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Zombie Dragon Dinosaur Deck~


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[spoiler=How it works]


It works with 2 engines.


One is the Dinosaurs, which consist on:

Fossil Dig can go for 3 choices.


-Frostosaurus: 2600 ATK beater that goes past Special Summon locks at times, is a Fusion Material (First of the Dragons), and is also a way to escape Acid Golem if I make it (lol Tribute Summons).

-Black Brachio: ok ATK, Lavalval Chain fodder if needed, Redox fodder, and can destroy some big monsters with low DEF (which happens).

-Carbonnedon: Engine that tutors the Tuners and helps in Xyzs, Synchros, Tribute Summon, and Fusion Summon. Plus the Redox discard.


The other engine is the Zombies, which is basically about searching Mezukis and reviving Despair from the Dark. They have a Tuner, but it is mostly just a Foolish Burial Level 4 for that Scrap Dragon and whatnot.

Despair is a nice 3k wall, a good 2800 ATK beater, and it just comes back so easily. Also makes Rank 8 possible and Level 10 Synchros.


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One of the common plays is to shield myself with Carbonnedon as an opening move, get it destroyed, and then Normal a Goblin Zombie and Synchro with the searched vanilla. Essentially my Goblin Zombie becomes a Goyo/Catastor and I get a Mezuki searched out.

Lavalval Chain can pretty much Special Summon Despair from the Deck.


Seiyaryu is there as a classic and manly Tribute Summon boss (pink Dragons). It can be Summoned from the deck with Carbonnedon, and then it becomes a Tribute Summoned Frostosaurus, a Scrap Dragon, or Blue-Eyed Silver Dragon (which will revive it again next turn), or even a Dracossack (w/Redox) depending on what you have at the moment. Also it has an ok-ish 2300 DEF, but it can be a beater unlike Hyozanryu.


The deck has a few generic nuke cards, un-banish effects, and cheap RUM (AKA 4500 "negate everything" beater out of pure luck can never hurt). Thosre are pretty self explanatory.


Polymerization goes for First of the Dragons or Dragonecro depending on the situation.





IDK.... It is a fun thing to try if anyone is bored and wants to try something unusual. It took me a few hours on one weekend afernoon to come up with this thing while sorting through my cards IRL xD


Also, comments, suggestions, etc, welcome.

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Thats weird, why dont you run rescue rabbit instead?


Just like Armz said. It is a little inconsistent with only 2 different targets. Especially when one of the main engines of the deck is all about searching them out from the Deck to the field. By the time Rescue Rabbit is drawn, it'll most likely be a dead draw.


Also, Despair from the Dark essentially doesn't have a usable effect, but the stats are not to be underestimated with how easy it is to drop. Otherwise Mezuki wouldn't have much of a presence at all, only reviving materials for Extra Deck Summons would just mitigate some cost.


I know it sounds pretty unconventional though xD

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You know, for an idea, and if your willing to move this from IRL to be more TCG/OCG/whatever, you could do something like swap Despair from the Dark, Seiyaru(w/e), and Gold Sarcoph for a 2nd Frostsaurus and 2 Sudden Guys.


Actually, Unexpected Guy sounds pretty great for this. I gotta incorporate it into this deck somehow.

It is funny how on first glance, Gold Sarc is actually the one I'd let go of the most easily out of those 3 xD

but I'll experiment without each of them and see what I can get out of it.

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