatened," they can pretty much pull the trigger.

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So, just based on the nature of the people who tend to gravitate towards this work, it'll be very, very difficult to stamp out this sort of problem. So, I was trying to think of different solutions to this problem.


I was thinking, why not give police some very, VERY high-quality full-suit body armor, and remove any lethal weapons from their possession? Of course, this can't be done in EVERY situation the police come across, but hear me out.


There is one reason why the police claim this sort of lethal force happens: the officer felt threatened. But if you're equipped in a suit of armor that not fists, nor bats, nor knives can affect, with only larger-than-average caliber ammunition being able to penetrate, this solves many of the problems. An officer would never need to feel threatened just because of how tough their suit is. As such, if they did use excessive force in such situations, it'd be easy to convict said officer. At the same time, if the suspect used enough force to harm or kill the officer regardless of having the suit or not, than the suspect is easily at fault.


Now the only problem is trying to create a suit of armor capable of this. And then price, of course.

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So, just based on the nature of the people who tend to gravitate towards this work, it'll be very, very difficult to stamp out this sort of problem. So, I was trying to think of different solutions to this problem.


I was thinking, why not give police some very, VERY high-quality full-suit body armor, and remove any lethal weapons from their possession? Of course, this can't be done in EVERY situation the police come across, but hear me out.


There is one reason why the police claim this sort of lethal force happens: the officer felt threatened. But if you're equipped in a suit of armor that not fists, nor bats, nor knives can affect, with only larger-than-average caliber ammunition being able to penetrate, this solves many of the problems. An officer would never need to feel threatened just because of how tough their suit is. As such, if they did use excessive force in such situations, it'd be easy to convict said officer. At the same time, if the suspect used enough force to harm or kill the officer regardless of having the suit or not, than the suspect is easily at fault.


Now the only problem is trying to create a suit of armor capable of this. And then price, of course.

As neat as the idea of indestructible peace-keeping super cops is, it doesn't sound very practical, if possible at all.  If technology like that existed, we would probably have seen by now to some extent. 


Also, you have to take into account the fact that lethal weapons aren't just for police to protect themselves, and most average citizens don't have space marine armor.  The point of using guns isn't necessarily to kill assailants, it's to stop them.  It just so happens that lethal force is the single most effective and consistent way of stopping them.  


Basically, if some psycho was on some killing spree, I'd imagine it'd be a hell of a lot easier to evade cops if they didn't have guns. 

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As neat as the idea of indestructible peace-keeping super cops is, it doesn't sound very practical, if possible at all.  If technology like that existed, we would probably have seen by now to some extent. 


I'm sure it's possible, and to be fair, you'd be surprised. I sort of imagine it being like that image that shows a bunch of scientists saying "We have renewable energy whenever you're ready" or something.


Also, you have to take into account the fact that (1)lethal weapons aren't just for police to protect themselves, and most average citizens don't have space marine armor.  (2)The point of using guns isn't necessarily to kill assailants, it's to stop them.  It just so happens that lethal force is the single most effective and consistent way of stopping them.  

(1). Of course. Also, what's the point in saying that average citizens don't have space marine armor? If you took it that I was saying "make this technology available for public consumption," you're mistaken.


(2). Like I said in my post, this solution wouldn't be the end-all be-all solution. However, where most of the recent outrage is coming from is NOT from guys with guns, or killers, or murderers. It's people (usually) resisting and cops overreacting/going full-on viciously psycho. We just need to remove the fear from the cops, and they won't NEED to feel they have to go psycho. On that same notion, there are plenty of OTHER ways to stop assailants, and if you're equipped with armor that can protect you from most of what the general public has available, then your options become a lot more open in that regard.


Basically, if some psycho was on some killing spree, I'd imagine it'd be a hell of a lot easier to evade cops if they didn't have guns. 

What are you even saying here. Seriously, I'm just confused. Are you saying that the psychos could get a hold of this armor and use it to go on killing sprees? Are you saying that, in response TO this armor, psychos just stop using guns?



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What are you even saying here. Seriously, I'm just confused. Are you saying that the psychos could get a hold of this armor and use it to go on killing sprees? Are you saying that, in response TO this armor, psychos just stop using guns?



I'm saying that if all cops had was armor you could run away. 

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I'm saying that if all cops had was armor you could run away. 

I'm sure they could, and I'll be the first to admit that cops would probably take a hit in mobility from such armor, but that doesn't mean that it'd be easy to just prance away, tossing daisies. For one, the ideal type of armor would probably be something similar to the Lorica suit that the UWM are currently testing, so you wouldn't lose much mobility in the first place. Second, the hard part of catching criminals is FINDING them. If you suddenly know the location of said criminal, you'd be able to use helicopters to track them, police cruisers to keep up, and dogs to take down. Even the officers on the ground would be able to use non-lethal means such as beanbag rounds or any matter of device that we could create.


Can you imagine? The reason why we're still using guns in such a way is because they're incredibly effective. But if we didn't NEED the stopping power or fear factor of a gun to safeguard the life of the officer, just think. Beanbag rounds aside, we could even create a taser system that works kinda like a BGM-71 TOW missile does; long range, guided by a wire. The possibilities suddenly become endless.

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