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[Archtype] Skilled Soul


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[spoiler=Monsters (7)]

[spoiler=Daskillit the Soul Bearer]


text: Once, you can Equip 1 Spell Card from your hand to this card (its effects are negated): Special Summon 1 "Skill" monster from your Deck other than "Daskillit the Soul Bearer". This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

If this card is Banished: You can Shuffle this card into your Deck, also Gain 500 Life points.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Skilled Breaker Daksoulet]


Text: Equip Spells equipped to this card cannot be targeted by card effects.

If this card destroys a monster by battle while it isn't equipped with a Spell Card: Equip a Equip Spell Card from your Deck to this card. This card can only have "Skill Equipped" Spell Cards Equipped to it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Twisted Soul Skillenos]


Text: Once per turn, if this card is not equipped with a Spell Card: You can target 1 Spell/Trap card your opponent controls: Equip that target to this card as a Equip Spell Card (Face-Up), its effects are negated and it cannot be used as an XYZ Material.

While this card is equipped with a Spell Card, it gains 200 ATK/DEF.[/spoiler]
Extra Deck Monsters
[spoiler=Asoulart Carrier of Skill]
Text: 2 Level 4 "Soul" monsters that are also "Skill" cards.
If this card is summoned: This card can only be targeted by "Skill Equipped" cards.
You can XYZ summon this card using 2 Equip Spell Cards you control.
Once per turn, you can detach 1 XYZ Material from this card: Add 1 Equip Spell from your Deck to your Hand.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Barthenus Skilled Soul Stealer]


Text: 3 level 4 monsters

You can also XYZ summon this card using 3 "Skill Equipped" cards you control.
Once per turn, If this card is Equipped with a Equip Spell, If this card destroys an opponents monster by battle: Attach that monster to this card as a XYZ Material.
Once per turn, during either players turn you can detach 1 XYZ Material from this card: Add 1 "Skill" Card that is also a "Soul" card from your deck to your hand, then if that card was a "Skill Equipped" Equip Spell, you can equip it to this monster.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Haeskill Soul of Regret]
Text: 2 Level 4 monsters
You can also XYZ summon this card using 3 "Skill Equipped" Cards you control.
Once per turn, During either players turn, you can banish 1 card from your hand or field; Equip a "Skill Equipped" Equip Spell card from your Deck to this card.
If this card attacks or is attacked you can detach 1 XYZ Material from this card: Increase this cards Original ATK OR DEF by 100 for each Equip Spell on the field.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Soul of Shining Skills]
Text: 2 "Soul" Cards that are also "Skill" Cards.
You can Detach 2 XYZ Materials from this card and Target 1 Level 4 monster in your Banish Pile: Shuffle that card into your Deck, then until your next Standby Phase "Skill Equipped" cards that would be Banished are sent to the Graveyard instead.

