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From Victory to Oblivion: 365 Days to Live [IC Thread] [PG-16]

Chaotic Angel

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Exodia sees the flashing of his blade. He looks around to wonder as to why it is occurring. The light-blue hue, surprising him, also frightens him. He frantically looks around to see Gemini having control over himself again. He sees his trembling hand, shaking and miserable, and it allows Exodia to connect what is happening right as the blade stops flashing.


He tries to slash the ice again, this time slicing clean through. In complete awe, he sighs in relief. He does it rapidly to the second statue, and places their unconscious bodies nearby that of Gemini's. He places the beam on alternating shots for each of them to ease some of the frostbite and, in Gemini's case... whatever happened to him. A wave of panic washed back over him, though...


i am the defender of these three souls as they heal under my care. I am the Medic. I need to make sure they don't die, dammit! It is my responsibility and duty to do so, making sure that they heal and return as well as before.


He looks again to his blade. Its blade had a blue tint now, the crystal coating now showing through and over the top of the original blade. It was an enhancement, a new thing to remind him of the day. It will be both good and bad; reminding him of a situation they survived, but also of the pain of the situation itself.


"I hope you guys are doing alright. It would kill me to see you die this quickly in." Exodia calmly looks at each of the three, knowing that the two could pop up at any time. He sits down, being a sort of guardian over them.


He felt a bit of strength and clarity rushing through him after this bit of confusion and weakness, and it inspired in him to protect more... fiercely.


Turns until the Demon Hybrid Absconds: 2

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When one loses feeling of the outside world, one loses track of time quite easily. A second becomes a year as easily as a decade becomes mere minutes. And separated from his ability to register anything around him, it felt like he was floating in air.

And he was hating every moment of this self-perceived purgatory.

Arceus-dammit, he swore within his own mind. I agree with Antonio, being rendered truly unable to move is not something I would wish on many foes...and that's saying something. Once again, he tried to do anything, flinch, move or something, but once again, his body laid lifeless and his mind remained trapped within its prison. If Mr. Ryder would at least keep that machination on me long enough for me to use Recover, I'd be out of this Distortion already...

"I hope you guys are doing alright. It would kill me to see you die this quickly in."

If Gemini had been able to move, he would have given some indicator that he was alright. However, there was none visible, no outward indicator that he was even among the living still despite a very-faint set of breaths that miraculously stayed stable. Instead, the equal to a full-blown roar echoed within his thoughts just before he felt the strange energy that seemed to mirror a ray-like Heal Pulse upon his being.

Before the ray left him, however, he could feel himself managing to pull together just enough energy to...

His eyes began to glow behind their lids just before an increased glow appeared at his neck upon the spine.

"...claw...neck..." He wanted to swear, but he lacked the energy to do such, and the task of saying even those two words had him drained.

And Gemini found himself floating within the strange featureless purgatory that was unfortunately his mind for the time being, unfortunately having burnt more energy speaking than restoring movement to himself...a task he did not succeed in.

~Turns before the Demon Hybrid bolts: 1~


(OOC: I will say that when Gemini sees this thing again, payback will be had and in spades...)

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As soon as Tetsuya reaches his home again, he dives underwater whilst it was still freezing. The Demon Hybrid was left confused and stops changing colour, now becoming translucent. After a while, Tetsuya jumps straight back out again, holding the weapon he stole: Nephilim, the one he stole from the Alternate Isolated Emperor and reaches for his energy quiver, grabs his arrow and prepares to shoot at the Demon Hybrid. Just as he was about to fall back underwater, he shoots at the thing, blowing the demon straight back to camp and burns him. James and Meguri wakes up afterwards, aids themselves and stares at the Demon Hybrid who seemed to have got its arse kicked. "How long were we out for? Hey! Tetsuya! It's your signal!" she shouts, causing Tetsuya to ram straight at the Demon Hybrid from his house at a convincing speed and kicks him down.

Now, the Demon Hybrid coughs back the weapons and energies he absorbed and returned them to their owners then, without further hesitation it escapes.

Finishing Result: 500,450/1,000,000

"And... Stay out of our camp, you son of a jabroni!" Tetsuya taunted as the Demon Hybrid left. James now starts standing up and watches as the camp starts to revert back to its original state. "Yeah, I knew the camp had some tricks up their sleeves... I need a piss..." James said, leaving the camp for the restroom just behind it. Though, the restrooms here isn't exactly what you would expect. After James came back, he brings with him a laminate and a journal entry. "Aww, sheet. This is gonna be interesting. For dinner tonight, we have... Possum, Coriander, 2L Bottle of Tango and some bananas..."

Then Tetsuya snatches the laminate and reads it for himself. "Wait, what? We're eating a rodent? Aww, sheet. Good luck with that." he said, mockingly.

"Are you finished, Tetsuya?"

"Sorry, yeah. Carry on..."

"Now, for the journal entry. This is yet another uncomfortable one..." he said, looking at the journal entry and reveals what it says.

"I finally remember..."

"It was me who came up with the idea to put you through this living hell..."

"If I hurt anyone, then I must apologise in advance. I know this wasn't the right thing to do but listen up if you want to live..."

"There's been a lot of them, but replicas have infested not just our home town, but the entire world too. If you read all of the other journals, you'll find out that it's worse than you actually think. The replicas are strong. I'll give them that much. Just, I never expected them to crash down so suddenly... If anything comes to a life threatening situation, I'd be there to help. By the time you read this, you will have already encountered the Demon Hybrid as well, right?"

"Please tell me I'm dreaming... Because of this, my friends have died and some are missing. I wish I could have the power, even for a week to take them in. Still haven't had the courage to ask the Emperor but I'm not totally disappointed."

"Hopefully I can do better..."

"Someday I will..."

"If anyone reads this, come on down. Help us. We'll be awaiting you in my home town."

"When you go home too, you'll find that replicas also roam in your area."

"Don't say I didn't warn you though."

It was indeed an uncomfortable one. We only just learnt that replicas are also in our home town. There's simply no way out of this.


And now, nightfall approaches and it's time to fix dinner. A basket of food came dropping down from above James, who reveals the contents.

"That actually smells nice, spill the beans!"

"Alright, that slab of meat there is Possum. I guess I'll just chuck it in the grill then dice it? Coriander to mix it in with, a bottle of Tango and some bananas... You have got to be kidding me. I guess the bland stuff will have to go with all the good stuff... I'll get cooking."

Afterwards, after a few minutes of James marinading the Possum with coriander and a splash of Tango, he begins chucking the meat in the grill. Then he grabs some metal trays from the camp's supply box as well as a few plastic cups to pour in the remaining amount of Tango and share with the rest of the camp mates. After five minutes, the possum came out medium rare and James decides to serve the dinner to each camp mate.

"Well, try your best not to vomit now..." James said, dreading the taste of the possum he attempted to make. He goes ahead and tastes it anyway, but the outcome was better than he expected. "It's bitter, but it's actually better than I expected..." James muttered, with the insides possibly disagreeing with him.

Meguri and Tetsuya also tastes the dinner they have in front of them. "Ugh. James, it's not the marinade that's the problem. It's the possum. This thing tastes like it's been there for three years, exposed.

"Then, no wonder it's so funking bitter. Three years spent outside in the blazing hot sun like this! Still, the marinade you made is quite good..." Tetsuya agrees. Now, we'll see how Gemini and Exodia are doing before we start Day 6. The trip to the Abandoned Junkyard was of course postponed due to the rampage of the Demon Hybrid, but who the hell cares? Not me.


BGM Currently Playing: Tragic Love


And now, the dreaded day begins. well, almost. It's now 2am when we predict it and all the camp mates were rudely awakened by a dragon roaring from outside the Dark Forest. Looks like it spotted something it shouldn't. Tetsuya, Meguri and James all got out of their hammocks or beds and ran straight outside. "What's all the commotion? It's still the middle of the funking night here!" Tetsuya questioned.


The Dark Forest


BGM Currently Playing: The Sanctuary


When they saw the state of the Dark Forest... It was the same black flames of a Lingering Will in the background... Now the area very much cannot be salvageable. The dragon seen before the trio reverts to a human and from there, she unsheathed her weapon. Much to everyone's surprise, she actually looked like a school girl.

"Who the hell are you and what's your purpose?" the new camp mate questioned the trio.


"Think you need to calm down, little girl... I won't let you get away with that mouth!" James retaliated, as though he was trying to jeopardize her.


"Enough, Barker! I'm Tetsuya, and these two are siblings... James Barker and Meguri Nightingale. Peacefully put your weapon down and we can talk!" Tetsuya said, trying to calm the dragon girl down.


"Hmm... I'll return the favor then. My name's Rin Walker. You three seem like good potential camp mates. If you can defeat me, I'll tag along!"

Then, the first potential camp mate fight begins.

Rin's HP: 50,000


Heaven's Gateway


BGM Played: Terra


"Talen Avalon, or shall we say... Michele Lusterino? We have a phone call for you... It's from London." said one of the residents of Heaven's Gateway.

