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Caius the Shadow Monarch vs. Raiza the Storm Monarch

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Overall, I think Raiza is better...


Caius is mostly just a slightly upgraded Zaborg with a small mix of possible Thestalos burning. Removing a card from play isn't really that big in today's game and can actually help if you're up against certain (common) Decktypes. At the very least, it won't be that huge a deal and can be dealt with. 1000 damage by removing a DARK monster...DARK tends to thrive on being removed now and only 1000 damage isn't that big a deal anyways (at least until very late game)


Now Raiza can bounce any card to the top of the Deck. Not only does this (temporarily) remove the threat for the turn, but it also gives a little extra hurt on the opponent by forcing them to draw it next turn (assuming nothing makes them shuffle). Depending on the card, it can come close to skipping their Draw all together since they don't get anything new to help them. How much it can hurt can depend on the card bounced back. Like if you were to bounce back a Tribute monster or a Nomi or something. It also allows you to know what the opponent will end up drawing next turn and if it was something giving you trouble, you can better prepare for it since you know it'll probably come back. (Again, depending on the card.) These various combinations of hurt the opponent can get hit with coupled with being easy to Tribute Summon with 2400 ATK is why Raiza ended up restricted.


Spin > Remove

There's a reason why it got limited and not Caius...


Caius was taken into account when the list was made, but apperently logic wasn't -__-


Well, don't forget that Makyura the Destructor and Exchange of the Spirit were both already planned to be put on the upcoming lists when they came out, which was not that long...heck, it was only like...3 weeks or so with Makyura.


But there's also the sheer fact that Caius just isn't as powerful or opponent-screwing as Raiza is overall. It's just a removed-from-play version of Zaborg for any card with a possibility of 1000 damage if you remove a DARK monster.


And thus Raiza > Caius

Raiza was proven more of a problem via March 1st ban list


Gold Sarcophagus was restricted to 1 before anyone could even use it at a SJC. If Caius was a problem, it would be on today's list like Raiza is.


I believe Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys got restricted to 1 on the following list after its release.


Raiza won games and has the best effect of all monarchs. Bouncing back to the deck hurts more than RFG considering the mass amount of cards that let you bring RFG cards back thus not really being RFG. He's also the best looking Monarch of all the Monarchs.


i beleive raiza to be more superior than caius, why did they have to change his name??



1) bounces a card to the oponents top of deck

2) screws your opponent's next draw

3) gives you one more turn to like do things, cuz then your opponent is stuck like with the same card, and you get another chance at doing something or whatever



1) rfg and monster

2) if dark your opponent takes 1000


and thats all i can think of.. for these 2


And besides DDV, which can be used with a BUNCH of other DARK monsters as well plus the usual DARK monster support which is also commonplace, what else is there about it that isn't already well-known and can be done by other things in similar ways???


Raiza is simply much more hurtful in the longrun and its effect isn't nearly as commonly used or seen. Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Back to Square One, Winged Sage Falcos, Mystic Swordsman LV6 and such...and only PWWB being used besides Raiza.


Spin has been proven quite effective and Konami has finally realized it. Caius is just another Zaborg/Mobius except it sends the card to the 2nd graveyard. Big whoop IMO. The remove from play pile, the 2nd grave as I suggested, isn't as distant and out of reach as it used to be during the first few years the game was introduced. With all of the revival cards and recycling cards used specifically for the RFP pile, it's just another graveyard. In conclusion, we have Graveyard #1 and we have Graveyard #2.

Raiza has been out for not even a year yet and it got hit by the limit hammer. Zaborg and Mobius have been out for 4+ years and not once has seen list day. Depriving your opponent from hope that they would draw the card that they need/settingyour opponent back a turn is more times than not better than sending a card to the 2nd graveyard.


So I still stand by on wat I said, Raiza >>> Caius. And that Raiza being on the list is just icing on the cake, Caius can be the support platform. A monarch which "removes from play" I don't think will be as big as a problem as Raiza, therefore not deemed "list-able".


And yes, I may be a bad player for 6+ years. But bad players are entitled to have their opinions too don't they? It's just up to you if you choose to listen or ignore.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Overall' date=' I think Raiza is better...