During your End Phase: Attach 1 card in your Banish Pile to this card.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Equip Spells (9)]
[Spoiler=Skill Equipped: Blackening Soul]
Text: Other monsters cannot declare an attack the turn the equipped monster attacks.
If the equipped monster declares an attack or is declared an attack target: Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Drain Soul]
Text: The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle, also, each time it declares an attack, increase it's Original ATK/DEF by 200, also, decrease the ATK/DEF of the attack target by 300.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the field; You can attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Enlightend Soul]
Text: This card is unaffected by other card effects that do not target this 1 card. If the equipped monster declares an attack or is declared an attack target: The equipped monster is unaffected by other card effects until the end of the Damage Step.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Ethereal Soul]
Text: If the equipped monster declares an attack, you can destroy this card: Banish the attack target.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Soul Focus]
Text: You can only control 1 "Skill Equipped: Soul Focus"
If this card is equipped to an XYZ Monster, your opponent cannot target other monsters you control for card effects.
If this card is equipped to a non-XYZ Monster, your opponent cannot target other "Skill Equipped" cards you control for card effects.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Soul Flair]
Text: If the equipped monster attacks: You can target 1 Spell/Trap card your opponent controls: Destroy that target.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Soul Shell]
Text: When this card is activated and during your Standby Phase, apply one of the following effects until your next Standby Phase:
-The Equipped monster is unaffected by Monster effects, other than its own.
-The Equipped monster is unaffected by other Spell Card effects.
-The Equipped monster is unaffected by Trap Card effects.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Soul Shield]
Text: If the equipped monster is targeted for an effect: You can gain 100 Life points and if you do, the equipped monster is unaffected by that effect.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skill Equipped: Soul Summoning]
Text: If the equipped monster declares an attack or is declared an attack target: You can equip a monster you control with a "Skill Equipped" Equip Spell in your Deck.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard from the Field; You can Attach this card to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Spells/Traps (3)]
[spoiler=Skilled Soul: Skill Defined]
Text: Once per Turn, during each players Standby Phase activate 1 of the following effects (This is not optional):
- Attach a Equip Spell card from your Graveyard to a XYZ monster you control as a XYZ Material, but when it is sent to the Graveyard it is shuffled into the Deck.
- Discard 1 "Skill" card that is also a "Soul" card: Add 1 card of the same type (Monster/Spell/Trap) from your Deck to your Hand, and if you do, Shuffle this card into your Deck.
- Shuffle this card into your deck: Add 1 "Skill" card that is also a "Soul" card from your Deck to your Hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Encaged Soul: Broken Skill]
Text: Activate only when a target Monster on the field activates it's effect: Equip this card to that target as an Equip Spell.
The Equipped Monster is unaffected by effects other then Equip Spell Card effects, also its effects are negated.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Soul Equipped: Skill of Ignite]
Text: Activate only when a target monster you control is targeted for an effect: Equip this card to that target as an Equip Spell.
The equipped monster gains 500 Original ATK/DEF.
If the equipped monster is destroyed by your opponents card (either by battle or by card effect): Inflict 1000 Damage to your opponent.
If this card is sent to the Graveyard or Banished; You can Shuffle this card into your Deck.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Edit log]
- Added "Skill Equipped: Blackening Soul"
- Changed "Skill Equipped: Soul Ignite" to be like Broken Skill, it has moved sections, and is also now called "Soul Equipped: Skill of Ignite"
- Balance changes to "Asoulart Carrier of Skill", "Skill Equipped: Drain Soul", "Skill Equipped: Enlightend Soul", "Skill Equipped: Ethereal Soul", "Skill Equipped: Soul Focus", and "Skill Equipped: Soul Shell". See each card for changes, some have been changed more then others.
- Left out some newer members due to lack of testing & size of current update.
- Noticed that "Soul of Shining Skills" was never put into the thread. Have fixed this.
- Edited "Skilled Soul: Skill Defined" to be a little clearer and changed it, so that it isn't always just used as a search card.
- Nerfed "Skill Equiped: Drain Soul" to have less of a de-buff, the total change of 900 was way too strong.
- Removed bad ruling that opponent kept S/T on "Twisted Soul Skillenous", but put on that it couldn't be used as XYZ mat. This is to make it not need that ruling.
- Added in the previously made, but not made public cards "Daskillit the Soul Bearer", "Skill Equipped: Soul Focus", "Skill Equipped: Soul Shell" & "Encaged Soul: Broken Skill".
- Edited "Barthenus Skilled Soul Stealer", "Skill Equipped: Drain Soul", "Skill Equipped: Soul Ignite" & "Skill Equipped: Soul Summoning" as I intended to post-Deckswap-tournament.
- Left out some untested new members.
- Lowered "Barthenus Skilled Soul Stealer"'s ATK
- Changed "Twisted Soul Skillenos" to make XYZ summoning "Asoulart Carrier of Skill" harder.
- Nerfed "Skill Equipped: Drain Soul" to only change ATK/DEF when attacking.
- Added "Asoulart Carrier of Skill"
- Added "Haeskill Soul of Regret"
- Added "Skill Equipped: Ethereal Soul"
- Added "Skilled Breaker Daksoulet"
- Balanced ATK/DEF values for "Twisted Soul Skillenos", also fixed an ocg issue
- Made "Skill Equipped: Drain Soul" more potent and made it give battle immunity
- Gave "Skill Equipped: Enlightend Soul" self-protection, did nothing about it's situational nature
- Tried Fixing "Skilled Soul: Skill Defined"s picture, didn't work, added short-term fix pic[/spoiler]
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While I said Skillenos was ok earlier today, in retrospect, I think it has a little too many advantages over Breaker/Lyla. Basically, this is NDR, reaches a whopping 2100 ATK, and is searchable by RotA. Breaker, meanwhile, reaches 1900 ATK and can be used multiple times (but only in Spellcounter.dek). Lyla has 1700, a milling effect that may or may not be useful depending on the Deck, and has to go into Defense Goblin-style to use it. Breaker and Lyla aren't really bad, imo, so a powercreeped version of them probably should not happen. Besides, it's a 2100-ATK MST that's searchable by RotA. As in, it's huge, it's easily searchable, and it nets you card advantage right out of the gates.




