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The Black History ~ Wings of Oblivion 「Infernoid Post-Tierra」

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God is angry at your doing and want to bring fire flood




















2x Infernoid Nehemoth

2x Infernoid Lilith

2x Infernoid Adramelech

3x Infernoid Vael

1x Infernoid Belphegor

1x Infernoid Asmodai

1x Infernoid Astaroth

2x Infernoid Lucifuge

2x Infernoid Beelzebub

1x Infernoid Shaitan

3x Infernoid Dekatron








1x One for One

1x Raigeki

1x Snatch Steal

2x Reasoning

3x Pot of Duality

3x Frozen Void

2x Void Dream

3x Void Seer

2x Mystical Space Typhoon








1x Void Launch

1x Rising Void






「Extra Deck」


3x Infernoid Tierra


1x Chaofeng, Illusion of the Yang Zing

1x Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing

1x Star Eater

1x Stardust Spark Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Formula Synchron


1x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav MAX

1x Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand

1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack

1x Castel, the Avian Skyblaster

1x Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss






Alright, I'm a bit sleepy now for proper explanation, but I think I'll address Duality and Dream first and foremost..


The consistency boost it gives for the deck is tremendous, and it helps you to get to your Dekatron, which IS the deck. Setting you back for a turn early game doesn't hurt that much unless you're facing OTK-happy strategies, and even if it's dead you can ditch it for Frozen Void.


Dream is too overrated. It's a horribly strong card when it goes off, but when it doesn't, it'll be right there haunting all your dead hands. It's not something to rely about, and tbh,there's times when I wanted to just ditch it, but it just wins you game when the second effect resolves. And lategame/if you've resolved Reasoning and get a lot of mileage from it, Dream really helps to make borderline impossible to answer boards. So yeah, I'm in a love-hate relationship to it.


Ignore the side for now. It's just made with today's TCG in mind, which obviously won't apply when CORE is released.

Deck still have a slow early game, but now you have far less barely playable/minus hands, and that's the most important thing. Overall, I liked the stability of the deck now.  


One last thing. 20 monsters because using more monsters gives you more brick hands, and using less means you'll run out of important ones faster. SImple as that. Might cut 1 Vael for another Astaroth later in the future.







"He reached out and ate from the tree of life, and now he may live forever.

Look, he has become as we are, one who knows of good and evil."


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Asmodai isn't even worth the name. Play 2 Astaroth.

Also I would say that Book of Moon is more valuable than 3 Void Seer.


Curious why only one Shaitan though.


Yeah, Asmodai was more me trying to look at whether being a 5 open up enough Xyz/Synchro play for me, but so far, it doesn't seem to be worth it indeed. I'll try cutting it for another Astaroth.


1 Shaitan is more due to most of what it answers being able to be handled by either Astaroth and Seer. Not really liking 2, and 1 worked well enough even if I open with it, since if you want to kill floodgates, you'll mill Astaroth anyway.


I fail to see how Formula Synchron is useful here.

It requires you to not use Dekatrons effect, which is quite possibly one of the worst things you can do in a deck that needs setup.


It's mainly for the times when Dream is up and Deka got negated. Ridiculously situational, yes. I'll probably change it into Moonlight Rose or Leo later.

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