Caius is mostly just a slightly upgraded Zaborg with a small mix of possible Thestalos burning. Removing a card from play isn't really that big in today's game and can actually help if you're up against certain (common) Decktypes. At the very least, it won't be that huge a deal and can be dealt with. 1000 damage by removing a DARK monster...DARK tends to thrive on being removed now and only 1000 damage isn't that big a deal anyways (at least until very late game)


Now Raiza can bounce any card to the top of the Deck. Not only does this (temporarily) remove the threat for the turn, but it also gives a little extra hurt on the opponent by forcing them to draw it next turn (assuming nothing makes them shuffle). Depending on the card, it can come close to skipping their Draw all together since they don't get anything new to help them. How much it can hurt can depend on the card bounced back. Like if you were to bounce back a Tribute monster or a Nomi or something. It also allows you to know what the opponent will end up drawing next turn and if it was something giving you trouble, you can better prepare for it since you know it'll probably come back. (Again, depending on the card.) These various combinations of hurt the opponent can get hit with coupled with being easy to Tribute Summon with 2400 ATK is why Raiza ended up restricted.


Spin > Remove

There's a reason why it got limited and not Caius...


Caius was taken into account when the list was made, but apperently logic wasn't -__-


Well, don't forget that Makyura the Destructor and Exchange of the Spirit were both already planned to be put on the upcoming lists when they came out, which was not that long...heck, it was only like...3 weeks or so with Makyura.


But there's also the sheer fact that Caius just isn't as powerful or opponent-screwing as Raiza is overall. It's just a removed-from-play version of Zaborg for any card with a possibility of 1000 damage if you remove a DARK monster.


And thus Raiza > Caius

Raiza was proven more of a problem via March 1st ban list


Gold Sarcophagus was restricted to 1 before anyone could even use it at a SJC. If Caius was a problem, it would be on today's list like Raiza is.


I believe Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys got restricted to 1 on the following list after its release.


Raiza won games and has the best effect of all monarchs. Bouncing back to the deck hurts more than RFG considering the mass amount of cards that let you bring RFG cards back thus not really being RFG. He's also the best looking Monarch of all the Monarchs.


i beleive raiza to be more superior than caius, why did they have to change his name??



1) bounces a card to the oponents top of deck

2) screws your opponent's next draw

3) gives you one more turn to like do things, cuz then your opponent is stuck like with the same card, and you get another chance at doing something or whatever



1) rfg and monster

2) if dark your opponent takes 1000


and thats all i can think of.. for these 2


And besides DDV, which can be used with a BUNCH of other DARK monsters as well plus the usual DARK monster support which is also commonplace, what else is there about it that isn't already well-known and can be done by other things in similar ways???


Raiza is simply much more hurtful in the longrun and its effect isn't nearly as commonly used or seen. Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Back to Square One, Winged Sage Falcos, Mystic Swordsman LV6 and such...and only PWWB being used besides Raiza.


Spin has been proven quite effective and Konami has finally realized it. Caius is just another Zaborg/Mobius except it sends the card to the 2nd graveyard. Big whoop IMO. The remove from play pile, the 2nd grave as I suggested, isn't as distant and out of reach as it used to be during the first few years the game was introduced. With all of the revival cards and recycling cards used specifically for the RFP pile, it's just another graveyard. In conclusion, we have Graveyard #1 and we have Graveyard #2.

Raiza has been out for not even a year yet and it got hit by the limit hammer. Zaborg and Mobius have been out for 4+ years and not once has seen list day. Depriving your opponent from hope that they would draw the card that they need/settingyour opponent back a turn is more times than not better than sending a card to the 2nd graveyard.


So I still stand by on wat I said, Raiza >>> Caius. And that Raiza being on the list is just icing on the cake, Caius can be the support platform. A monarch which "removes from play" I don't think will be as big as a problem as Raiza, therefore not deemed "list-able".


And yes, I may be a bad player for 6+ years. But bad players are entitled to have their opinions too don't they? It's just up to you if you choose to listen or ignore.



Where did you copypasta from? *goes to check the other topic*





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Overall' date=' I think Raiza is better...