And, as I mentioned earlier, Drain Soul is easily outclassed by even some of the old Equip spells. At first, it basically boosts by 600 if you add the buff and debuff together. However, unless you're attacking with Marshmallon, a Hand or something, only the buff is going to matter in the long run. The first battle gives 600, and it takes three battles before this finally breaks even with Axe of Despair. Given the rate of removal, that's not going to happen very often. You're not going to have this match United We Stand unless you only have one monster. In order to prevent this from being outclassed by those cards, you need to either boost its potency even more (it'll still be worse than United We Stand unless it becomes overpowered, pretty much) or if this does something else that the other Equips can't. Running cards for the sake of extra damage or climbing over one opponents' monster's stats is often inferior to running cards that actually help you win. Sure, there are times when Axe enables you to run over your opponent's boss, but why do that when you could instead kill the boss outright? This is why some of the other Equips you made here are better than the likes of Axe and even United We Stand.


Enlightened Soul might be a little too situational, but I'm not sure. I already mentioned that Soul Ignite has Decoy Dragon Clause; if your opponent knows what's going to happen, then why would they attack it (unless they have enough ATK to run it over anyways). It's not that bad of a card though, as the fake 2k extra ATK turns your monster into a pseudo-Marshmallon in that the opponent will be forced to use an effect to remove it. But then again, effect removal is commonplace, nobody really runs Marshmallon, and this play costs an extra card.


Soul Shield might be a little too good, but then again, there was that one Trap that prevented targeting for a turn and everyone said that was fine. Like Soul Ignite, the 100 Life Point gain has Decoy Dragon Syndrome written all over it, not to mention it probably won't even make a difference 99% of the time.

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Bump: some edits made, added what will probably be the last main deck monster.


Edit: After dueling with myself in which one player brought out a Bart early, the other player was unable to cope with his ability to put drain soul and a soul shield on itself, as such I am lowering his starting ATK so that he should be easier to kill in his early stages.

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Lllllets get ready for Opinions!!! "Ya'll ready for this?!"

Again, that's what they are, and that's how I like them. So, I'll help you out by providing some balancing, OCG, and design tips for each card. I'll label them as follows: Card Name (Balance: ---, OCG: ---, Mechanic: ---): Insert sentences here. I'll keep things short and clean for ya, so here we go! *Rings bell*


Main Deck Monsters:

