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Fuck 'em.


I'm generally a calm person but I do get test anxiety. 


I'm freaking out about a Data Structs (c++ basically) midterm that I take tomorrow that's 40% of the fucking grade.


A paper test about programming makes no fucking sense at all. 


Anyway, discuss.  I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep. 

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If I have to be honest, cramming defeats the purposes of taking the class. You're taking it to learn, not get good grades. If you're not interested in the material, then at least take the time to understand it without having to shove it all in at the last minute. Just doesn't seem worth it.

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Depends on the exam.


I have a Calc 3 one this coming Thursday, based on vectors and polar coordinates.

In 2 weeks, I have a speech one and then one on programming in C.


I'm not looking forward to the C one; even if it's just general terms. (Though the professor wants us to write an output on paper of how program should work)

If it were a coding one, I would be royally pissed off.



Some exams are easy; others are difficult.


Luckily, they're all in the afternoon, so I have some time to sleep and study.

The ones that really irritate me are the ones that occur on same day as each other.

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One of the things I HATED about college was the weight tests get. I never felt that a single event in a class should not be worth 40% of your grade. One of the things I REALLY hated was when finals that weren't cumulative and didn't care about the earlier material were still worth more than the earlier tests. It just seemed so stupidly arbitrary.

My study plan was
1) Go over the material before going to bed
2) As I'm trying to fall asleep go over the stuff in my head
3) Study on the way to school (I had an hour commute so it was a good time to study)
4) Review the stuff I didn't remember as well on my trip to class during the time I have before I actually take the test

As I keep talking in the past tense I am thankfully done with my college education and unless I go for my masters won't have to deal with the fun that is tests. I loved learning stuff in school, hated the tests. Now I only need to figure out job stuff. Yay /sarcasm

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I no longer stress over exams. I have a "don't worry, it will be fine" attitude and that seems to work even if I haven't put in the work. I also tend to prefer doing exams than the rest of the stuff associated with learning. I don't turn up to many lectures and turn up to seminars having not done the preparation work, but I'm still on my target for this year. Also since I don't really like routine and my working schedule is very scattered and short-bursts, I can't stand deadlines.

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I really don't get stressed over exams. I have a good memory and I'm able to memorise basically all material needed with a decent amount of any sort of revision, be it organised or cramming the day before. To be honest, my least favourite thing about it is the exam itself because I really don't like being forced to sit down and be silent for so long, and I always feel relieved that it's over after an exam than anything. The only time I get stressed is on results day because everything keeps coming back to me and I remember all the bad bits of the exam.

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