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Scrap Factory Turbo

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After seeing some of Black's threads in this section (deck features, including full archetype explanations), and I thought that it would be fun to do the same for Scraps. I am not going to be arrogant and say that my build is completely optimized, but I think I am pretty dang close. Anyway, on to the deck.


[spoiler=Deck Image]




[spoiler=Deck List, featuring card explanations]

Main Deck

x2 Beautunaful Princess This adds more consistency to the optimal turn 1 play, which is activating Scrap Factory with a face-up Scrap Shark, which allows you to send a tuner with Shark's effect, then summon a Scrap Golem from deck with Scrap Factory's effect, then summoning the sent tuner and playing a Synchro without losing any card advantage.

x1 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders Redox allows for incredibly explosive plays, discarding it and another EARTH monster (as a small note, every Scrap monster is EARTH attribute) for a Monster Reborn-esque effect. This can serve a variety of functions, from reviving a previously destroyed Synchro monster to push for game, to bringing back a Scrap Golem to synchro summon even more monsters. Additionally, it can be used to summon itself with either of its effects, and can be used in combination with Scrap Goblin to summon Leo, Keeper of the Sacred Tree, or with Scrap Beast/Orthros to summon Star Eater.

x3 Scrap Beast This is the deck's optimal tuner, and can be revived with Scrap Chimera's effect to summon Scrap Dragon, or with Scrap Golem's effect to summon Scrap Twin Dragon. In most cases, this is the first card to send from your deck to the graveyard by whatever effect you choose to use. 

x3 Scrap Chimera This card was much more powerful before Scrap Factory shifted the focus of the deck, but is still very efficient, allowing a Scrap Dragon to be summoned off of a normal summon if Scrap Beast is present in the graveyard. Additionally, this card allows for easy Rank 4 plays, working around the synchro limitation on the card. Considering the available toolbox that now exists for Rank 4, this is a common play. 

x1 Scrap Goblin Scrap Goblin is quite powerful in its own right, unable to be destroyed by battle, and fetching a Scrap monster from the grave if it is attacked while in face-up defense position. Being a level 3, it can be used to give Scrap Golem access to Scrap Dragon, which is more powerful the Twin Dragon if the opponent only controls 1 card to remove. Even so, it is best off as a 1-of to be tossed to the graveyard after the first Scrap Beast, and pulled up however if needed.

x3 Scrap Golem With a Wolfbark-like effect, Scrap Golem is a major powerhouse in the deck, made into an MVP with the release of Scrap Factory. The best number of Golems to be used is debatable, swinging between 2 and 3 copies. 2 copies reduces the chances of it clogging, as it is quite often a dead draw, but running 3 allows for more Factory plays to happen without summoning Emeral, so it is really up to the user.

x3 Scrap Orthros Scrap Factory makes this card considerably better than before, as it can be used to trigger the Factory easily, while also puling a monster back to the hand from grave (or shuffling a used Synchro back into extra deck). It is important to keep in mind that Scrap Orthros can only be summoned by its own effect, so it cannot be abused with Chimera or Golem.

x3 Scrap Shark With a self-destruction effect that can be triggered by literally anything, Scrap Shark holds many powerful plays with Scrap Factory, and is the single best use of a normal summon on one's first turn. As a small note, if Scrap Factory is face-up on the field, Shark has enough ATK to destroy Midrash by battle.

x1 Foolish Burial Considering that the majority of a Scrap deck's plays revolve around special summoning monster from the graveyard, Foolish Burial increases consistency as well as speed.

x2 Mystical Space Typhoon This deck dies to a well-timed Vanity's Emptiness, and it does so HARD. MST is one of the fastest answers to Vanity's, and also can be used to disrupt scales against Pendulum-based decks. Worst-case scenario, it can be set and used as fodder for a Scrap or Scrap Twin Dragon, though destroying non-monsters tends to be suboptimal.

x1 One for One The only target for One for One in this deck is Beautunaful Princess, but this still allows for incredibly powerful plays, as the standard turn 1 Scrap Twin can then be pulled off without using up one's normal summon, which could potentially be used on a Scrap Chimera to summon yet another synchro the same turn. Alternatively, a Scrap Twin Dragon could be summoned, its effect coul be used to bounce 2 opponent's cards, then you could tribute summon a Scrap Golem from hand, using the Twin Dragon. Golem could turn into a Cloudcastle, which would then revive Scrap Twin Dragon. Twin Dragon's effect could then be used once again, and then, if the opponent still has cards somehow, Enterblathnir could be Xyz summoned to banish something. Tl;dr, One for One is incredible.