  • Daskillit the Soul Bearer (Balance: Meh, OCG: Meh, Mechanic: Good). Having the ability to SS from deck, retaining the effs of the monster being SSed, and having practically no downside or cost is pretty good. I harken back to NK's, which even though Medraut was a really insane card, required a clear board state to abuse, so there was some limitations on it. Also, the OCG is confusing, since the condition to activate the eff is equipping, which could be worded differently (EX: "When this card is equipped with an Equip Spell: You can Special Summon 1 "Skill" monster from your Deck, other than "Daskillit the Soul Bearer"). Definitely needs more balancing; it is very easy to abuse. Also the name "Daskillit" just sounds hilarious; like a slang MCDonald's breakfast menu choice.
  • Skilled Breaker Daksoulet (Balance: Good, OCG: Meh, Mechanic: Meh). While it's not a huge issue, I don't like the idea of being able to equip ANY Equip Spell from your Deck to that card; could be mechanically confusing. Perhaps only Equip Spells that are valid targets for the card? Or archetype-specific cards? Also, for some reason, you love to break apart sentences, which is understandable, but also confusing since it's not like Konami OCG.
  • Twisted Soul Skillenos (Balance: Meh, OCG: Decent, Mechanic: Good). The deck could use some more problem card removal, and having it combo off from Daskillit is a nice plus. The only issue is that once each turn, you can consistently absorb Spell/Trap cards, without restriction. It makes it an 1850 beater w/ free Spell/Trap removal. Perhaps if it had another condition, like it only being able to have one equip at a time, or if it was only on Special Summoning.

Extra Deck:

  • Asoulart Carrier of Skill (Balance: Meh, OCG: Meh, Mechanic: Bad). This one confuses me... a lot. So you can just use up your equips for a free Xyz, then search another equip for no reason? And it can't be targeted by effs? That's kinda stupid, considering you can add some of the equips that prevent targeting in the first place, and it's super splashable (*cough* Noble Knights *cough*). Perhaps that clause should be re-considered. Also, why do you mention that they have to be "soul" monsters while also being "skill" cards? Wouldn't it just be easier to write "2 Lvl. 4 "Soul" monsters"? I'm pretty sure there aren't that many "Soul" archetypes that can abuse it.
  • Barthenus Skilled Soul Stealer (Balance: Bad, OCG: Good, Mechanic: Good). I like this card, since it removes a lot of the problems Asoulart had... with a huge exception... It can search during either player's turn for any Skilled Soul card in your Deck?! It's a speed 2 eff that searches... which by the mechanic of the deck, means you can continue adding Xyz Materials to it, beefing it up, and allowing it to search more! That's pretty insane, also considering it can be Xyz Summoned for free w/ Equips. Perhaps if it was a Once per Turn eff that added from grave instead?
  • Haeskill Soul of Regret (Balance: Good, OCG: Good, Mechanic: Good). While this card is by far the most balanced and potentially well designed Xyz yet, it is not nearly as good of a card to use. The other Xyz's are so powerful, that this otherwise decent card is kicked to the curb and left to rot. But, perhaps with a re-tooling of the other cards, it can shine.
  • Soul of Shining Skills (Balance: ?, OCG: Meh, Mechanics: ?). So... what does this card do for the deck? Perhaps I'm lost on the equip spell's mechanics, but... what does this card do for the deck again? It recycles a monster, then prevents banishing of the equips... I guess. Don't the equips already have a mechanic to get around this?

Equip Spells:

