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Ask a guy who's had a volcano in his backyard longer than he's had internet anything.


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I seriously want a picture of your backyard.


(Answering Jord's as well).


Basically this, with a lot more forest infront, less houses and more of a peak to it. I didnt have the ability to take pictures back then. But I woke up to it every morning, and nearly every night I'd go to sleep with Pele gracing us with her glow from her home of Kilauea in the night sky. A beautiful orange tinge that looked more like an aurora. Then when the vog came down, some people had health problems but a lot of us enjoy it bringing a sort of harmless white glow to the horizon line that made Hawaii feel that much more magical.


The greenery would never end, and if you lived in the Mountain View region, you'd see all of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and the glow eminating from Pele. A lot of us take it for granted because its every day life. But it's so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye thinking about it.

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