Assuming she does pick up the phone in the hallway: "Hello. This is Sasha calling from Central London. I have just been informed of new information about where Tesability Black should be. Should I say instead, her crystal? My father just told me everything just now and I thought may be I should tell you too. If you want to see Tes' crystal again, you should have your camp mates see my younger sister in the seventh day. Yeah, so if you're thinking she has the crystal, you may be right, but don't trust my instincts too much, have your camp mates confront her in person about it. I'll see you later." the voice said before ending the conversation.

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Exodia breaths a calm sigh of relief as the Demon Hybrid flees. His disappearance from the scene was a breath of fresh air in the hell that he had been put through over that long time period. The revival of James and Meguri was also a big plus.


Focusing his beam on Gemini, and turning it on its highest possible setting, he stands up. Using his Naginata almost as a walking stick, he calmly stands up. The battle had heavily stressed him out; he had been frantic on the physical states of every single combatant in his table. Now only having the patient of Gemini, whom Exodia had regarded as arguably the strongest out of the group, he felt much more comfortable.


Knowing everyone (somehow) came out alive, he laughed a little bit. "Everyone. We made it out of the woods on that one, but this is only the first fight. I regret that I wasn't in the battle and stayed on the sidelines, but I did what I could." Speaking as he walked towards everyone, he sighed. "Gemini, hopefully, will be able to make a decent recovery. Knowing him, he could have any myriad of tricks under his sleeve." Exodia held a concerned glance towards him, but quickly turned back to the others.




Exodia looked at the dinner that came to him. Obviously disgusted with the meat du jour, but still hungry after stress; deprivation of food; and other matters of battle took their toll, he wolfs down the meat. He does not care for the taste at all, but it is nourishment. He snarfs it down without a second word right in front of the others.


"My compliments to the chef." 


Preparing a little space for himself after dinner due to the destruction of his original area, he heads off to sleep quite early, right after dinner. He passes out quickly, probably not ready to face anything after today...

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~From Beyond the Veil (Talen Avalon)~

"Talen Avalon," she heard nearby, the only simple appearance in such an ornate place as she turned towards the source of the voice. "Or shall we say... Michele Lusterino?" She couldn't help but narrow her brownish-silver eyes from behind her glasses at the almost-sneer she could have sworn she heard as the man in front of her spoke.

"What of it, sir," she managed to say with a flat tone, keeping her emotion in check for the time being.

"We have a phone call for you...it's from London." The man, highly-ornate in appearance though she would never be able to properly describe him if she tried, beckoned for her to follow, to which she did with a hesitance to her step before the pair arrived beside another holding a phone in her hands.

The phone was soon passed to Michele without word, which the woman accepted before bringing it to her ear. "May I help you?"

"Hello. This is Sasha calling from Central London. I have just been informed of new information about where Tesability Black should be. Should I say instead, her crystal?"

Wait, Tesability should have disappeared when she did in her mild fit, why was this woman talking about her old friend as if she hadn't?

"My father just told me everything just now and I thought may be I should tell you too. If you want to see Tes' crystal again, you should have your camp mates see my younger sister in the seventh day."

"If any harm has befallen her, I'm gonna---"

"Yeah, so if you're thinking she has the crystal, you may be right, but don't trust my instincts too much, have your camp mates confront her in person about it. I'll see you later," the voice said before ending the conversation.

Michele broke the phone when she hung it up in anger, her mind running a million miles per hour. Fortunately, she didn't need the phone to speak to the group below...




~Gemini Rivetter~

The whole time the others were awakening, restoring themselves to normal and even eating dinner later on, Gemini was still stuck in his forced-paralyzed state, a state that would have had him roaring from frustration if he had even been able to move on his own accord.

He had expected that someone would have noticed he wasn't moving beyond breathing and the occasional dark-blue glow at the back of his neck other than Exodia, but he also knew that the demon in human skin should have known better. This particular group did seem rather-selfish to his eyes, caring more about their own small number than others in the group with them.

His stomach gave a faint rumble when the smell of food hit his nostrils, particularly the scent of the fruit. It was almost torturous that the others were eating when he would be unable to do so himself for the time being.

He wished he could heal the injury faster than it was so he could finally move on his own. He wished he knew just why he couldn't do so just yet, despite the energy poured into healing from both himself and the strange Medigun that's been constantly aimed at him since his fall.

"Rin, Meguri, James, I would prefer that you three not fight at this moment, especially while one of the camp's number is down," Talen's voice suddenly sounded over the camp, a faint, seething tone in her voice for those with a sharp ear to catch it, which he did. "I would prefer you focusing your efforts on making sure everyone in your number is instead ready to fight instead. I am a little disappointed to see that only Exodia noticed that Gemini hasn't once moved since the battle, especially since he won't be able to in the future without help."

Wait, what?!

"When the Demon Hybrid grabbed him, it punctured the spinal cord in his neck and shifted his bones. Any healing that's been done has been done in vain, since it has left him permanently paralyzed, via the nerves in his neck rehealing inappropriately. In order to undo the damage and render him mobile again..." The voice of his 'puppeteer' suddenly hesitated, never a good sign for him. "...the wound will have to be re-inflicted and the bones in his neck realigned before healing him again to allow the damaged nerves to heal correctly."

...Arceus, damn you, Michele, when I get my hands around your---

"Oh, just a warning, Gemini's a terrible patient. Be prepared to keep him asleep if you want to be able to make sure he gets healed. None of you can hear, but he's ready to curse up a storm at me right now that could make even hardened sailors blush for supposedly putting him in his position. Yes, he is awake and aware."


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Exodia calmly continued work on Gemini in the quiet of the surroundings. It was just him to himself, working on a seemingly unconscious patient. Said working was mostly keeping the beam focused on him, and keeping the area around him defended.


When Talen's voice speaks in the crowd, Exodia does a double take. It was a voice he had not heard in a while, and it dumbfounded him as to why it was booming through the sky instead of being with him and the group. Whatever it was, he felt it was important to listen in.


On the matter of their fighting, he rolled his eyes. Of course they were fighting. Of course. Nevertheless, Exodia continued his caretaking of Gemini. He knew he was the only one here. He enjoyed silence. He enjoyed company, but he preferred solitude. Non-speaking patients were his favorites; they didn't mess with him or his work.


Upon hearing the fact that his medigun healing was, at that point, completely useless, he was furious. It was doing NOTHING?! IT MADE IT WORSE?! Ugh, no mind. Let's go. I guess we have to do some surgery.


Looking at the now sharpened and refined edge of the naginata, Exodia calmly holds it like one would hold a small knife. He rolls the not-moving body of Gemini over on his stomach. His knowledge of medical skills, he felt, was enough to deal with this and his medigun allowed for slight error. 


About to cut into the back of his neck, he hears that Gemini is awake and aware. "Gemini, what you will feel of this... will hurt like a jabroni. I am sorry, but I think you would rather suffer a ton of pain for mobility and sanity."


Exodia makes the first incision, cutting lightly as to not damage anything important, beginning now to open up the neck to deal with the injury. Beginning to break a bone, he starts the surgery to realign Gemini's structure. Having the Medigun's beam still hovering onto Gemini's body, he sets it on a lighter mode that is best for relieving pain in a tortured patient.

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A while later...

Tetsuya and the others hear Talen's voice, who preferred that they didn't fight. Tetsuya, luckily just stood and watched. Then, a few minutes in and the trio realised that another fight was drawing close. "The flames behind me was growing stronger... Do you feel it?" Rin questioned. The three others nodded as the black flames started growing stronger. "sheet, let's go back to camp and see how Gemini's doing..." Tetsuya said, running back to camp, with James, Meguri and the new girl following on. As soon as they reached camp, they saw the state of Gemini. "I hope he's alright! Meguri, is it? Can you do something?" the dragon girl asked, summoning her wings. "Tetsuya, get on my back! I got something for you that might prove useful for this particular being!" she instructed.

"Alright, but I hope you know what you're doing!" Tetsuya responded, picking himself up and rides on Rin's back, with the pair of them flying away. Meguri, after seeing the pair fly off grabs her two weapons and merges them with her right hand, buries it deep underground and her Impulse Gauntlet appears. Assuming Exodia had finished what he was doing, Meguri begins working on pulling the spinal cords of Gemini to the point where it would be back to its original state, almost. She then pulls her gauntlet back from the ground and saw Tetsuya and Rin make their way back to camp. "Hey, wait... That's... My laptop! Where did you get that?" Meguri asked. "I had Tetsuya help me, I might have dropped it around this world somewhere before I met you three. I was asked to deliver this to you. It has information about the NetMonster you're looking for saved on here." Rin responded.


"Tesability Black, you mean? All of the research is on here?"

"Yeah, it's only research and theory right now... May be your instincts will help you find her."

"Theory's all we need, Rin. Oh, and thanks for the added assistance, sis. How's Gemini doing now, Exodia?" James asks.

"Care to introduce yourself to the rest of the camp mates, Rin?" he added.

