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Mega Watapon


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Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. If you control a face-up "Watapon" monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can only Special Summon "Mega Watapon" once per turn. Once per turn: You can add 1 "Watapon" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Mega Watapon".

Currently making a Watapon Archetype, and this will be one of the Boss-y monsters.
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Since only the original Watapon exists, I'll have to grade this based on that fact. 

Then again, given this lacks any form of restriction; you can hypothetically summon normal Watapon, SS this, search another Mega, SS again. 


Would recommend you either put a summoning lock on multiple copies OR make its searching a hard OPT. 



Of course, this is subject to change with whatever other members that come out. 

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Since only the original Watapon exists, I'll have to grade this based on that fact. 

Then again, given this lacks any form of restriction; you can hypothetically summon normal Watapon, SS this, search another Mega, SS again. 


Would recommend you either put a summoning lock on multiple copies OR make its searching a hard OPT. 



Of course, this is subject to change with whatever other members that come out. 


It can't search another mega. 


This card is actually pretty dang balanced, to be totally honest. Allows you to play a 2-mat rank 1 (Shyneet Magician is usually preferred) if you have this in hand and can search for a Watapon. Doesn't even use up the normal summon for the turn. Pretty cool, to be honest. Having enough ATK to get over a Midrash is a nice touch, as it means you can search and summon Watapon in M2 after destroying the El-Shaddoll by battle.

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