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[MtG] [DTK] Daily Spoilers 11/03/15

Flame Dragon

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Mana rocks seems set at 3 mana now. I like these since late game they are better than drawing a random card like the other rocks we got in Dragon's Maze and Khans.


Colorless Dragon seems meh. It might have worked at common since a colorless 4/4 flier for 6 doesn't seem that bad with all the flying in the set.


Duress is Duress


Tapestry and Custodian seem bad. Tapestry is slow and big ground guys don't seem good in a world of flying creatures. 


New Surrak seems like he'll get into standard at some point.

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Thoughtseize, duress and despise in standard? They are trying really hard to make waste not good.


The mana rocks are boring, they couldn't give them a keyword ability? It's just copy and pasted cards.


Surrak is legit, he can come out on t3 with a mana dork and will probably trigger his own formidable. A hasty 5/4 is scary.


Also, Witness of the ages was pimped by Silumgar. He's the most gansta dragon on Tarkir.

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First, I would like to mention I love stuff like the Monuments.
Where they are similar things and connected, despite the color differences.
My favorite cards used to be the "Seal of" cards because of the similar flavor texts/idea.

Anyway, they look good to me, pretty useful. Plus awesome art.
However the fact that it's just generic 4/4 is kinda....dissapointing

The Scion...um....bland. But Dragon Spirit, could be neat.

Oh look, Duress is back, yay.

Tapestry...decent? Eh seems too slow and doesn't do much. Drawing is nice, but the mana you tie up in order to draw (2+ whatever the spell costs) means you could likely need to wait to play it.

I guess the Custodian can be okay with the um...already forgot the name of the Green Enchantment. But the tapping seems like a pointless nerf...when it's not that great to begin with.

Surrak seems really good. 5/4 for 4 is strong, plus...well basically even if he's the only creature you have, as long as you play a creature with 3+ power it will have Haste, awesome.

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