Rin pulls herself up and starts introducing herself to the rest of the camp mates. "Hey guys, I'm Rin Walker. I've been called down here to give you guys a hand! Apparently things are going to sheet around here... Tell me if I'm wrong."

"Well... Almost there. We got flames in the Dark Forest and it's starting to spread around camp. These flames are the same ones as my master's Lingering Will. It's definitely stronger than last time."

"Aww, did I miss the party?" Jun was heard showing up in the middle of nowhere. "Hey, jabroni face! I thought you weren't coming back anymore?" James said in retaliation. "Nah... I'm still mad, but I still have to do my job. Besides, I was told that TWO voices of camp were needed in this survival journey. Michele Lusterino... This means we have to work together whether we like it or not... James Barker... I'll still have you regret what you said to me earlier, you son of a jabroni..."

"Oh, and who's this... Rin Walker. Yeah, I sorta expected her to come here... On a whim."

"How did you like defeating my version of the Demon Hybrid?" he said.

"Wait, that demon was yours!?" Tetsuya said, obviously looking surprised. "Hell yeah, it's mine. That one was a phony though. The next time you face that thing... It will obviously come from your so-called master." Jun said, warning them of the Demon Hybrid's next appearance, though it won't come until very late.

"Tetsuya Kousaka... I suggest you be very careful. You remember Ron's Lingering Will, yeah? It's time..."

"Blasphemous Shadow! Kill them!" Jun shouted as the ice particles were melted off the replica.

Wait, how did we forget the Data Node Blasphemous Shadow was still in camp? Now... It goes rampant... Again.

"Holy sheet! How did we forget that was still there!? Kill it, kill it!" Tetsuya instructed, as he was the first to be knocked over. Next, it was James. "Jun Kotomi! You'll regret that!" he retaliated. Afterwards, Meguri was knocked over, just like Tetsuya and James was. The Data Node replica was so fast, even they couldn't catch it, but Rin dodged it.

"It's alright, lemme handle this!" Rin said, unsheathing her weapon and plucks the blades out of it, as well as expanding her wings and jumping off the ground. Treating her weapon as throwing knives, Rin charges at the replica, attempting to hit the Data Node Blasphemous Shadow that was approaching her. None of her hits worked on the Blasphemous Shadow, but it was worth trying. "Gotta keep trying! Going for the kill!" she says as she finally damages the Data Node Blasphemous Shadow's shell.

"You... jabroni! I'll take you down for this!"

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Gemini, what you will feel of this...will hurt like a b!tch. I am sorry, but I think you would rather suffer a ton of pain for mobility and sanity."

My sanity was gone a long time ago, the false human thought sadly to himself just before he felt the sharp edge of the blade against the back of his neck, where the accursed creature had originally punctured his neck.

While no reaction was gained upon breaking the skin, a tear escaped his closed eyes as one of his hands faintly flinched upon the blade starting to cut through the cord itself, the body trying to reheal itself as it went due to the Medigun's light. The bones that could be seen showed signs of breaks, like there had been pieces that had been broken then rehealed. It was an obvious sign that, unless further work is done, and hopefully with more precise tools, that the cruel fighter would have issues in the future.

A silent hitch in his breathing struck as the bones began to be moved back into place, the blade keeping the nerves separate until all were aligned before it was removed to allow it to heal.

Very-slowly did his left hand try to rise, carefully moving the palm over the incision before allowing it to drop, creating another hitch in his breathing and allowing another drop to escape his eyes before the dark-blue glow appeared between his palm and the back of his neck.

Betweeen the Medigun and the use of Recover---


---Gemini would be fast recovering and able to fully move, but what pricetag would eventually show? Right now, the pain in his spine was actually enough to not notice the madness surrounding him in regards to the fast-moving legged orb of yellow and grey that was the strange Blasphemous Shadow that looked not like what it was made after, due to the source being too close to his head to just ignore.

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Tetsuya, James and Meguri then teams up and forms a triangle. When the Data Node Blasphemous Shadow approaches between them, they all hit at it, eventually defeating it and falling face down. "Phew. That replica was difficult. I'm throwing it back underwater." Tetsuya said, grabbing the dead replica by the foot and throws it underwater.

"Now, I can properly tend to Gemini... He's gonna need us more than ever..."

Tetsuya approaches Gemini, paying regards to his health. It seemed obvious that he wasn't going to do so well but he still had to prepare for whatever was coming.

Rin approaches Tetsuya from behind and told him: "I'm heading off to the Dark Forest now. With James and Meguri of course. When you guys are ready, we'll fight together.", paying attention to everyone else too. It seemed that Rin was desperate to get rid of the incoming Lingering Will. Of course, she drags James and Meguri along with her, paying no attention to what they wanted to do. It seemed to me, that they needed to take care of Gemini first before anything else.

"Sure, Rin. I got this. Be careful defeating that Lingering Will. Yeah, I knew about it. I was the one who fatally killed him the first time. This time, I won't get him so easily..." he replies, as Rin, James and Meguri all head off to the Dark Forest, with the siblings' hands held by Rin as she was dragging the pair of them. From there, they await their next battle.

Meanwhile... Tetsuya approaches Exodia and gives a helping hand with fixing Gemini. After observing him with Exodia's surgical procedure, not all of it was with precision but Tetsuya still agreed with what Exodia was about to do.

"Exodia... I'll lend you a hand there. I'll make sure that the work is finished to perfection." he instructs.

"Tell me, what do I need to do next?" he says, awaiting Exodia's instructions. Whilst he does await them however, he prepares a few surgical supplies and find out a couple of them are starting to wear out. "Something needs to be done, fast. C'mon... Think!" he thought, trying not to break a sweat.

And then, outside the camp...

The Dark Forest

BGM Currently Playing:

"Hey, Rin... Mind telling us why you dragged us all the way over here...? Oh! Here he comes!" The Lingering Will everyone in camp is talking about!


"Never mind that! Look at it!"


"What the funk... Black flames... They're everywhere... This thing ain't happy to see us, I can tell..."

"Hurry up, Gemini... Exodia and Tetsuya too... We need your help!"

With the trio consisting of Meguri, James and Rin all flustered at the fact the Lingering Will is staring at them, they had no choice but to fend the boss off until everyone else had grouped together.

The fight commences shortly after... How do you think they do? Let's find out, then...

Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,400/1,400

And immediately, the Lingering Will buries itself underground and spins his weapon on the ground at a quick pace, making sure at least one person is crippled. Unfortunately, the black flames would mean both the Lingering Will and the camp mates would take damage.


Meguri reacts as the Lingering Will jumps up, she grabs its weapon and thrusts it back underground, slamming it with its own weapon. "James! Take the left! Rin and I will take the right! We need to time his reaction carefully. One funk up and it's game over for one of us!"

Then, the fight will continue as soon as Gemini, Tetsuya and Exodia are ready to enter the fray.

Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,389/1,400

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Exodia calmly looks at Tetsuya, keeping calm to make sure his hands do not shake whilst the procedure was being done. Sighing with relief, with new hands to deal with the situation, he speaks.


"Good day, Tetsuya. Thank you for dealing with this effectively; I got the general work done to assure that it can be fixed properly. I am happy to have multiple hands helping out in this project to bring Gemini back to health."


Watching Tetsuya prepare surgical supplies, Exodia makes a note to get some of those supplies from Tetsuya. Seeing him place down his tools and become ready to take orders.


"You'll need to put the bones back into place, and make sure the blood vessels do not get caught on any of the broken portions. The vessels here, in the neck, are quite vital for brain health as well as keeping the blood literally inside of its 'containment unit'. If they get caught and cut deeply, which these bones would do, it would be very dangerous even with the Medigun. I haven't been able to test how fast this heals at its absolute fastest, and I don't want to risk any major damage now."


Exodia doted about whilst Tetsuya did work, keeping the area clean and the beam healing rate controlled. He wanted it to heal quickly, but didn't want it to heal before the work was done, so he adjusted it every so often to speed it up or slow it down. 




Once the work was in stages of completion, and Gemini was starting to murmur words... of murder... Exodia was taken completely aback. He shudders a little bit, not wanting to be brutally murdered for potentially being the cause of much pain.


​"Well then, Gemini. Don't kill those who are here to help you." Exodia did not hear the words that Gemini truly spoke, only hearing the word 'murder', so his confusion built upon a light sense of fear that the medic had for the person-thing. "You feeling better?"

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"Murder? I think he was on about the Blasphemous Shadow that I threw back in the water... All thanks to Jun Kotomi, that useless jabroni..." Tetsuya said in response to Exodia telling Gemini not to murder anyone.


"Exodia, I got this one now. Leave this to me!" he instructs as he does exactly as Exodia says, completely focused. He grabs the forceps from the supply box and just before he works on Gemini, they for some reason have melted. "What the hell, man! I was using that! I'll have to do this bare-handed, then!" he shouts, as he washes his hands from the remnants of his forceps and then works on Gemini with his bare hands, despite the risks.


