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mind helping out an old villain?

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Oh yeah, this could use a lot of work.

3 Beiige. With Gates active, it becomes a 1900 beater, and it can be special summoned by discarding it to the graveyard. Good for summoning extra monsters for more damage, and especially for some Rank 4 plays.

3 Broww. Discarding him with Gates or with DW Dealings let's you draw an additional card via his effect. Also very useful for Rank 3 plays with Tour Guide from the Underworld.

2-3 Tour Guide from the Underworld. Rank 3 plays as mentioned before. She can also be used to get out an extra DW monster to send back to the hand for Grapha's summon.

3 Trance Archfiend. It has decent attack once you use its effect (which will then trigger a DW effect). When it is destroyed, you get to return a banished level 4 or lower monster to your hand, banishing being something you do a lot with Gates.

2-3 Goldd/Silvva. Both have the same attack and are pretty much just going to be used for their attack, so either one is fine I think.

I think that the only drawing cards you should run are 3 copies of DW Dealings. You can already draw cards with Broww's and Gates' effects, so make some room for general useful techs such as Raigeki and Snatch Steal. Deck Devastation Virus might be risky to use since a lot of monsters get their effects from being sent to the grave, but you can keep it in the side if you want.

Solemn Warning, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Bottomless Trap Hole are all good trap cards you should run to mess up your opponent's plays and keep their field open for attacks. Since you're running Skill Drain, Mirror Force is suggested as well.

Extra Deck options:

Leviair the Sea Dragon
Leviathan Dragon
Ghost Rick Alucard
Shadow Lich
Giga - Brilliant
Nightmare Shark
Castel, the Winged Sky blaster
Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon
Gagaga Cowboy

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Yeah, this could use with a lot of work, but a lot of what Krein suggested is wrong. You need MORE draw power. Dark World uses Reckless Greed better than most decks, since the good amount of draw power you already have means you have a good chance of drawing into multiple copies, and the draw phase skip isn't going to damage you as much.

Also, Goldd and Sillva aren't good. They are used solely as mediocre beatsticks and they are a hindrance to the deck's consistency since they can't be Normal Summoned. 3 Trance is overkill. I personally would only play 1, but its preference I suppose.

The Traps mentioned are underwhelming in the meta now. Dark World has the ability to use Skill Drain and Mind Crush really well, so max those out. They should be your only defensive Traps, along with Emptiness in the Side.


I threw together this build to get you going in the right direction. Not perfect, but a significant improvement:



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