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[[Jan2015 Competitive]] Rampaging Dyson Sphere


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3x Cyber Dragon

3x Cyber Dragon Core

3x Cyber Dragon Drei

3x Deep-Space Cruiser IX

3x Hyper Synchron

3x Solar Wind Jammer

3x Cyber Repair Plant

1x Foolish Burial

1x Galaxy Cyclone

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Overload Fusion

2x Power Bond

1x Raigeki

3x Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos

1x Snatch Steal

2x Tuning

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Fiendish Chain

1x Solemn Warning


1x Chimeratech Overdragon

2x Chimeratech Rampage Dragon

2x Cloudcastle

1x Giganticastle

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1x Cyber Dragon Infinity

1x Cyber Dragon Nova

2x Number 9: Dyson Sphere

2x Number C9: Chaos Dyson Sphere

1x Phantom Fortress Enterblathnir

1x Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh


 - This deck is significantly faster, and puts out more damage consistently than the Casual build. Also has more Synchro variety and has Fusions

 - Rampage Dragon is nuts. Needs nerf.


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>Calls deck competitive
>Deck's not following either TCG nor OCG

Nitpicking aside, I prefer Galaxy Soldier here more than SWJ, since it makes repair plant lives easier early on and you'd be able to summon it as long as you can feed it. Unless there's something I missed from SWJ. Don't forget that Soldier's Machine.

Trap lineup looks iffy tbh, but that's probably just me. Rather just go BTH over Solemn tbh.

Not sold on triple Quick Chaos, but since it's probably just you wanting to get it reliably enough, I guess it's fine.

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Solar Wind Jammer doesn't have a cost, and V used it, so that sorta pushes it ahead of Galaxy Soldier. Galaxy Soldier making Plant live earlier and easier is a very valid point however, especially since it also thins the deck in the process. I'd have to mix and match eventually, but I certainly wouldn't mind giving it a try.

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