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[FCBF] Gargantua Drill Breaker!


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"Breaking through the heavens with your mighty drill, Luminize! Gargantua Drill Breaker!"


Flag: Dragon World
Buddy: Crimson Battler, Drum Bunker Dragon

Size 3: 4
4 Drum Bunker Dragon "Dual Wield"

Size 2: 4
4 Crimson Battler, Drum Bunker Dragon

Size 1: 8
4 SD Drum
4 Crimson Battler, Spin Nail Dragon

Size 0: 8
4 Missile Bunker Dragon
4 Boomerang Dragon

Spell: 20
4 Blue Dragon Shield
4 Green Dragon Shield
2 Green Dragon Knights "Song of Ancient Lands"
2 Dragon Return System
2 Dragonic Charge
2 Dragonic Aura
2 Dragoenergy
2 Dragogenius

Item: 4
2 Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle
2 Sun Fist, Sunshine Impact

Impact: 2
2 Roaring Slash!! Gargantua Punisher!!

Edit: change some cards since the last post

- 4 Double Sword Dragon + 4 Crimson Battler, Spin Nail Dragon (6000 Power for a size 1 and has 2 Critical)
- 2 Dragonic Heal + 2 Dragonic Aura (Same as Dragonic Charge if you have an Item equipped and gain 1 life)

Note: translation for Crimson Warrior is now Crimson Battler based on the FCBF wiki

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You should be playing Crimson Drum and Dual Wield Drum. Crimson sets up a lot of soul for Super Armor in tandem with SD Drum.

Dual Wield allows you to get over gigantic problem monsters like Sieger. You don't need too many copies of it since it has no double attack, but it's a godsend to have just in case.

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You should be playing Crimson Drum and Dual Wield Drum. Crimson sets up a lot of soul for Super Armor in tandem with SD Drum.

Dual Wield allows you to get over gigantic problem monsters like Sieger. You don't need too many copies of it since it has no double attack, but it's a godsend to have just in case.

Crimson Warrior, Drum is basically the same as Drum Bunker Dragon with the differences of that Crimson Drum has 3000 less defence and only has Penetrate when you have a Fist Item equipped.

Drum Dual Wield was apart of the original deck idea but due to gauge cost it did seem iffy also Drum Breaker still has that 7000 power which match's dual seigers Defence which in the game if power and defence is equal the attack wins that battle.

In addition with Breaker being a size 2 it still allows you to set up a 4 attack formation.
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Thing is, it's vastly superior because of Penetrate. Especially when you want Dracoknuckle (or Sun Fist if you wanna play it) on. It trades less defense for a more pressure orientated charge in tandem with your Gauge ramping. With Dragon Shields, you don't have to fear much either. Bumping up Knuckle's number makes that more constant. Sun Fist too if you want to play it over Drum Sword.

Drum Breaker's 7000 can't get over Spartand's 8000 though. Much less a Tempest Enforcer if you have the chance to kill it. Dual Wield can be an immense help with the massive soul it can collect over SD Drum combos, making a boss with a large amount of Soulguard. Critical 4 Penetrate isn't a joke either.

Dual Wield being a Size 3 does hurt though. ... Could fix that with Dragon Ein, but I do not recommend that.

If you have Gauge problems, you could consider playing Missile Bunker, and others that assist.

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Thing is, it's vastly superior because of Penetrate. Especially when you want Dracoknuckle (or Sun Fist if you wanna play it) on. It trades less defense for a more pressure orientated charge in tandem with your Gauge ramping. With Dragon Shields, you don't have to fear much either. Bumping up Knuckle's number makes that more constant. Sun Fist too if you want to play it over Drum Sword.

Drum Breaker's 7000 can't get over Spartand's 8000 though. Much less a Tempest Enforcer if you have the chance to kill it. Dual Wield can be an immense help with the massive soul it can collect over SD Drum combos, making a boss with a large amount of Soulguard. Critical 4 Penetrate isn't a joke either.

Dual Wield being a Size 3 does hurt though. ... Could fix that with Dragon Ein, but I do not recommend that.

If you have Gauge problems, you could consider playing Missile Bunker, and others that assist.

Thanks for the advice and that is an idea to use Sunfist if I use Crimson Drum and Dual Weild

Plus with gauge I already run Missile, Dragon Return which I also run Boomerang to support

So for Changes:
- 4 Drum Breaker Dragon + 4 Drum Dual Weild
- 4 Drum Bunker Dragon (+ Buddy) + 4 Crimson Drum (+ New Buddy)
- 2 Drum Sword + 2 Sunfist
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Drop Dual Wield to 2-3. You don't want that many.

You... should probably keep regular Drum just to have more options available for SD Drum soulstacking combos.

This deck has a lot of spells over monsters. Didn't notice Return System or the size 0s though qq.

Am alright with 4 since other's will pretty much be Charge and Draw fodder.
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