  • Skill Equipped: Drain Soul (Balance: Good, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Well, this seems like a staple Equip, so not much to comment on about the eff. The OCG could be re-worded heavily. For example: "If this card is Banished or sent from the Field to the Graveyard: You can Target 1 Xyz Monster you control; attach this card as an Xyz Material, otherwise, You can Shuffle this card into the Deck."
  • Skill Equipped: Enlightened Soul (Balance: Good, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Read the above post, pretty much sums up my opinions on this one.
  • Skill Equipped: Ethereal Soul (Balance: Good, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Same. Although, the destruction of the "Skill" card that is also a "Soul" card (seriously, why have that clause?) should be considered cost (;) instead of condition (:).
  • Skill Equipped: Soul Focus (Balance: Meh, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). It does enough protecting the Xyz's (any Xyz) from Targeting, it doesn't need to protect other equips, that's kinda overkill. For everything else, Same.
  • Skill Equipped: Soul Flair (Balance: Meh, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). I guess it's balanced, albeit fairly annoying. So long as it targets, I suppose its fine. Although it should be Once per Turn, incase its equipped to a multi-attack monster.
  • Skill Equipped: Soul Ignite (Balance: Very Bad, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Bad). First off, this card screams overkill. You already have a card in your equip lineup that does something mechanically similar, but far more fair. The ability to increase by 2000 each time the monster is attacked can be pretty nutty, especially in combination with some of these other Xyz's you have that can equip during either player's turn. On top of this, it also banishes if the monster is removed?! That's kinda stupid. I don't like this card's design, and even if you can argue that it's balanced cause its only an opponent's atk declaration, I still don't find it an appealing card. Perhaps something to protect against card effs instead?
  • Skill Equipped: Soul Shell (Balance: Meh, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Kinda a heavy cost to keep anti-targeting protection, huh? well I suppose destruction is a huge issue for this deck, I don't know if it's enough to run this card for it. 1500 lifepoints each end phase is kinda a  nutty cost.
  • Skill Equipped: Soul Shield (Balance: Very Bad, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Why are there a lot of cards that keep overlapping? Also, this eff is straight up broken. Just being unaffected by anything that targets and also being splashable into any deck is just stupid. This card doesn't need to exist, you already have other equips that do the same thing, albeit not as good, but this is just flat out broken.
  • Skill Equipped: Soul Summoning (Balanced: Very Good, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). I love this idea. It is not only a way to start up the engine, but it also has lots of steps that can be responded to by your opponent. Perhaps you could focus on this aspect of the engine more than the Xyz searching?

Overall: I like the idea of this deck, but the execution needs work. I'm not really sure where the design of this engine starts and begins. A lot of your equips overlap and are either significantly worse or significantly broken at the ends of each spectrum. The monsters vary wildly as well, and don't have a lot of cohesion. Is it the Xyz engine that is emphasized? Recycling resources? Xyz Summons from Equips? More emphasis on the significant mechanics of the decks should be noted, and, a consistent design for all the monsters should also be considered, if you decide to make more of them. But hey, enjoyed the artwork and concept, so keep it up! Again, criticism and opinions here, nothing set and stone. If you disagree, then by all means. Take care, and best of luck!


1... 2... 3... 10... He's Down! *Rings bell twice*

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Wow, a large post there and I thank you for it (+1 likes to you).

Keep in mind that Skilled Soul is meant to be more of a tech then a stand-alone deck so while the main deck monsters will be coming from the point of them just being used, the XYZ's are the "core" of the monsters and are more for giving better access to skilled soul within a deck that may have little focus on them or have no main deck skilled soul monsters.

So now for my reply...



Main Deck Monsters:


  • Daskillit the Soul Bearer (Balance: Meh, OCG: Meh, Mechanic: Good). Also, the OCG is confusing, since the condition to activate the eff is equipping, which could be worded differently (EX: "When this card is equipped with an Equip Spell: You can Special Summon 1 "Skill" monster from your Deck, other than "Daskillit the Soul Bearer"). Definitely needs more balancing; it is very easy to abuse. Also the name "Daskillit" just sounds hilarious; like a slang MCDonald's breakfast menu choice.


Daskillit is similar to Summoner Monk, being it's base of the card. It equips 1 Spell from your hand to it (even a non-equip) and as such negates that cards effect (for simplicity) and stops what is likely the bigger monster from atking. I can agree with you that the balance of the card may be a bit off, but I don't believe it needs to change atm. If you have a OCG fix that doesn't change the cost of the effect, I would love to hear it.