x3 Scrap Factory As Black put it a long time ago, Scrap Factory is a card that turns all of the Scraps' fair effects into unfair effects. It works similarly to a Divine Wind, except this can summon any level, and is easy to set off during the opponent's turn. The ATK boost is more relevant than it would appear, both allowing Scrap monsters to push over opponent's field, and assisting in OTKs.

x3 Scrapstorm Included at three because it allows Scrap Factory to be triggered more often. A Scrap Beast on the field can be targeted by Scrapstorm, resulting with a Chimera in hand, Beast in grave, and a card drawn. Chaining this to Castel is a legitimate play, allowing you to trigger Scrap Factory while also sending a card from deck to grave, and drawing a card.

x1 Snatch Steal It is at one, I am gonna run the fuck out of it. It has a few additional uses in Scrap decks, such as providing a tribute to summon Golem, or turning an opponent's monster into fodder for one of the two Dragons.

x1 Soul Charge Using Soul Charge to special summon one or more Scrap Golems allows for insane plusses for the turn. The anti-battle phase clause prevents it from just giving away OTKs out of nowhere, but it is still absurdly powerful.

x3 Supply Squad Even having one Supply Squad out speeds the deck up considerably, turning the deck's basic function into card advantage. Controlling multiple copies is nothing short of degenerate.

x2 Terraforming One could make an argument to run 3 of this, just to make a turn 1 factory happen more often, but running as many of a searcher as the card it searches for is practically asking for a dead card, in my personal opinion.

x2 Call of the Haunted Because of the fact that COTH does not go to the grave when the summoned monster is used as synchro material, using COTH to summon a used Golem, then summoning a Dragon off of said Golem provides the Dragon with one free fodder. Requires a turn to set it, but still very powerful. When Scrap Factory is online, this can be chained to a blind MST targeting it to summon a Scrap monster from the deck.

x2 Vanity's Emptiness This is an extremely powerful card, and not running it is asking to be stomped. My build only has 2 in the main deck, due to space concerns, but a third is rarely a bad idea, especially considering how easy it is for Scraps to remove their own Vanity's.


Extra Deck

[glow=Black]x1 Cloudcastle[/glow] This card can be used to special summon a Scrap Twin Dragon from the grave, and then can be used as fuel for the Twin Dragon's effect, or the two monsters can be used as materials to summon Enterblathnir.

[glow=Black]x1 Leo, Keeper of the Sacred Tree[/glow] Summonable using Redox, and a decent enough beater at that.

[glow=Black]x3 Scrap Dragon[/glow] One of the deck's two bosses, Scrap Dragon is, in most cases, much less powerful than Scrap Twin Dragon, but it still can remove an opponent's card while setting off your own effects, so it is very good. However, one could almost certainly cut one either to add a generic level 8 synchro, or increase the rank 4 toolbox. Really a matter of preference.

[glow=Black]x3 Scrap Twin Dragon[/glow] In a meta with more than plenty floaters, it is extremely powerful, simply clearing out the opponent's field for the team to go through.

[glow=black]x1 Star Eater[/glow] It is a huge-ass dragon that doesn't about anything. Sold?

[glow=Yellow]x1 Abyss Dweller[/glow] This card is extremely powerful against Shaddolls, as well as Burning Abyss, and has utility against Nekroz. Wonderful staple rank 4.

[glow=yellow]x1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer[/glow] Incredibly powerful removal off of a generic rank 4, while also serving as a slow Book of Moon. Rank 4 staple.

[glow=yellow]x1 Daigusto Emeral[/glow] Scraps are a deck that can fill their grave very quickly, so the ability to mini-avarice repeatedly is powerful, especially when it puts Golem back in deck to keep Factory live.

[glow=yellow]x1 Lavalval Chain[/glow] Being able to foolish burial off of a rank 4 is very useful, and, in a pinch, can guarantee a Scrap Chimera Draw.

[glow=yellow]x1 Number 103: Ragnazero[/glow] Able to hit numerous monsters that are common in the meta, it also has a respectable ATK value to attack with.

[glow=yellow]x1 Phantom Fortress Enterblathnir[/glow] To be honest, this isn't the best card, but summoning it off of a Cloudcastle and Scrap Twin Dragon is a really fun trick, and banishing card from hand, field, and grave is quite powerful.