He picks up the fragmented bones and places it in the box next to him, then runs off to grab some disinfectant and begins repairing the neck area. As soon as he was done grabbing the disinfectant and moving the bones in place, he waits a while to see if the they were fixed into place and starts healing. Once the placement improves, he grabs some bone powder from the camp's supply box and sprinkles some on Gemini, where the bones were previously fragmented. Afterwards, Tetsuya grabs some screws then, without doing too much damage to the spinal area, he screws the nuts and bolts onto Gemini's back to ensure he heals quicker. He guides the Medigun towards the area and also drains off the excess blood, in case there were any. Afterwards, he grabs the sutures after the whole procedure finishes, assuming Exodia had finished what he was doing and closes the operation field.


"This is the best I can do without causing too much damage, Gemini... Talk to me when you're ready, Exodia... We'll be helping the others at the Dark Forest! I'll have to ring home to see if we can deploy a wheelchair here!"


Then, as soon as Tetsuya finishes what he was about to say to Exodia, black sparks started spewing out from the Dark Forest, halting his previous plans.


"sheet! Get some wood from behind the waterfalls! Now! We need to block off the entrance to the camp and prevent the flames from spreading! We'll have to take a detour to the forest!" Tetsuya instructed as the black flames started spreading to the camp, draining everyone's energy, bit by bit... Even Tetsuya is starting to become exhausted after taking just three steps forward.




Heaven's Gateway


BGM Currently Playing: Terra


The phone, broken into bits...


Fortunately, they have another at the opposite hallway to Michele. But, we won't be using that just yet. An e-mail was sent to Michele (Or shall we say, Talen...) from Meguri's laptop leaking research about Tesability Black. All of it was typed up by Rin Walker, conveniently.


"Michele Lusterino... I dunno if I like the sound of that e-mail... Of course, it came from Meguri Nightingale's laptop... But the information might not be right..." Jun said, switching himself on from Michele's screen. Jun also waits for her to respond to the e-mail that was sent from Meguri's laptop. Apparently it may be a scam...


Behind Michele however, three portals appeared... All of which are opened. They all lead to Gnorfiend, City of Neglection or Central London. Whichever portal Michele would like to enter at a later date, she would be the only one able to at this moment.


"Ugh, I don't like this. Gnorfiend isn't really my type... City of Neglection is full of cannibals. Even Data Node NetMonsters were modified to eat themselves... It's not nice. Central London is our home, so I can't really speak over here... What are you thinking, Michele?" Jun adds as he asks the question, paying attention to the portals that have opened before the pair of them. One of them of course, switched on with only his face showing on Michele's screen.

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To Gemini's credit, not once did he scream during the operation, even with the yellow blood that was slowly flowing from the back of his neck. The most he wound up doing was his breath occasionally hitching from the pain of his neck moving around to realign it and the shattered bone shards being removed as needed.

"You feeling better?"

"Murder? I think he was on about the Blasphemous Shadow that I threw back in the water..."

Foolish humans, that's not what he was intending to murder in cold blood. That Demon Hybrid, however...

"If I see...that...thing...again, I...will make sure...it can't do this...to me...again..." His red eyes flashed with a dark-blue color for a moment in rage as a snarl left his throat, prompting him to wince from the burst of pain it caused.

"I'll have to ring home to see if we can deploy a wheelchair here!"

He managed to clench his hands into fists after hearing this, not daring to growl again. "I am not going to just sit idle, accursed humans," Gemini spat out, baring his fangs in the process, until he caught whiff of the smoke.

Last thing he remembered was cursing in his head rather-vividly about the inconveniences of having heightened senses before he passed out once again.


Michele had been playing a few games on her laptop for sanity's sake when the e-mail alert popped up, which had her raising an eyebrow. She hadn't expected an e-mail to show up in her Hotmail account while in this place, so it was with unease that she dared to open the new entry, reading over it swiftly.

"I don't recall seeing Meguri with a laptop," she mused to herself. "I think I had the only one there." Shaking her head, she reread with more focus, clenching her hands around the corded mouse she sometimes used when the touchpad was hurting the tips of her fingers, almost threatening to break it.

After hearing Jun speak through her laptop, to which she had wanted to pop the digital ghost in the head, the human shook her head at this. "I'm the resident expert on NetMonsters and most of this stuff is bullsh!t."

Yet, even I don't know how the Champion Crystals first emerged, she bitterly thought to herself.

"Ugh, I don't like this. Gnorfiend isn't really my type... City of Neglection is full of cannibals. Even Data Node NetMonsters were modified to eat themselves... It's not nice. Central London is our home, so I can't really speak over here..." Jun seemed to have stopped for a few moments, almost as if he noticed the look of thought on her face. "What are you thinking, Michele?"

"As much as the thought that the Node NetMonsters have rewritten to eat each other...when they don't eat to begin with...scares me, it's probably best to wait until they're getting ready to approach those areas. Any scouting I try to do would provide more up-to-date information..."

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Noticing the dark sparks emanating from the forest and towards the camp, Exodia built a light amount of shock in himself. It had simply been three days and all of this had happened! Seeing Gemini pass out again, he sighed. That... thing was experiencing everything faster than us. This hell. This inferno. This... ugh... I seem weaker. Must be what Tetsuya was speaking about. Feeling his strength start to drain, he did all he could to move Gemini to as safe a location as possible as he recovered his strength.


Now listening to Tetsuya's orders, his abilities strengthened by training with his one-weapon arsenal left him were put into action. He ran as fast as his weakened state could carry him. He knew that it could exponentially increase the speed at which his strength drained, but he didn't care. The faster it was done, the faster they would be able to recover. Getting behind the waterfall, he was able to grab lumber and carry it to the site of blockage. 


As he neared the site, he felt much weaker than he was at the beginning of this campaign to board up the forest. 


"Tetsuya! You're the one who seems to know what is going on here. Say when it is time to abandon this enterprise!" Exodia felt cautious to do this, and even thought of abandoning the camp and taking what and who they could away from the weakening flames. 


Still, he soldiered on, although his muscles began to ache heavily from even single steps, let alone the pace he attempted to hold. Feeling very dogged by the draining of his strength trying to help hold back the dark flames, he bent over and caught his breath, a monsoon of sweat cascading over his face and body.


"What... the hell... is this... Tetsu...ya? This is... completely... mad. Why are... we... so... weak?" Still as calm as ever, but overcome with a feeling of intrigue and curiosity, he posed a question to his partner in success and failure, Tetsuya.

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"funk this! We're helping James, Meguri and Rin! Exodia, carry on blocking off the entrance and wait for me here... I'll get us a raft! We're weak from these black flames. there's nothing we can do about it. It hurts both us and the replicas... Oh, the Lingering Will too!" Tetsuya instructs as he struggles to step away from the black sparks that started to spread. As soon as he reaches the water, he manipulates part of it to turn into an extinguisher to put out the black sparks, all whilst the the plan to prevent any further spreading goes ahead.


As soon as Tetsuya reaches his house within fifteen minutes, he grabs the raft from his shed and speeds straight back to camp. Of course, whilst manipulating the waters he could possibly glide his way to and from his home...


When he touched down, he signals Exodia and Gemini to his raft and as soon as they are ready, they will detour to the Dark Forest. It's currently not known whether the black sparks will follow on.


The Dark Forest...


BGM Currently Playing: 


The Lingering Will became much more fierce since the first encounter... Black flames now become dark flames and the boss in question reacts a lot faster than usual...


The Lingering Will screams through the top of his head, leaking negative emotions and drags Rin to an unknown world... Causing her to fight him one-on-one.


"Crap! Rin!"


"funk this! We now have to wait for our lives to drain..."


Little did we think, James wasn't too proud of this.




Even Meguri couldn't speak. May be the dark flames are starting to drain her energy... Or perhaps James'?


Now, being dragged to an unknown world, the Lingering Will slice and dices through Rin like butter. At a young age though, she will take more damage than anyone else... Only exception is, when she became a dragon. "Urgh... You're pissing me off now!" she shouts, emitting a roar that even the outside can hear and turns into a full dragon. The size of Tesability Black, just much broader and much taller. "You're going down!" she taunts as she rams herself straight at the Lingering Will and fumbling it up and down, before the Lingering Will throws her back to the Dark Forest so that the fight can continue.


Assuming that Exodia and Gemini were taken on board, Tetsuya takes off and speeds through using his recently-retrieved weapons as propellers. After parking just metres away from the fight, Tetsuya heads off first but not before checking to see if Gemini was alright. A metre closes in and Tetsuya finally joins the fray.


"Sorry I'm late. Here, Lingering Will... Want some payback?"


Tetsuya taunts, but the Lingering Will was having none of that. It screams with negative emotion, buries itself underground and targets Tetsuya. As soon as it reaches him, it jumps up the same time as Tetsuya with the latter stealing his weapon and rams it across to him. The Lingering Will does the same tactic again and fails to hit at Tetsuya.


"You know what to do, James and Meguri. After three..."


"Roger that. I'm ready."


"Whenever you're ready, Rin."








The trio co-ordinates their attacks and rams straight at the Lingering Will just after Tetsuya does for the second time. Now, the Lingering will becomes enraged and buries itself. However, it refuses to come out....


