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Fluffal Turbo [[Idea]]


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2x Edge Imp Chain

2x Edge Imp Sabres

2x Edge Imp Saw

1x Edge Imp Tomahawk

2x Fluffal Bear

1x Fluffal Cat

2x Fluffal Dog

2x Fluffal Owl

1x Fluffal Rabbit

3x Fluffal Sheep

1x Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

2x Tour Guide from the Underworld


1x Frightfur Factory

3x Frightfur Fusion

2x Hand Destruction

3x Polymerization

1x Raigeki

1x Snatch Steal

3x Toy Vendor


2x Frightfur Customization

3x Needlebug Nest


1x Frightfur Leo

1x Frightfur Sheep

2x Frightfur Tiger

2x Frightfur Wolf

1x Armored Kappa

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1x Daigusto Phoenix

2x Dante, Traveller of the Burning Abyss

1x Ghostrick Alucard

1x Mechquipped Angineer

1x Number 47: Nightmare Shark

1x Sky Cavalry Centaurea


 - This is an IDEA, this means I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS, if you wish to make your own versions, go ahead, I'm just tossing this around to bounce ideas off. This deck is also based on my near-zero knowledge of Fluffals in the first place, and kinda made it within 5 minutes. It is most likely not optimal, even by turbo standards.

 - The idea of the deck is to mill hard and mill fast, while conserving your Frightur Fusions for the final blow.

 - Toy Vender and Edge-Imp Chain both trigger off of Hand Destruction, and Vender triggers off of your mills

 - 2 Saws because it sets up Frightfur Fusion and helps dig for them at the same time

 - Main play is to Clear field, then Frightfur Fusion a Wolf for game.

 - Unsure about Frightfur Customization, if there is more generic mill cards that aren't Foolish or Needlebug (or lightsworns), please let me know, because this is mainly here in case you mill Chains and you need to search some Fusions.

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even in 'Tier 3', running Hand Destruction is begging to lose.

Raigeki's not good in this deck 9/10, MST is better for space.

Rabbit is normally a worse sheep and you should run another cat in its place

Why are you not running Fusion Recovery? (note to self, check if klav was running it)

Needlebug does... what?

Double Saw why

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I wasn't since I felt it might clog a bit too often with all the banishing going on, but I might be wrong.

Yes. Yes you are. You are so very wrong.

Ive tested this deck loads on DN against Zefra and other tier 3-ish decks, Fusion recovery makes OTK's really easy, also is banish-able by the factory to go for another fuse.

Its the same with fusion reserve.

I personally think you should be trying to OTK really quickly in fluffals right now, since they have gotten so much more consistent and faster that you can on average OTK T2/3.

Thats with my build anyways :/

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even in 'Tier 3', running Hand Destruction is begging to lose.

Raigeki's not good in this deck 9/10, MST is better for space.

Rabbit is normally a worse sheep and you should run another cat in its place

Why are you not running Fusion Recovery? (note to self, check if klav was running it)

Needlebug does... what?

Double Saw why


I feel as though you didn't read the OP.

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I read the OP, but I'm asking because nothing i asked was explained, except saw which wasn't even a legit question ._.

re-reading what you said....

Maybe you were a bit too direct?

In the OP dyson talked about it being a make-shift and fast-built deck, probably didnt appreciate someone being so direct about it.

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re-reading what you said....

Maybe you were a bit too direct?

In the OP dyson talked about it being a make-shift and fast-built deck, probably didnt appreciate someone being so direct about it.

Pretty much this


As for Hand Destruction, my idea of a turbo build, is to take risks in order to speed up the win-con that wouldn't happen at normal speeds. Hand Destruction is pretty much a free Frightfur Fusion search in conjunction with Chain. Saw was sorta a thing of the moment



Step 1: Fill Grave with as many Fluffals as you can while getting Frightfur Fusions into your hand (This is where Hand Destruction and Saw come into play)

Step 2: Frightfur Fusion into Tiger or Raigeki and clear field

Step 3: Frightfur Fusion Wolf for game


Yes, I know its gimmicky as all hell, probably inconsistent as all hell too, but thats what Turbo Builds are from my experience. If I'm wrong in this, please do correct me, as I don't want false definitions in my head.

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