  • Skilled Breaker Daksoulet (Balance: Good, OCG: Meh, Mechanic: Meh). While it's not a huge issue, I don't like the idea of being able to equip ANY Equip Spell from your Deck to that card; could be mechanically confusing. Perhaps only Equip Spells that are valid targets for the card? Or archetype-specific cards? Also, for some reason, you love to break apart sentences, which is understandable, but also confusing since it's not like Konami OCG.


Breaker can only have Skilled Soul equips equipped to it (last line of text), if the equip isn't a valid target: equipping it would be an illegal move.

I do love breaking apart sentences, I feel it makes things clearer and helps separate effects. I don't think I'm going to fully mimic Konami in this ever.


  • Twisted Soul Skillenos (Balance: Meh, OCG: Decent, Mechanic: Good). The deck could use some more problem card removal, and having it combo off from Daskillit is a nice plus. The only issue is that once each turn, you can consistently absorb Spell/Trap cards, without restriction. It makes it an 1850 beater w/ free Spell/Trap removal. Perhaps if it had another condition, like it only being able to have one equip at a time, or if it was only on Special Summoning.


That opt requires there to be nothing already equipped to it: this means the first card will stop others from being equipped. Without a way to remove that equip, it cannot be used more then once while on the field.




Extra Deck:

  • Asoulart Carrier of Skill (Balance: Meh, OCG: Meh, Mechanic: Bad). This one confuses me... a lot. So you can just use up your equips for a free Xyz, then search another equip for no reason? And it can't be targeted by effs? That's kinda stupid, considering you can add some of the equips that prevent targeting in the first place, and it's super splashable (*cough* Noble Knights *cough*). Perhaps that clause should be re-considered. Also, why do you mention that they have to be "soul" monsters while also being "skill" cards? Wouldn't it just be easier to write "2 Lvl. 4 "Soul" monsters"? I'm pretty sure there aren't that many "Soul" archetypes that can abuse it.


Asoulart's whole point is to get equips from the Deck to the hand. No XYZ is a +0 on the turn it is summoned using equips.

There is only 1 equip that "stops" targeting the equiped monster, Ignite only dissuades things that would destroy and focus would need something else to be there to provide any anti-targeting for XYZ monsters.

Soul and Skill contrition on Asoul is there for the convention, the condition is on the archetype to prevent any sort of abuse with Soul/Skill Drain (mainly) and anything I don't know about.



  • Barthenus Skilled Soul Stealer (Balance: Bad, OCG: Good, Mechanic: Good). I like this card, since it removes a lot of the problems Asoulart had... with a huge exception... It can search during either player's turn for any Skilled Soul card in your Deck?! It's a speed 2 eff that searches... which by the mechanic of the deck, means you can continue adding Xyz Materials to it, beefing it up, and allowing it to search more! That's pretty insane, also considering it can be Xyz Summoned for free w/ Equips. Perhaps if it was a Once per Turn eff that added from grave instead?


Granted, I haven't used Bart much in it's current form, however it isn't a free XYZ summon, the XYZ mats need to die to have then attach to it and skilled soul equips NEVER stay in the grave or banish pile unless in extreme circumstances.




  • Haeskill Soul of Regret (Balance: Good, OCG: Good, Mechanic: Good). While this card is by far the most balanced and potentially well designed Xyz yet, it is not nearly as good of a card to use. The other Xyz's are so powerful, that this otherwise decent card is kicked to the curb and left to rot. But, perhaps with a re-tooling of the other cards, it can shine.


Haeskill is the easiest to summon with monsters, Bart needs 3 and Asoulart and Shining need archetype monsters.




  • Soul of Shining Skills (Balance: ?, OCG: Meh, Mechanics: ?). So... what does this card do for the deck? Perhaps I'm lost on the equip spell's mechanics, but... what does this card do for the deck again? It recycles a monster, then prevents banishing of the equips... I guess. Don't the equips already have a mechanic to get around this?


Shining allows for better use in Banish Decks, it sends a banished monster back to the deck and allows the equips to use their best float, whereas otherwise they would only return to the deck.

