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Azure's AMA

Azure Wolf

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2. I RP occasionally when an RP catches my eye and I believe my interest will stay with it for a while. My favourite RP character would probably be a tie between Kohana Kuroda (YGO RP The LDS Life) and Azure Otuka (Pokémon, the Forbidden Star). Kohana because she was the first female character I felt comfortable writing and Azure because his goals are what I aim for. Like I said before most of my RP characters represent part of me so that's what makes them similar most of the time.


That is super interesting. I think I may have attempted playing a female character in the past, and a lot of people tell me it isn't a big deal, but I am entirely uncomfortable playing female characters. The idea never crosses my mind and all I can think about when I do start up a female app would be getting it wrong and the character barely gets my full attention. 


Do you like coffee?

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Previous attempts at writing female characters didn't really work, a YGO fanfic ended because I couldn't think how to write the female characters and an original work I was doing a year ago failed when I needed to introduce the female lead.


I don't really like hot drinks that much except the occasional hot chocolate. I did drink tea when I was younger but don't enjoy it much now. Though I should try and drink coffee at some point.

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Previous attempts at writing female characters didn't really work, a YGO fanfic ended because I couldn't think how to write the female characters and an original work I was doing a year ago failed when I needed to introduce the female lead.


I don't really like hot drinks that much except the occasional hot chocolate. I did drink tea when I was younger but don't enjoy it much now. Though I should try and drink coffee at some point.

I feel that sentiment in the top there. Frankly, I just don't have the courage to say 'thehellwithit!' and just toss what I think a female character would be like in the limelight for my peers. You know? 


If you prefer cold drinks, I certainly feel the same. If you're going out, you can get Iced Coffee as easy as fast food. I prefer to get it without the ice and with lots of sugar and creamer. 


Hmm... One more question. Do you have a smartphone? Do you play any games on it?

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I current have an iPhone 4s but don't really use it for games, mainly for music and videos. I did use my other phones to play games on but can't remember the pins for them.


Regarding coffee and the such, its mainly the flavour I don't like for most hot drinks. I can't stand the taste of tea and coffee currently so I don't eat or drink anything which tastes like them.

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