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Fusion X. Denver

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Favorite gunman?

Kittan Zero. Awesome design and the one I'd want to pilot the most besides Gurren Lagann. Just looks pro.

What do you think of me?

You're the bomb dot com, still waiting on those dance videos.


What do you think of me?


You're a good dude, sometimes you let your anger get the best of you, but I like you.

I dunno if this sounds weird, but I feel like if everyone has a YCM twin, you're mine for some reason (aside from Remo, but he's super inactive now).

Favorite DC/Marvel superhero besides Spiderman?

Can't believe I almost forgot this.

Batman's my favorite DC hero and probably my 2nd fave superhero, but I also like Nightwing and Flash a lot.


For Marvel, Captain America, Thor and Daredevil are in my favorites. I also like Wolverine too, but I haven't read any good stories of his in a while.

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Do you acknowledge the fact that if I wasn't a huge TTGL fan, I probably wouldn't be able to read half the words on your sig?

JUST WHO THE yeah I hear ya. I couldn't make the image any bigger without making my sig too big, so I linked the image in the artist's name below it for full view.


Part of me thinks we could be the Trio of FRT, but that's only a dream, really.

At this point, probably not, but it's one hell of a what-if. You would have been the engineer, Remo the tactician, and I our hot-blooded, youthful leader would together make the impossible possible!

I posted a dance video .-.

wat where

Kittan Zero? That an alternate name for the King Kittan?

Derp, I just watched Parallel Works and the short where Kittan gets King is called Kittan Zero. 

Who am I? Where am I? Sometimes I forget things...

yoU aRe CAEDA kazooie, progenitor of the AVIAN FLIGHT OF APOCALYPSE of MONOtony, home to the state of Nevaaaaaaaada? or YugiohCM depending on your God-damn preference. You say you don't remember but this is your destiny probably.

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That is what I assumed was going on there. Ok... Among the 4 beast generals, which is your favorite?

Fuck Thymilph, you know why.

Fuck Adiane, she annoyed me.

Cytomander wasn't too remarkable.

I guess Guame, I thought it was cool that he was with Lord Genome since the start and his fights with Team Gurren were memorable (not that the others weren't but yeah).


Remarkable, sir. It's like watching Cotton Eye Joe on sugar.

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At this point, probably not, but it's one hell of a what-if. You would have been the engineer, Remo the tactician, and I our hot-blooded, youthful leader would together make the impossible possible!


Shit, man, now you have me hype for that. y u do dis 2 me, bro?

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