Something tells me he had already moved to the second location...


"sheet! The thing escaped! Chase after it! I'll meet you guys later!" Tetsuya instructed the trio, insisting they go on after the Lingering Will first. "Alright, hop on!" Rin says as she transforms herself to a dragon with James and Meguri mounted onto her not long after, then they fly off to the next location.


"Exodia, Gemini... We're moving... That bastard escaped, we're chasing after it!" he said, as he signals Exodia and Gemini back to the raft providing they did get off there in the first place. After which, they sped off once again to find the Lingering Will.


Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,204/1,400


Next Destination: Torn Streets




Heaven's Gateway


BGM Currently Playing: Terra


"It's probably best if I read the e-mail first, Michele Lusterino... One second..." Jun said, in a rush. He then turns his face off and reveals the e-mail being sent to Michele as a result. It read:


"Hi Talen,


I have documents concerning Tesability Black attached to this e-mail. Please take the time to look at it and tell me what you think. It's all theory right now, but if we have the right source of information we can find her and awaken her without affecting her personality.






"sheet, that's a bit short. I can already tell it's not Meguri Nightingale typing this. She didn't even take her laptop with her!"


"I suspect it might be Rin Walker. Now, let's take a look at the document."


Now, Jun reveals the attached document from the e-mail and skims through the whole thing. "You're lucky they're missing how Champion Crystals first emerged... All I know from this is the fact that the whole thing was founded in the 90's. It's 2060 right now in Central London... Maybe you're looking at it from a present prospective..."


After that speech, Jun gets cut off, only by someone responsible for James and Meguri. "Save the talk for later, Jun. Michele, is it? I'd like to show you something in Central London. Are you willing to come?" said the familiar coming out of the portal to Central London.


"Oh, and in case I forget... Name's Ron. I'm the one responsible for James, Meguri and Rin. I'm sorry for all the trouble the former two caused whilst you were down below. I'll tell you what's happening right now... They're fighting the Lingering Will. It's the real thing this time, it's just a hollow shell with no vessel. It's supposed to be absorbed into my body, but I rejected it. I hope they're doing well out there..."


"Oh, I must warn you also... There's a coalition meeting between three factions and they might need you down. I'll even give you a place to stay overnight if you're willing..." Ron offers, as he tries his best to keep the portal open between Heaven's Gateway and Central London.


Let's see what Michele has to say to that... A bit later. But, whatever happened to Ron when he got sucked up by a bunch of Illegal Alchemists? Yeah, that was a fake... A phony...

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Exodia simply continues working. Even giving a nod would be a heavy exertion of energy, and energy was not something he had to lose. He knew he would probably have to assist Gemini with whatever they would do to escape these accursed flames, and he was ready to do whatever it took to assure Gemini's safety. He was a patient, after all. 


He was already a decent bit of the way through the work process to board up the entrance. It was his duty to complete the task, both for his sake and for the sake of others. Each swing of the hammer was a painful gesture, although as his whole body numbed from the weakness and pain, it started to lessen a little bit. 


It had become such clockwork, such laborious clockwork, that the mechanical movement held a simplicity now.


Exodia felt a decent amount of his strength just suddenly return, with the accompaniment of a cool breeze and a light splash. Exodia, ever the curious indvidual, peered over his shoulder to see what Tetsuya was dealing with. Water, of course. Thank you, Tetsuya. You make this job so much easier sometimes, I guess. Exodia was grateful to him, but he couldn't thank him yet.




A few minutes later, Exodia finished the job. After doing so, he returns to the still-ailing Gemini. Knowing that he may still need help, he simply waits, silently, by Gemini for Tetsuya to return to the area. Feeling much stronger now, he is happy to simply exist.


Once Tetsuya arrives, Exodia offers Gemini assistance with getting onto the boat. Either way, Exodia makes his way to the raft and readies for their travel away from the starting location.

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"Hi Talen,

I have documents concerning Tesability Black attached to this e-mail. Please take the time to look at it and tell me what you think. It's all theory right now, but if we have the right source of information we can find her and awaken her without affecting her personality.



"You're lucky they're missing how Champion Crystals first emerged..."

"Anthony Gill never got the chance to expand on Champions past their uses as weapons against the Boss NetMonsters that guarded Shade," Michele grumbled to herself, ignoring most of those around her as she rested her chin on her hands in thought. "Otherwise, there'd be more than just Oracle NetMonsters to grant them aid, and even their surrendered Knowledge Crystals are unpredictable in how they affected Champions..."

 "Michele, is it?" The sudden mention of her name caused Michele to look up towards the source momentarily. "I'd like to show you something in Central London. Are you willing to come?"

"Not right at the moment, it is not wise to travel yet when unneeded," she spoke as her voice revealed a tone of wisdom unfitting of someone still relatively young such as herself. Though, maybe such wisdom is indeed fitting, for the lady had always been called 'wise beyond her years' throughout her almost-three decades of life.

"They're fighting the Lingering Will. It's the real thing this time, it's just a hollow shell with no vessel."

How the hell does that work, she mentally asked herself as she tried to envision such a thing. How can one both have a body and not at the same time? Shaking her head at the thought that she may be envisioning this way wrong, she clicked her tongue before standing from her place. "I need to make sure Gemini's awake before I even think on going anywhere."

Cracking her knuckles, she placed the laptop on a nearby table before beginning to type away, a few programs open on her screen, including some sort of image manipulation program...


Within his mind, Gemini roared against the silence, wanting out of his sudden imprisonment within his own form.

LET ME OUT, MICHELE, he roared, though he had no real voice to roar with. YOU B*TCH, I'M TIRED OF YOU ALWAYS HAVING YOUR WAY WITH ME!!

...man, I don't know who's worse, you or...no, wait, you're worse. Justice at least tries to embody a virtue in his world...

Within his mind, the area was forced under a cloak of blackness, caused by the flames he caught wiff of. A snarl left his throat, though he didn't feel it vibrate like it should have. Arceus-dammit, release me now. There's a battle being fought without me and I do not like the fact that I'm being forcibly held back. Also, what's this I hear about you trying to plan my future already?

Dammit, he wasn't supposed to find out about that.

Yes, I am already planning for a future time, she admitted. But now is not the time for you to be focusing on that. First, you need to...what?

...what...is...wrong... His words would have been spoken through clenched teeth, aggravation in the tone.

...I'd suggest bracing yourself. Your body's being stubborn.

What are yo---"ARGH!!"

Gemini woke with a start as dark-blue electricity suddenly surrounded him, literally shocking him awake with his own power somehow. When the lightning faded a moment or two later, Gemini laid there with closed eyes and heavy pants, a snarl on his breath as he seemed to not yet be fully aware of his new surroundings. "I'm going to kill her somehow...slowly and with glee..."

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Exodia looks at Gemini as he woke with a start in the raft. Prior to Gemini's... interesting return into the general grouping, he had simply been massaging his muscles after the chaotic events that had occurred. He had been very tired from working under the dark fire's control. It was an interesting experience; artificial weakening could occur. It was proved to him. He himself was shocked lightly by the electricity, leaving him to reel back and shake his hand, the place that was shocked ever so slightly. 


"Little Mr. Sunshine is conscious again, is he? That hurt, bro! Well, at least we have our group fully ready for whatever comes at us... at least as much as possible." Exodia was... not in the best of moods after all of that. He could be a little snappy, but he knew what was best for the general situation and tried to contain himself.


Either way, he was happy to be out of that crazy area. Being in the water, something that was somewhat familiar, was a comforting experience. The water rushing around them, a soothing sound, and it was accompanied by the passing of interesting scenery. These were less familiar, but the experience itself was the comforting part, not the scenery.


He shifted around, making sure everything was in its place. His Savior of Souls, obviously. His naginata, yes. What little else was there? His rations. Frantically, he searched for them, and found them inside of his Savior of Souls.


All I have to assure is everyone is safe, alive, and healthy. It won't matter if I can heal them if they are not fed. They will die of hunger, of disease, in battle, something! I am here to try to prevent those fates. Thankfully I can tide the battle against hunger, at least for some time before we hold a steady supply of food.


Sighing a light breath of relief, especially because of him having food for him and others if needed, he closed his bag and waited for the journey.

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Ron thinks hard about what Michele just said. "Oh, I know what you're thinking. The Lingering Will is just the negative mind, filled with negative emotion and despair. Basically put, it's just a hollow case with all the negative emotions and juices forced inside of it and... I've rejected it. Long ago." he clarifies, as he also puts up a projector showing the scene of the fight that's about to take place in the Torn Streets. This, and the fact that he watches Michele manipulate Gemini using the laptop. "Mel! Get the hell out of there! It's about to get dangerous in here!" he thought loudly in his head, also showing worry for his daughter.


Then he thinks about the trick Michele just performed...


"Program Manipulation... I kinda forgot how to do that..."