[/spoiler][spoiler=Equip Spells]



Equip Spells:

  • Skill Equipped: Drain Soul (Balance: Good, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Well, this seems like a staple Equip, so not much to comment on about the eff. The OCG could be re-worded heavily. For example: "If this card is Banished or sent from the Field to the Graveyard: You can Target 1 Xyz Monster you control; attach this card as an Xyz Material, otherwise, You can Shuffle this card into the Deck."


The floats are separated for a VERY good reason. for example, for the ocg "fix" you gave, ANY time your xyz detached an equip while say macro or similar effect was out, it would immediately re-attach to a xyz monster you control. As the floats are now, it must be sent from field to grave to attach, but if it's sent to grave or banished in any other way it can be shuffled into the deck.

The way these equips float is a core mechanic for the set and so a lot of thought should be put into any sort of changes that you would suggest for it (including into abuse-ability).




  • Skill Equipped: Ethereal Soul (Balance: Good, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Same. Although, the destruction of the "Skill" card that is also a "Soul" card (seriously, why have that clause?) should be considered cost (;) instead of condition (:).


Skill Soul condition was addressed in Asoulart's part. (mainly prevent abuse cases).

I quite often get my ;'s and :'s the wrong way around. Don't care enough to change this.




  • Skill Equipped: Soul Focus (Balance: Meh, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). It does enough protecting the Xyz's (any Xyz) from Targeting, it doesn't need to protect other equips, that's kinda overkill. For everything else, Same.


it protects other xyz's from targeting, this I don't see as all that useful. it protects other equips because the equips are very vulnerable and it fits flavour.




  • Skill Equipped: Soul Ignite (Balance: Very Bad, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Bad). First off, this card screams overkill. You already have a card in your equip lineup that does something mechanically similar, but far more fair. The ability to increase by 2000 each time the monster is attacked can be pretty nutty, especially in combination with some of these other Xyz's you have that can equip during either player's turn. On top of this, it also banishes if the monster is removed?! That's kinda stupid. I don't like this card's design, and even if you can argue that it's balanced cause its only an opponent's atk declaration, I still don't find it an appealing card. Perhaps something to protect against card effs instead?


Ignite is a card that only dissuades action against the monster, don't have much to say on the card as I don't commonly use it.

Protecting against effects is covered by Shell and Shield for non-targeting and targeting respectively.




  • Skill Equipped: Soul Shell (Balance: Meh, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Kinda a heavy cost to keep anti-targeting protection, huh? well I suppose destruction is a huge issue for this deck, I don't know if it's enough to run this card for it. 1500 lifepoints each end phase is kinda a  nutty cost.


It's a heavy cost to keep both Targeting and non-targeting protection on the one monster, which is entirely the point of that.

Shell doesn't specificity protect against destruction, it protects against any non-targeting effect other then equip spell effects.




  • Skill Equipped: Soul Shield (Balance: Very Bad, OCG: Bad, Mechanics: Good). Why are there a lot of cards that keep overlapping? Also, this eff is straight up broken. Just being unaffected by anything that targets and also being splashable into any deck is just stupid. This card doesn't need to exist, you already have other equips that do the same thing, albeit not as good, but this is just flat out broken.


Shield doesn't overlap, it fits into a specific purpose. I believe our opinions differ greatly on this cards balance and due to the degree I don't believe I could remedy that.[/spoiler]

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Bump: Update has been made.




- Added "Skill Equipped: Blackening Soul"
- Changed "Skill Equipped: Soul Ignite" to be like Broken Skill, it has moved sections, and is also now called "Soul Equipped: Skill of Ignite"
- Balance changes to "Asoulart Carrier of Skill", "Skill Equipped: Drain Soul", "Skill Equipped: Enlightend Soul", "Skill Equipped: Ethereal Soul", "Skill Equipped: Soul Focus", and "Skill Equipped: Soul Shell". See each card for changes, some have been changed more then others.
- Left out some newer members due to lack of testing & size of current update.


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