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ask night some shit


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Jokes aside, what is your secret, if you get what I mean.


I'm actually fairly afraid of the dark, ironic isn't it. 


At sunrise, do you put away your toys and go to coffin, or do you throw a tantrum first?


coffins are for plebs, I rest in pepperonis


why are you such a prink


years of childhood neglect, probably


You ever continue the sensory exercises?


no idea what you're talking about, that should probably answer your question


who am i and what am i doing here


also who are you and what are you doing here


also do i know you


do you know me




internetuser#6227803200919, here for porn, mainly


internetuser#6227803200920, also here for porn, mainly


in a past life we were aardvarks, we were pretty good friends, by aardvark standards 


a former aardvark acquaintance, obviously

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