Caius is mostly just a slightly upgraded Zaborg with a small mix of possible Thestalos burning. Removing a card from play isn't really that big in today's game and can actually help if you're up against certain (common) Decktypes. At the very least, it won't be that huge a deal and can be dealt with. 1000 damage by removing a DARK monster...DARK tends to thrive on being removed now and only 1000 damage isn't that big a deal anyways (at least until very late game)


Now Raiza can bounce any card to the top of the Deck. Not only does this (temporarily) remove the threat for the turn, but it also gives a little extra hurt on the opponent by forcing them to draw it next turn (assuming nothing makes them shuffle). Depending on the card, it can come close to skipping their Draw all together since they don't get anything new to help them. How much it can hurt can depend on the card bounced back. Like if you were to bounce back a Tribute monster or a Nomi or something. It also allows you to know what the opponent will end up drawing next turn and if it was something giving you trouble, you can better prepare for it since you know it'll probably come back. (Again, depending on the card.) These various combinations of hurt the opponent can get hit with coupled with being easy to Tribute Summon with 2400 ATK is why Raiza ended up restricted.


Spin > Remove

There's a reason why it got limited and not Caius...


Caius was taken into account when the list was made, but apperently logic wasn't -__-


Well, don't forget that Makyura the Destructor and Exchange of the Spirit were both already planned to be put on the upcoming lists when they came out, which was not that long...heck, it was only like...3 weeks or so with Makyura.


But there's also the sheer fact that Caius just isn't as powerful or opponent-screwing as Raiza is overall. It's just a removed-from-play version of Zaborg for any card with a possibility of 1000 damage if you remove a DARK monster.


And thus Raiza > Caius

Raiza was proven more of a problem via March 1st ban list


Gold Sarcophagus was restricted to 1 before anyone could even use it at a SJC. If Caius was a problem, it would be on today's list like Raiza is.


I believe Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys got restricted to 1 on the following list after its release.


Raiza won games and has the best effect of all monarchs. Bouncing back to the deck hurts more than RFG considering the mass amount of cards that let you bring RFG cards back thus not really being RFG. He's also the best looking Monarch of all the Monarchs.


i beleive raiza to be more superior than caius, why did they have to change his name??



1) bounces a card to the oponents top of deck

2) screws your opponent's next draw

3) gives you one more turn to like do things, cuz then your opponent is stuck like with the same card, and you get another chance at doing something or whatever



1) rfg and monster

2) if dark your opponent takes 1000


and thats all i can think of.. for these 2


And besides DDV, which can be used with a BUNCH of other DARK monsters as well plus the usual DARK monster support which is also commonplace, what else is there about it that isn't already well-known and can be done by other things in similar ways???


Raiza is simply much more hurtful in the longrun and its effect isn't nearly as commonly used or seen. Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Back to Square One, Winged Sage Falcos, Mystic Swordsman LV6 and such...and only PWWB being used besides Raiza.


Spin has been proven quite effective and Konami has finally realized it. Caius is just another Zaborg/Mobius except it sends the card to the 2nd graveyard. Big whoop IMO. The remove from play pile, the 2nd grave as I suggested, isn't as distant and out of reach as it used to be during the first few years the game was introduced. With all of the revival cards and recycling cards used specifically for the RFP pile, it's just another graveyard. In conclusion, we have Graveyard #1 and we have Graveyard #2.

Raiza has been out for not even a year yet and it got hit by the limit hammer. Zaborg and Mobius have been out for 4+ years and not once has seen list day. Depriving your opponent from hope that they would draw the card that they need/settingyour opponent back a turn is more times than not better than sending a card to the 2nd graveyard.


So I still stand by on wat I said, Raiza >>> Caius. And that Raiza being on the list is just icing on the cake, Caius can be the support platform. A monarch which "removes from play" I don't think will be as big as a problem as Raiza, therefore not deemed "list-able".


And yes, I may be a bad player for 6+ years. But bad players are entitled to have their opinions too don't they? It's just up to you if you choose to listen or ignore.



10/10 response.


Would read again.

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Raiza's effect is a thousand times more powerful
I don't prefer one or another.




K' date=' I admit my response was a little sketchy... I'm listening to metal right now and sometimes I trip over mah own words ><

It' like quality and quantity; Raiza's effect is better, but I can run 3 Caius.



Lulz @ using the banlist in reasoning.

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