"Anyway, I forgot to mention something interesting in the simulation room residing in my house..." He said, as something of memory pops outside of his head. "One of my best doctors successfully made a hologram of your companion using just the DNA that came from the crystal. All he did was wipe it with some cleaning agent and made a few holograms out of it as there was dirt when my daughter picked it up from camp. It took a few hours and I didn't see the finishing result yet. Whenever you're free, you can come over and see how successful it is..." he concludes.


"I have pictures... And to be fair... Three of them looks exactly the same as you would imagine. Nine holograms were made altogether, so the other six would lack contrast or hue... But nothing appears to be funked up." he said, as he lays down pictures of Tesability's hologram on Michele's desk.


"Well, what do you think?"


The Dark Forest - Wood Remnants


"Hold on tight now, bastards! It's about to get interesting!" Tetsuya shouts, as he looks behind to see whether Exodia has jumped in or not. "Let's move!" he concludes, using his weapons as propellers and speeds back to camp. Fifteen minutes later, the trio arrive back to camp. "The raft won't last very long if I go all the way..."


"I'm gonna go in first. I know Gemini doesn't wanna miss a battle, so I want to make sure he's ready to go first before I leave..." Tetsuya says. Assuming Gemini is ready to follow on, he leaves for the Torn Streets where the next part of the battle begins.


Another two minutes have passed, and he meets James, Meguri and Rin at the next battle location, only to see Mel over there as well.


"Princess! Get out of there!" James shouts as he reaches the location, just after Tetsuya arrived. "It's no use, James. Whenever she sees a boss, she wants a fight. Well, it looks like it..."


"Shut your funking traps, you two. I'll deal with this one!" Mel retaliates, before being cut off by a familiar voice. "No, you don't Mel. You get out of there right now. Look at the flames and look around you." Ron shouts, making the camp mates down below assuming that he snatched the microphone off of Talen. "It may be sapphire flames but what this stops you and the Lingering Will from doing is using Ranged Attacks. Think wisely now... All of you think wisely as well! If you want to live, you'll need to listen to me! Gemini especially!" he concludes in a serious tone.


"We've no choice but to do as my master says. His words are law in his coalition, Princess..." James announced as the portal opens straight back to Central London, with Mel entering it. "No, he's right. Ranged Attacks don't work in this area right? I won't be much use then. I'll see you all tomorrow." she says, then leaves without another word.


"I'll tell you more about the other flames before you guys start..."


"The dark flames you experienced earlier drains your energy, disabling you from fighting properly."


"Sapphire flames such as this one stops everyone from attacking from afar, magic unaffected."


"Ruby flames in the Graveyard will stop everyone from using magic, completely."


"Topaz flames in the Abandoned Junkyard will stop everyone from attacking physically."


"Iolite flames in the Desolate Marketplace will summon endless amounts of replicas targeting both you and the Lingering Will, please do not assume they are your allies nor your enemies. They will attack ANYONE."


"Emerald flames in the College Courtyard will render everyone unable to use healing magic. If you use healing magic such as the original Cure bundle, the Chaos Cure bundle or anything along those lines... You'll be out of luck there... Resurrection spells will also be useless there..."


"Finally I, myself will transport you to the entrance of the Empty Space where the flames are white. They are the only flames that gives everyone the advantage. They restore your lost energy gradually, but they also restore the Lingering Will's."


Ron explains in voice, before he finishes with this:


"Please heed my advice and take it on board... If you don't... One of you will die tonight... And don't think Gemini will be unaffected either."


Then the microphone is switched off and the fight continues.


"Well, I certainly don't wanna die tonight, so you better listen up to my master, everyone." James instructs, as everyone is greeted once again with Ron's Lingering Will.


Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,204/1,400


Previous Destination: Dark Forest


Next Destination: Graveyard

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"Well, what do you think?"

"I think you're all putting way more effort than needed to wake Tes up, honestly," Michele finally responded in regards to all the strange amount of effort being used to try to bring back her old friend before finally looking towards Ron, an elbow on her knee as she rested her chin on her hand while sitting down. "Seriously, all Exodia would have to do is hold her crystal in both hands for a full minute and she'd awaken on her own. He would end up as her new Hunter, but if it meant she stayed around for longe---hey, you bastard!" Suddenly, the lady in black had been pushed back onto her rearend as Ron suddenly took over and grabbed the microphone-headset from her before putting it on.

"No, you don't Mel. You get out of there right now. Look at the flames and look around you." he started to say, brownish-grey eyes glaring daggers into his back as she got up onto her feet. "It may be sapphire flames but what this stops you and the Lingering Will from doing is using Ranged Attacks. Think wisely now... All of you think wisely as well! If you want to live, you'll need to listen to me! Gemini especially!"

"...oh, this is going to be good," Michele remarked before pulling up a chair out of nowhere and summoning a glass of cold iceless tea and taking a drink from it. "Don't be surprised if he doesn't listen, he doesn't always listen to me and you know it..."

After Ron finishes his thing and finally gives her back the headset, she simply shakes her head at the boy. "Three of those effects are wrong for Gemini, considering his Aura Manipulation isn't actually magic..." With that did Michele put back on the headset for the moment...


He heard yelling...a lot of yelling...

The demon in human skin was flinching every so often, grabbing a handful of his own hair as he got up into a sitting position, trying to mentally tune out all the screaming.

"Shut your f*cking traps, you two. I'll deal with this one!"

As much as he hated to admit it, he agreed with her on that sentiment.

"Think wisely now... All of you think wisely as well! If you want to live, you'll need to listen to me! Gemini especially!" The hairs on the back of Gemini's neck bristled at these demanding words before daring to open his eyes and look around him, seeing the madness sprayed about him and wondering what all he just missed.

He refused to willingly be Michele's pawn, so what made this new ba$tard think he'd obey him?

"Please heed my advice and take it on board... If you don't... One of you will die tonight... And don't think Gemini will be unaffected either."

Considering the future that had been apparently foretold for him, Gemini already knew he was not allowed to just 'die'. Placing his feet among the Torn Streets, he cracked his knuckles as he readied himself for what he hoped to be an interesting dance.

"Sapphire flames such as this one stops everyone from attacking from afar, magic unaffected," the line suddenly echoed in his head, one that prompted him to summon a familiar black orb of energy often used for his Dark Void before looking down upon it. He had admittedly wondered on and off his the various Pokemon attacks could be considered a form of magic in other realms.

Well, now comes the time to find out for sure, then...right?

The dark orb of energy in hand, Gemini aimed to throw it right at the monstrosity in front of them...but the orb stayed floating right in front of his open palm the whole way through. Pokemon attacks were not magic after all, and he suspected that his Aura Manipulation was the same way. "...well, since I can summon it, let's see if I can at least fire a point-blank shot with it."

The orb of sleepy darkness still within his left hand, Gemini zoomed forward, ready to embed it directly into the Will...

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Heaven's Gateway - Michele's Room

"All the effort my doctor is making is purely for research. We're not trying to force awaken your old friend like what Jun just did. Believe me, I scolded him after he did that. It wasn't a natural thing to do..."

Then Ron became curious at the fact Michele was pointing out a few problems with some of the flames' side effects.

"Hmm... You think so?" Ron replied to Michele at the fact that three of the flames mentioned were wrong against Gemini. "Care to mention them all?" he asked.

"Sir, Madam... There's living dolls leaking in the foyer!" one of the residents announced as he burst the door to the hallway open. "Jesus funking Christ..." Ron mumbled in pity, shaking in disbelief that the whole situation was happening in let alone Heaven's Gateway. This was supposed to be the area of peace... Could they have come from the City of Neglection?

"Nephilim and Elysium... come forth!"

He then releases his weapons, one of them had demon's wings as a blade and one has angel's wings. Both weapons materialised as pure energy as they reached his hands, with aura enveloped onto them. "Michele... Since you can't fight very well, I suggest you keep watch. One of those camp mates will probably die without your guidance." he announced, but a few minutes in, somehow Mel made it through to Heaven's Gateway as well, landing in Michele's Room. "Dad... I have something to tell you about Tesability Black..." she says, panting in order to get her breath back. "I already know, Mel. Oh, Michele... This is my daughter, she's the wielder of ten Keyblades and also the owner of the Keyblade Dragon. I'll have her test the camp mates with that a bit later... Now Mel, I know you have Tes' crystal, so please... Hand it over to me, I'll have it delivered to Exodia." he announced. Mel then heeded his words and gave the authentic crystal belonging to Tesability to him. "Now, that's the crystal we're talking about. Clean, shining... And the body is dormant in here." He said, inspecting the crystal to make sure the condition is still good. "I'll give out the instructions to Exodia. I just have to deal with the leakage in the foyer. Oh, Michele... Mind writing the instructions down? I'll take care of the rest when I come back..."

"Go home for now, Mel. I'm sure Michele can handle it here."

Mel heads back home using the portal and then Ron leaves the room and heads to the foyer...

Heaven's Gateway - Foyer

BGM Currently Playing:

As soon as he arrived at the foyer, all he could find are cannibalistic bisque dolls and Node NetMonsters approaching him at a frightening rate. As soon as Ron witnessed the NetMonster biting off the bisque dolls head and swallowed it whole, he began to twitch. "What the... funk is this!"

