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The dress is blue and black


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You dont need a "clear idea". Just compare a picture on your webcam taken with lights on vs during the day normally.



The best examples I could get for my personal examples. The first was taken with a high quality camera under ideal conditions and shows my skin tone proper. Second is the best possible picture I could take with my webcam. Neither had any real shadows IRL. High flash + naturally bright room + a wide variety of other factors... even if people are trying to be stupid, its not outside the realm of possibility.

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I giggled like a maniac when I saw this.


Every picture seems to switch what color it is and I'm too paranoid to accept magic; dammit Photoshop, I blame you.


I thought it was white and gold at first sight, but yeah, Agro's right. It's a shitty photo. The store site doesn't even have a white-gold color option for that dress, so it's confirmed that the dress is blue and black.


Case closed.

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