Side Deck

x3 Shared Ride Powerful in the Nekroz matchup and is easy to use as a 1-card filter against both Qliphorts and Satellars.

x1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus Brought in against Nekroz, it has the potential to mess them up. Against HEROs, it completely ruins them.

x3 Light-Imprisoning Mirror Can singly win the Tellar matchup.

x3 Mistake The only cards in my build Mistake hits are the two Terraforming. It is an incredibly easy side.

x3 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Screws up Shaddolls .

x1 Vanity's Emptiness Brought in pretty much whenever possible.

[glow=yellow]x1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon[/glow] Brought in along with EEV, so that it can be activated.



[spoiler=Unused Cards from Archetype]

[glow=black]Atomic Scrap Dragon[/glow] If the summoning requirement did not include 2 non-tuners, I would include this card in place of Leo. Unfortunately, it is unsummonable, and I am not going to work hard to play such an underwhelming boss.

[glow=black]Scrap Archfiend[/glow] This card really does have its merits, as it is playable off of Scrap Chimera>Scrap Goblin, but currently, it does not do enough to be worth the slot. If I had more room, I would include it as well as Dracossack, so as to be Xyz summoned along with Redox. This is not an uncommon inclusion in Scrap decks, and is really a matter of preference. If you can find the room, go for it.

Scrap Breaker Theoretically speaking, this card really isn't that bad. With Scrap Factory out and a tuner in grave, this can be summoned and then destroy itself to summon Scrap Golem from the deck. Unfortunately, that is a lot of ifs, and this card needs to jump through too many hoops to do much good. Combined with its awkward level, this card is best left outside of one's deck.

Scrap Crash In a deck that is as heavily reliant on continuous and field spells as it is, a Heavy Storm effect hurts more than it helps. Even in old Geartown-based builds, the activation condition was too awkward for this card to be useful.

Scrap Hunter This card is really close to being really good. If it could destroy itself, it would act as a less awkward Scrap Shark, in its synergy with Scrap Factory. As-is, however, the card is a waste of a normal summon.

Scrap Kong Effectively speaking, this is the normal summon version of Scrap Orthros. The primary issue is in fact that it is reliant on normal summon. It is far too slow, and does not have Orthros's added versatility of both being a tuner and being able to destroy other Scrap monsters.

Scrap Lube The in-archetype premature burial was screwed from two different angles. By stopping the effect, it prevents absurdly cool Scrap Golem plays, and by preventing the battle phase, it stops it from assisting OTKs. On the bright side, Scrap monster effects trigger in grae, so those will still work.

Scrap Mind Reader One could make an argument of using this as a one-of to be milled by various effects, so as to give access to T.G. Hyper Librarian, but I feel that for Librarian, the better tuner is Glow-up Bulb, as it does not have the Main Phase 2 restriction.

Scrap Rage The effect is about half-decent, but having a Scrap monster in defense position that won't just blow itself up anyway isn't really a common enough thing for this to be considered.

Scrap Searcher This card can actually be used as a half-decent one-of. In the typical Shark>Factory>Golem play, this could be milled instead of a tuner, and Golem's effect could be used to summon this to the opponent's side of the field, destroying all of their monsters. The problem with this idea is that this monster would be one of the deadest draws ever.

Scrap Sheen I am gonna be honest, this card actually has a lot of potential. Some Factory>Orthros plays leave a leftover monster, and in a pinch, this could help pull out an OTK. Also, it is quick-play, so it can be used in the damage step after your opponent attacks to destroy their monster by battle unexpectedly. Of course, in both of these cases the card is quite gimmicky, but I would not be totally beyond considering it in the future if the meta changes significantly, or more support is released.

Scrap Soldier Considering that it can only be used to synchro summon scrap monsters, it is a little silly that there is really no upside to this card, aside from giving Scrap Chimera access to Scrap Twin Dragon.

Scrap Worm The gimmick is fun, but the deck really has no use for a level 2 tuner.

Scrapyard This card can search any tuner, at no further cost. The real issue is that the only Scrap tuner you want to have in hand is Orthros, and running more than effectively 3 Orthros is just asking to clog.



So, yeah. This post ought to have all the information necessary for one to build a Scrap deck, and know how to pilot it well enough to pull wins you don't deserve on DN. If anybody has any comments on the deck, or my explanations, I would love to hear them. Additionally, if there is anything else anybody would like to know about the archetype's playstyle, or the specific palystyle of my build, feel free to ask. This is a really fun archetype, and has some hilarious early plays. 

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