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Just Crouton

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So you know: There's lot of swearing and blood and stuff.




This is a dark n' edgy fanfilm.


And, this is the censored version.


There's been controversy about this lately from Saban.


Oddly, this film is as over-the-top silly as the source material.

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For years I've been saying that if we westernized Power Rangers properly. Full rework, same base idea, appropriate budget for a western series* that we'd have something that would be glorious. We stand here today knowing that someone else has had that vision and brought it to life. It is amazing.


*: Dont even lie. Western shows cost a lot to make when they have the chance.

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For years I've been saying that if we westernized Power Rangers properly. Full rework, same base idea, appropriate budget for a western series* that we'd have something that would be glorious. We stand here today knowing that someone else has had that vision and brought it to life. It is amazing.


*: Dont even lie. Western shows cost a lot to make when they have the chance.


Two people, actually. There's also the MMPR fanseries that will come out soon. Maybe even 3 if that Zordon prequel I heard of a while back happened.

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