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ask night some shit


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you're very rude lately


the day I'm no longer rude, something's wrong


Why do you think you are a YCM god?


"a YCM god"


There can only be one. But to answer your question someone else coined it, I found it amusing, people went with it. 


Favorite GoT character?


Tywin Lannister 


Besides your own, what do you think is the best section on YCM? Worst? Why?


I think the only "section" that's honestly left is Showcase, everything else has more or less blended together over the years. It's hard to actually pinpoint pros and cons of specific sections any more because everyone kind of dabbles in everything and mods rule in a more global manner. Back in the day the moderator of the section pretty much owned it, their influence dictated how the section operated. When you thought of CC, you thought of Black/Koko, when you thought of RP you thought of Rinne. Similarly, you would also think of the members who frequented that nook of the forum because it was almost always the same group of people. The section, it's moderator(s), and it's members were all interchangeable. These days that just doesn't really happen, which is both good and bad in it's own right. The reason why Showcase is even still relevant is because we never lost that sense of community, but at the same time it never grew because of the same reason.


Anyway, that was long-winded as fuck, plus it didn't even answer the question.


Worst section in my opinion is whichever yugioh section people like to flame each other and argue about who knows the most about irrelevant shit, I've no idea which section it is, but that shit is literal cancer. Best section is the mod forum because there aren't any stupid people. 


Should I try my hand at writing again?


You should do whatever the fuck you want.

why the fuck are you using my insult


stfu nerdass




I'm calling it

If it's not I'm done with Amir


oi he said favorite, not hottest fucknugget


fav piece you've created




why do you even ask

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What program do you use to create your pieces?


Also, the section you're referring to is the TCG area (which evilfusion controls).

Indeed, the mentality of that section can get rather intense at times, based on observation about certain things. 


To a lesser extent, CC has some design discussions of the power creep that's intricately linked to whatever goes on in the above, but that doesn't happen very often because either they know how to behave or Nai & I get on them really quickly if they do not. 

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What program do you use to create your pieces?


Also, the section you're referring to is the TCG area (which evilfusion controls).

Indeed, the mentality of that section can get rather intense at times, based on observation about certain things. 


GIMP mainly, mostly because after using it for 5 years I know the program in and out. Plus the learning curve is steep as fuck, it took me that long to get good with it, might as well put that knowledge to work. 


I use Photoshop CS6 for logo work though, and I've been dabbling in Illustrator as of late. I also fuck around on SAI from time to time.


I've always wanted to learn Maya however, that shit is dope.


excuse me bitch


relax kido, the fact that you're even being acknowledged by me is like the highlight of your life

you're welcome

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of curiosity, how did you find/end up in YCM?

I ask because this is more of a YGO forum (well, most of the community isn't into YGO nowadays but it's the forum of a YGO card maker after all) and yet you are not interested in the game but in graphic design.

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Out of curiosity, how did you find/end up in YCM?
I ask because this is more of a YGO forum (well, most of the community isn't into YGO nowadays but it's the forum of a YGO card maker after all) and yet you are not interested in the game but in graphic design.

Not sure if it was Ice who got him here or the other way around.

Anyway, would you ever be open to chatting through PM in general?
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I liked talking to you.


Likewise, I'm just really terrible at upholding conversation on this site it seems. 


What does the stuff in your member title mean?


Nightwalker, the alias I went by like 5 years ago. 


Out of curiosity, how did you find/end up in YCM?

I ask because this is more of a YGO forum (well, most of the community isn't into YGO nowadays but it's the forum of a YGO card maker after all) and yet you are not interested in the game but in graphic design.


Pretty long story, but to keep in concise I had a very faint interest in the game 7 years ago, got invited by a friend to this site, stopped playing yugioh 3 months after. I became enamored by the art that was produced in Showcase, decided I wanted to try my hand at the craft, found out I had a knack for it so I stuck around for a bit. I got really tired of Showcase being so terribly managed so I took it upon myself to try and become a mod so that I could fix the section. Originally that was my only intent but somewhere along the way I realized I could offer more to the site than just managing Showcase, became a super moderino shortly after.


Not sure if it was Ice who got him here or the other way around.

Anyway, would you ever be open to chatting through PM in general?


Yeah that fuck brought me here.


Generally I only reply to pm's regarding site related issues, you could try, I just highly doubt I'll respond. Nothing personal, I do that shit with everyone. 

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