"The poor funker must have swallowed the damn thing's head whole!"

Then the projector in Michele's Room was switched on, showing Ron fending off the cannibalistic bisque dolls and the rewritten Node NetMonsters.

"This sheet is not pretty... Every single one of them have gone psycho and there's about two-thousand of them!"

Even Michele could hear Ron's words in the foyer.

Torn Streets

BGM Currently Playing:

The Lingering Will becomes fierce... Sapphire flames grow stronger and now, it experiences a shock as well as the camp mates, disabling Ranged Attacks. The Lingering Will attempts to bury itself to the ground, but Rin simply wouldn't allow it. As the Lingering Will buried itself, Rin partially transforms her leg and picks it up, then tosses it around and plucks her blades from her fan before stabbing the Lingering Will with it. "Sorry... But you're not going to bury yourself down there! Gemini, your move!" she shouts, throwing the Lingering Will to Gemini's direction but another twist was made. Car parts are now being thrown about, as well as broken street signs and street lamps. When one of the cars approached James, he charged straight at it, lifted the thing and throws it at the Lingering Will, causing a good amount of damage.

"Oh, I know. We can manipulate these vehicles, street lamps and street signs and throw them at the boss! Everyone, I dare you... Try it!" he announced as he starts throwing more objects at the Lingering Will as it approaches Gemini.

A few minutes apart and Tetsuya does the same. Again, it did damage. "Hmm... Interesting. It works on the Lingering Will since they defy the rules of the Sapphire flames. We cannot attack physically from afar but if we use objects, it works..."

"Oh... sheet!" Tetsuya explains, before getting knocked over by one of the cars. "I guess you weren't paying attention. Impulse!" Meguri shouts, merging her weapons to her right arm, transforming it and uses the enlarged gauntlet that pops out from the ground in order to attack the Lingering Will from there, but fails to work because of the Sapphire flames.

"sheet, I forgot about that..."

I guess, it only makes it even more stronger as it reacts and retaliates at Meguri. It falls on the ground and gets back on its feet, then it charges at Meguri, grabbing her by the neck and throwing her at one of the flying objects approaching Gemini as it would by now.


The hit Meguri took rendered her unable to attack for the time being. She may have cracked her spine in the process...The flying object that happens to be an engine of the car charged at Gemini at a faster rate than it should. Would Gemini be able to dodge it, or is it all over?

Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,193/1,400

Previous Destination: The Dark Forest

Next Destination: Graveyard
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Exodia was confused. He had been confused in the prior fight, he was confused on the boat ride, and he was confused now. Being thrown into crazy situations did not well suit him, as he is just a simple human.


This meant no powers. No special abilities. No magic. He felt like a weakling against these powerful beings. Those fires messed with him. All he had was his physical strength, but that could be messed with by simplistic fire. It felt like something so simple took him down, and this lightly bruised what little ego he had. 


He was there to protect their well-beings, though. It was his own manner of dealing with it, his healing, where he felt he shined best.


Throughout much of the boat ride, he kept a light whirr of the machine buzzing as he kept a heal on Gemini. This would continue to the moments before they would go into battle, because Exodia felt it was the best interest to tend to the wounded until they are basically sick of it.


Sigh. I am alone, in a sense. Confusion was wracked through his mind.


Reluctantly, he followed Tetsuya through the portal once Gemini was ready. Here, he cut off the beam as so to ready for a battle.


Entering the battle, it seems like utter Hell. Exodia, frantic as can be, quickly begins flashing the beam towards all combatants. His highest speed setting was on to ensure this was an efficient usage of healing.


Exodia felt as he did in the fight with the demon, except with more urgency and franticness. The flying objects and new flames seemed to trouble him. Thankfully, he did not feel weaker. He breathed a sigh of relief, except at the fact that he was a little closer to the fight than he wanted. There wasn't much he could do to avoid it, though; the medigun has a maximum radius and, to appease a limit, he had to stay in close.

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Frankly, no action was needed from Gemini at the moment as Rin charges in and breaks up the fight between the Lingering Will and Gemini. An action that everyone is not a fan of.

"Hey, Exodia! I think Meg needs help! Rin shouted at Exodia from a distance. "We have a cracked spine from what appears to be an injury from throwing a car engine at her... I can't say who did it, but you better check!" she concluded, carrying on with her fight.

"I... Should be fine, Rin..." Meguri strains, but in the end, she falls unconscious. Now, only James, Rin, Gemini and Exodia remained conscious for the time being, with Tetsuya and Meguri both being knocked off by objects being thrown at them. "Look out, Exodia! There's a tyre heading your way!" he shouted, as a floating tyre came flying at Exodia at a convincing pace.

Then, the Lingering Will became angered instantly. It buries itself underground, breaking the fight with Rin and begin developing a flurry of flames from underneath, hindering the camp mates' movements and knocking them over slightly. "You rude jabroni, trying to break a fight! I'll teach you some manners!" Rin raged, partially transforming her arms into talons and buries it underground as she tries to dig away at the Lingering Will. She eventually does so and deals damage to it.

With a little under a hundred hit points remaining until the Lingering Will moves to the next location, it brings itself back up on its feet and charges at Gemini with its weapon, but James immediately rushes in and takes the damage instead. "Not happening!" he muttered, as he forces the Lingering Will's weapon from his chest, having being stabbed at that moment and thrusts it underground, taking himself with it.

Now, with under fifty hit points, the Lingering Will buries itself yet again and waits for a reaction from Exodia or Gemini. After a while, if no reaction was made... Let's assume it had already made its way to the Graveyard...

Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,049/1,400

Previous Destination: Torn Streets

Next Destination: Abandoned Junkyard


Heaven's Gateway - Foyer

BGM Currently Playing:

"I'm not liking this... Why the funk has enemies from the City of Neglection leaked through the gateway? Oh... God!" Ron questioned, twitching every time he could see a Data Node NetMonster or a bisque doll eat themselves. It's three times now, he witnessed it happening. "I changed my mind. Michele... I hope you can guide me as well as the camp mates!" he said, looking behind him to see more enemies leak through the hallway and making its way to Michele's Room. "Oh, no you funking don't!" he reacted, as he stopped the enemies in its tracks in hopes of preventing them from entering.

"I know these guys are NetMonsters... But as Jun explained, they're cannibals. They've been rewritten as one. Actually, you know what... I'm dropping the funker to Exodia now, funk it!" Ron concludes, as he rips paper from his leg, which contained a notepad and penned the instructions required for Exodia to wake Tesability Black up. He then drops her crystal and the instructions into the chute which makes a direct route to Exodia himself. The instruction should say:

"Sorry, Exodia. I couldn't wait. Here's the authentic crystal of Tesability Black that my daughter Mel kept hold of. I know it's real because I can faintly see her asleep in there. Read this message carefully as it will burn in about 60 seconds after you read it."

"All you have to do is hold the crystal around your chest for a full minute and let her awaken on her own. You have the potential to become her master. Talen Avalon has entrusted you to her and so have I."

"I will meet you and the camp mates in two days time. Let's have a good fight then. I'm looking forward to seeing your skills being honed whilst in camp."

"From, Ron."

The instruction should reach Exodia instantly, if not within 60 seconds in-game.

"That should do it!" Ron said. He then looks behind and realises he had failed to prevent the enemies from breaking through the foyer. "sheet. Michele, I'm coming! funk the enemies in the foyer... They've broken into our defences!" he announced as he makes his way back.

Heaven's Gateway, Michele's Hallway

Outside Michele's Room, he grabs a microphone and makes a quick announcement to the residents:

"Cannibalistic bisque dolls and Node NetMonsters rewritten to eat each other have broken through the foyer. Please prepare for combat! I'm currently pre-occupied in another area and therefore unable to help."

Funnily enough, all of the residents reacted instantly and helps fight off the enemies keeping them inside the foyer, hoping to escort them out.

Satisfied, Ron focuses on keeping the enemies out of Michele's Room, having breached into her hallway already.

Back in the Torn Streets...

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A crystal drops alongside a note...

James picks it up and simply hands it over to Exodia, but not before inspecting the crystal first. "Yeah, it's the real thing. Here, Exodia. It's for you. It's about time for a familiar face to come back..." he said, patiently waiting for the Lingering Will to come out and fight.
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~Within the Heaven's Gateway~

Once the madness within the Gateway began, Michele was fast in finding herself a hiding place with her laptop. Finding such a place, however, was not easy, especially with how the familiar and unfamiliar monstrosities seemed to swarm the place.

Eventually, she managed to find herself a small closet and closed the door behind her before daring to quietly slide down the wall behind her.

"This sh!t is not pretty... Every single one of them have gone psycho and there's about two-thousand of them," she suddenly heard, prompting her to grab the front of her hair with one hand as she closed her eyes.

"Arceus-dammit, what happened to them? Data Nodes wouldn't do this to their captured NetMonsters and neither any of the Boss NetMonsters, Nemesis or Shade are stupid enough to try such a change," she muttered mutely under her breath, almost without breath.

