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hi my zombie deck


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my deck in my mind


Il blud

3ryu kokki

3zombie master

3pyramid turtle

2goblin zombie

2armageddon knight

mystic tomato

snipe hunter

spirit reaper

2giant rat


card trooper

morphin jar

NS grand mole

2cyber dragon



spells 15

3book of life

3card of safe return

monster reborn



lightning vortex

heavy storm

2creature swap

swords of revealing light

brain control




traps 5

mirror force

torrential trbute

2dark bribe



total 45

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You have the basic stuff, but it needs a lot more work.


The monster line-up is technically perfect, but you have too much stuff. Tomatoes and Armageddon Knight can disappear. Having one more Rat won't hurt.


Spells. Always play with three CoSR. Have some more Lightning Vortex if you can. Shield Crush isn't needed.


The trap line-up is bad though. Zombies have no synergy with Torrential Tribute. Both Dark Bribe and Solemn aren't needed, but you can sidedeck the latter. Phoenix Wing Wind Blast is recommended in this deck.

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