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Blaze Rod's Milk Shop


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First off I'm assuming the Azure Milk is from me. I want to know how.


Second why are the prices so high for milk. What sets them apart from the milk you can buy at supermarkets for £1 for 2 liters. The cheapest which doesn't cost is still four times the price for a undisclosed amount. While I don't care much for milk I do want to know how you are obtaining it. I might buy some if you explain the price system, how you obtain it and how much you get per serving.


1. Wrong name. Sorry.


2. The amount I give is 4 pints per purchase. The reason it is expensive is because these types of milk grant special experiences superior to that of regular milk. As well as that, it is difficult to obtain at times... if you get what I mean. In order to supply milk, well I can't tell you but it is efficient.



My milk is special, don't ask how.

But there's only two people who are allowed to have it. And neither of them are you guys. :T


Your milk is just regular milk. Trust me. I had cow's milk before.

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