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Counter Fairy deck


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I only play this deck on Over the Nexus (2011), because I don't have enough counter traps and also not good counter traps among my "real" cards:


Cards: 45




- Honest (2x)

- Splendid Venus

- Bountiful Artemis (3x)

- Meltiel, Sage of the Sky (3x)

- Tethys, Goddess of Light

- Van'Dalgyon, the dark Dragon Lord (x2)

- Zeradias, Herald of Heaven (x3)

- Plaguespreader Zombie (x2)




- A Sanctuary in the Sky (x3)

- Terraforming (x2) (optional)




- Negate Attack (x3)

- Solemn Warning

- Trap Jammer (x3)

- Dark Bribe (x3)

- Divine Wrath (x2)

- Drastic Drop Off (x3)

- Chivalry (x2)

- Divine Punishment (x3)



Aim is to have "A Sanctuary in the Sky" active on the field and at least 1 "Meltiel, Sage of the Sky". Monsters like "Splendid Venus" can avoid that your opponent could counter your counter traps with other counter traps, but even if he does that, your Meltiel will activate his effect to your benefit, namely, raising your life points and, if the Sanctuary is active, destroying a card of your opponent. The good thing is that counter traps work pretty fast, I was able to stop plenty of decks with such a deck. The bad thing is that you need 3 special cards at all costs: "A Sanctuary in the Sky", "Bountiful Artemis" and "Meltiel, Sage of the Sky". But when you have these cards on the field, this deck can barely be touched, because you will draw the necessary cards anyway and can cause trouble to your opponent with "Drastic Drop off" and "Negate Attack", while bountiful Artemis endowes you a card per counter and Meltiel will heal you + mince your opponent's field.


Only thing is that I didn't have the chance to test it on a XYZ-deck. So, what do you think, could such a deck handle these overwhelming creatures?

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Plaguespreader is useless here because you've honestly tossed it in for gits and shiggles.
Splendid Venus is useless.
You can play Summoner Monk here because it grabs Artemis and Meltiel.
Tethyis is useless because you usually want a lot of Fairys to make it more live- 17 is a lower number for what you want.
Vandal you could play in 3s, given the fact that you have have Dark Bribe/etc.

Drastic Drop Off doesn't realistically do anything. You could swap them with Upstart Goblins.
Negate Attack depends too much on 2 specific monsters here- Mirror Force/Dimensional Prison/etc work much better.
Even if you do decide to run Monk, this statement is still true^


Your running too much filler.

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