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The dress is blue and black


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The more I look, the more I can see lighter/white spots...this is amazing stuff.


Also my new theory, based on things I heard from a friend, is that more artistic people who are used to dealing with shadows and shading, see white.

While those less used to it, are tricked by the lighting and see blue.


I'd like more artistic people to come forward with what they see to check this theory out. :D

No offense intended to those who see blue, seeing as I'm one of them. XD

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Basically the process I was going to do had this proven to be more than a bunch of people trying to annoy each other.


I see white and gold, but color sampling clearly dictates otherwise. And my eyes also see in different shades each (a rare form of Exotrpia) so it shifts based on what eye I'm looking at, but with the clear oversaturation... its oddly more than a little up for debate.


If you want to see a common thing like this in action, color sample anything by Blizzard. They pull off this kind of stuff all the time. It also happens with webcams a lot because of how they detect and show color/lighting.

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