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What do you mean Spaceships aren't cool anymore?! [Gradius Deck]


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[spoiler=Deck List]
3x DUCKER (for recycling ships and honest)
3x Falchionβ (also for recycling)
2x Honest (do you need a reason???)
3x Jade Knight (a searcher and Trap destruction immunity? Heck yeah!)

3x Lord British Space Fighter (Multi-attacking is fun, also set card destruction is great)

3x Victory Viper XX03 (Token generation is great, ATK bonus also great, and Also gets rid of pesky continuous things)


3x Creature Swap (this + Jade Knight = Great combo)

3x Gravity Blaster (eff negation and 400 ATK every turn ain't bad)

2x Hidden Armory (gotta get those Equips to hand somehow, plus it can mill a ship for β to ss)

2x MST (see "Honest")

Raigeki (see MST)

Snatch Steal (I'm just gonna stop giving reasons for obvious cards)

3x United We Stand (works great with viper 'cause tokens Gain ATK too!)




2x Ojama Trio (makes for easy prey for ships and clogs field)

3x Rising Energy (a quick 1500 Boost in Damage Calc at the cost of a ship from hand is pretty good)

Torrential Tribute (Jade Knight protects most ships from this card so woohoo, trap Raigeki!)


3x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

Diagusto Emeral (for recycling DUCKERS and others)

2x Gagaga Cowboy (good for finishing and stalling)

3x Gear Gigant X (searches ships and has pretty good ATK)



2x Blackship of Corn

2x Starliege Paladynamo (Makes monsters easy prey for ships, also draws after destruction)



So waddaya think? Improvements? Duel offers? All CnC is appreciated~

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IMO, you should play Cyber Dragon Core/Repair Plant here.
Repair can search LIGHT Machines, you know...

True, true, but Core itself isn't all that useful here. Sure, it can set up a repair plant really fast, but that's about it. I guess I could side it along with some other useful LIGHT Machines, but really there isn't anything useful without more cybers, at least the way I see it.

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