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Card Maker (trivial suggestions)

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I noticed the comments regarding the absence of the member in charge of the Card Maker's coding and all. I just want to suggest a few changes now otherwise I will forget them. My suggestions are in order to bring a bit more freedom in custom cards.


1. No attribute. An option to not have an attribute appear at all. Some might want to add a new attribute (like lightning) so having that appear as the 8th option in the attributes would come in handy.

2. Card-type text. Since you have the "Type section" already I would prefer if the card type and the brackets were gone altogether. We can always add them manually when typing. This would allow people to do some fun things with it. (like using the ritual card to make the Obelisk god without having to find a way to remove the "/Ritual" part.)

3. Dash in "Set ID". In cases where we don't want to put any ID there there is always a dash. If you could change it to a single field where we can type the whole thing, including the dash ourselves I thing it would be nicer and more good looking. Because, especially in Normal, Synchro and Effect, the dash is quite visible there.

4. Template color. Allowing the change of the card's color using the HEX coding (#000000 for black). This would allow us to create Tokens, Egyptian gods and even entirely new types of cards. This is probably the toughest one so don't mind it if it can't be done.


This is some things I thought about. If someone has thought and suggested these before I apologize. I assure that this repeat is purely coincidental, as I didn't have the patience to go through all other threads to make sure no one else said these before.



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Keep in mind that the cardmaker is designed on the basis you're making regular cards (as in using stuff that exists in the game)


1. You can just scratch it off in GIMP/PS. Or you can right-click for a full image code, and delete the Attribute part in there; then save.


2. No one really makes God cards with their original coloring.


3. Suppose that one's feasible, though most people usually have an ID code in there, even if random stuff.


4. Just keep in mind that the cardmaker's templates were designed by Zextra; meaning that they're already preset.



For custom subtypes and stuff, there are other programs for that.

Or you can just rip parts from the existing template and combine them.

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2. No one really makes God cards with their original coloring.

3. Suppose that one's feasible, though most people usually have an ID code in there, even if random stuff.


2.We should be able to because those cards do exist officially.

3.Still not everyone uses ID and being forced to put an ID there simply to avoid the dash being there is a bit wierd. Or having to edit every single card you make to erase that dash.

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Just as a sidenote, you can already make God cards using the existing Effect Monster template. (Just put Divine-Beast in the type box)

Provided you balance them properly, they can stay in Casual. (That's why I moved them out of Experimental)


Remember that I'm one of the Custom Card moderators, so my word in that section is essentially law.



As for "vaniila" Gods like the original three; you can already do that but basically the standard yellow one.

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