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Ask Rodrigo Anything


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Bring what?


Bring me a dae full of sunshine


why is mtg so awesome?


Because it's the best game on Earth.


Why won't you marry me?


I am already married to Volt~


I heard you like Zone-Tan...


Zone-tan sounds very cute, I might indeed love her.

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LeLenny FaFace

Then do you care to dance?

   \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    /   へ\
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   レ ノ   ヽ_つ
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can you ask me questions in my thread? 8'D


also why do you love fanservice shows so much?


Nope =D


To be accurate, I love the fanservice itself, not necessarily the shows. 90% of ecchi shows have shit stories, but I still watch them anyways because boobs and asses are divine.


On a scale of 1-10, how divine is Noel Vermillion's ass



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