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Abaddon's Reign (Different Dimension Demons Deck)


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As always, CnC is appreciated. The deck works out great for the most part, but I feel that it could still use some work to make it much better. Shout out to UnendingEmpire for introducing me to this archetype, it's quickly become one of my favorite archetype in regards to art and playstyle!


Fun fact: Abaddon (name meaning "destroyer" or "devourer") is a Biblical demon/angel of destruction and plague. It's also the name I chose to give an OC of mine, who is a demonic being that takes over other realms from time to time and resides in one central dark realm called Sheol.

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How is it testing the main isue I have in my ddd deck is draw power I run 3 reckless greed it speeds up the deck. I run odd-eyes to get kepler as fast as posible. Solemn is a big no try bottomless instead.


The deck has tested well in many duels and I usually find myself with Kepler or another way to get him in hand early on. I've tested the deck with Odd-Eyes before, but it never really did me much good honestly. If anything it just took up deck space and made the deck slower (though it could be that I just didn't know what to take out to actually fit him in properly).


Draw power is also a bit of an issue for me. I tried running Upstart Goblin, but one card isn't enough sometimes. If I try out Reckless Greed, what cards should be taken out?


Oh, another issue I've had is being overpowered or stalled by monsters summoned in response to my monsters. Covenant with the Valkyrie is useful in increasing their attacks to put them on par or above enemy monsters, as well as destroying them, but the attack boost only lasts during their turn. I need a more reliable and surefire way of taking care of them before they have enough time to screw me over. My monsters getting destroyed by cards like Raigeki, Dark Hole, and Exciton is also a problem, but I suppose this one might not be able to be helped.


^ tl;dr: Spamming the field with monsters early on is great, but they are still vulnerable to mass destruction and being overpowered. Help.

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