The madness sounded like it was growing outside, threatening to get closer to where she was. She knew she couldn't speak now without risk of getting caught, so she was wracking her brain for ways to communicate with the others outside of the Gateway.

She almost face-palmed before she remembered that making sounds would be a bad idea right now. Being as quiet as she could, she opened up her laptop, and began typing away as silently and as quickly as possible...


The Dark Void did not work.

The Dark Void, even when directly pushed into the Will's chest, did not work.

Gemini was quick to back away when he realized that one of his favored tactics had failed him for once. A snarl in his fangs, he allowed a pair of dark-blue orbs of energy to appear in each hand, soon reforming into crystalline longswords with an extremely-sharpened edge and an ethereal glow trapped within. "Well, if I can't put you under a cloud, then I will end you the old fashioned way."

Sorry, Gemini, but I gotta hi-jack something.

The demon jolted, standing up straight immediately at the voice...no, those words weren't spoken, more like they were felt. "Michele, you better not be messing with me."

I don't have a choice.

He almost missed the car that had been flung at him, the use of the blades made to split the vehicle before they could impact and harm him.

Everyone, listen up!

Wait, what?! Why did that feel like he had projected that thought?!

I'm having to reach you all through unusual means, because the area I'm in is also under attack. You all have to work together more so than normal, and yes, that even includes you, Antonio Gemini Rivetter.

All the color left his knuckles from how tightly he held his blades by their handles at the use of his full name. Also, three of the flames will affect you differently, Gem. Noticed how you were able to use the Dark Void attack, but not actually use it at range? That's because, unlike the others that have access to magic, your Pokemon attacks and Aura Manipulation is not treated as forms of magic where you are from. The Topaz flames will also lock up your Physical attacks in the various forms as well.

"...that explains that, then." For him, the Sapphire and Ruby flames had reversed effects. He could use his abilities near the Sapphire flames, but not at range, and he isn't stopped from using them at all near the Ruby ones.

Until the unusual attacks here pass, I will primarily be contacting you all through Gemini's Telepathy ability in his current form. I'm not daring to make this heard out of fear that I may be killed here. I will be keeping an eye on you all, and I wish you luck. Whomever modified these Data Node Shadows over here is going to die a slow and painful death...

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Exodia saw the crystal flash before him. He grasped it as well as the note, curious as to what they were. He begin to read the note with some curiosity, because it felt... random... that he was given such an item at such a time. â€‹Shouldn't this be a reward for a quest or this fight, not a mid-battle deal? Exodia shrugged and continued to read.


​Tesability Black? Oh no. Is Mich-I mean Tale- I mean... oh never mind on the name. Is she... gone? Exodia shakes his head and looks up, the note clearly burning to ashes in his hands.


After hearing the call of an unfamiliar face, he stares for a second in intrigued curiosity. However, he heeds her message and rushes towards Meguri. 


​"Don't worry, Meguri. I got ya. The healing beam should be on you soon." Exodia sighs. He hates when his teammates go unconscious, but Exodia notices she is in a very awkward position whilst unconscious, almost unnatural.


Noticing this, he attempts to right her to the best of his ability. After this, he begins to drag her to a safe place. Holding the crystal in one hand and Meguri's shirt-tail to another, he carefully begins to bring her out of harm's way whilst she healed.


This all changed when the tire came at him. Not wanting to risk more damage to Meguri, he quickly takes off his Medigun pack and gun. Setting it next to Meguri so she could heal, he took the hit from the tire head-on.


The force from the tire sent him soaring backwards. Spinning across the ground, he comes to rest not too far from Meguri. Reeling from a light amount of pain, but not a debilitating amount, he took this opportunity to feign unconsciousness to bring Tes back.


1, 2, 3... Counted quietly in his head as he placed the crystal against his chest and let the process begin.

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There had been no reaction from either of the players mentioned...


Now, the Lingering Will refused to come back out from underground and into the Torn Streets, which meant all the camp mates have to transfer locations yet again. Before all that though, James cures everyone using his healing magic, something he won't be able to use later and heads off. "Everyone, up! The Lingering Will legged it again!" he shouted as he makes his way to the Graveyard, all whilst vehicle parts are still being thrown about. When Meguri and Tetsuya regained consciousness, they also make their way there without word. Whilst Tetsuya carries on his path, Meguri stopped and looks at Exodia, who is in the process of summoning Tesability Black and stood behind. "Rin, go on ahead. I'll stay with Exodia and make sure he's alright." she said, barely able to catch her breath. Rin heeds the message and heads straight for the Graveyard where the Lingering Will is waiting. Whilst waiting, Meguri made sure all of the vehicle parts were out of harm's way, including two engines that once belonged to a 2015 Toyota Auris Hybrid, a Give Way sign and a Stop sign all at once.




BGM Currently Playing: 


Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 1,049/1,400


As soon as James and the gang were outside the Graveyard, the former takes out the keys to the gates and immediately opens it. "That's right, you saw me. I'm the keeper of this Graveyard. This place is usually off-limits to the public so we have to make this quick..." he instructs, as he hails Rin and Tetsuya inside, leaving the gate open for Gemini, Meguri and Exodia who are still in the Torn Streets. He then heads inside as well and awaits the enemy.


"Alright, come out, wherever you are!" James announced, causing the Lingering Will to come out and greet the enemy once again.


It grows stronger. More fierce and now it's bleeding flames...


Ruby flames are now being engulfed all around the Graveyard, paralysing both sides from being able to use magic. Not even the Lingering Will is able to bury itself anymore and use its attacks from there. "Ugh! What the hell! We'll just have to attack the god damned thing physically!" Tetsuya moaned, throwing his weapons at the Lingering Will's direction, only to have it being thrown back at him. Luckily he had caught it again, if Tetsuya will have reacted a second later, he would be toast.


"The Lingering Will is certainly more stronger than usual..."


Ron's Lingering Will's HP: 999/1,400

Previous Destination: Torn Streets

Next Destination: Abandoned Junkyard




Heaven's Gateway, Michele's Hallway


BGM Currently Playing: 


Ron, still fending off enemies in Michele's Hallway, left himself with no choice but to take drastic action. "I've had enough. Morph!" he shouts across the room, summoning ethereal demonic wings from his back and turning his Nephilim and his Elysium to two sets of bows. Using two sets of quivers as well, he speeds up the process by simultaneously using the two bows and shoots at the enemies at lightning speed. Whilst he does, all the Node Netmonsters were ripped away at the speed Ron was in as well as the bisque dolls that were with them at the time. They couldn't react at all.


"Take this, you psychos..."


"Take that, take that, take that!"


Ron was still going relentless, dropping one bow and shooting multiple arrows, then replacing the bow he was using and repeats the process, swapping bows every twenty minutes and shooting a total of two-thousand energy arrows. After all that had happened, bits of flesh were scattered around the floor and three hundred more Node NetMonsters and bisque dolls were left. All of them eventually came charging at Ron. "I shouldn't do this... But... It's getting a bit too much..."




After that phrase, there's nothing we can do. Ron's body became ethereal energy. He envelops himself with black aura and negative emotions was drawn in, allowing himself to become a Demon Hybrid. Now, this is the real Demon Hybrid we all have to defeat later. As soon as the transformation was finished, he charged in at faster than lightning speed and crushes the enemies one by one without major effort. Fifteen minutes in and all of the enemies have been eradicated, prompting Ron to revert back to normal.


"That was some piece of work. The residents did well too, fending off a few of those cannibals for me... I'm going back in." he said, as he enters Michele's Room again, but not before he signals the residents to clear up the mess they all made, as well as the cyborg himself.


Heaven's Gateway, Michele's Room


BGM Currently Playing: None


"Michele. You can come out of the closet now. I've cleared everything up. It took me two hours, but I did it eventually..." Ron said, opening the closet containing the somewhat scared Michele tapping away with her laptop. Then Jun pops up on her screen.


"sheet... What did I miss?" he questioned, with Ron staring at the screen from next to Michele.


"I dunno.... What the hell did you miss? You missed a lot of things, you dumbass! You had me explain everything because you skipped out on me... And it's because I scolded you as well, the little prick. I'll have you explain what the hell's gone through your dirty little mind of yours, you little sheet." Ron shouted at Jun, obviously displeased.


"The apologies have got to wait, fucktard. Look. The Lingering Will's at it again. Let's take a look." Ron instructed as he switched on projecters pointing at the Graveyard and the Torn Streets, where Gemini, Exodia and Meguri are.


"How much longer are they gonna take in there?" he said, looking at the Torn Street's screen before looking at Meguri's direction to see her fending off car parts and road signs. "Right, okay. Oh, and temporary traffic lights are also flying your way, Meguri!" he warned, although Meguri wouldn't hear him just yet. "At least the three of them are okay, but the other three hanging around in the Graveyard won't be for much longer!" he pointed out, but it wouldn't be much longer until he calls for help.


"Man, that means we have got to guide these funkers again, eh? Alright. I'm in."


"That's more like it. Don't skip out on me again, you little sheet. I'm warning you."

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