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My swordsman deck! (i need help)!!!!

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OK I really want to win the tournament so can you help me out here this is my deck:


monsters: 22

mystic swordsman lv6 x2

silent swordsman lv5 x2

silent swordsman lv7 x1

mystic swordsman lv4 x1

mystic swordman lv2 x2

silent swordsman lv3 x3

obnoxious celtic guard x1

sasuke samurai x1

D.D. warrior lady x1

exiled force x1

sasuke samurai #2 x1

destiny hero defender x1

Snipe hunter x2

field commander rahz x1

mataza the zapper x1

Giford the lightning x1


Spells: 12

reinforcement of the army x2

the warrior returning alive x1

divine sword phoenix blade x1

different dimension capsuele x1

hand destruction x1

magical mallet x1

heavy storm x1

premature burial x1

lightning vortex x1

a feather of the phoenix x1

brain control x1


Traps: 8

draining shield x1

windstorm of etaqua x1

dust tornado x1

call of the haunted x1

sakuretsu armor x1

raigeki break x1

raidient mirror force x1

widespread ruin x1


I have alot of cards like the monarchs, mirror force, harpie's feather duster and raigeki. P.S Please state any card and even a new decklist that would be good for my deck. Thanks!!!

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