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Now ~ Turn the Key [Raidraptors]


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3 Impale
3 Mimicry
3 Tribute
3 Vanishing
2 Kagetokage
2 Summoner Monk

3 Raidraptor - Nest
3 Upstart Goblin
2 Swallow's Nest
1 Foolish Burial
1 Raigeki

1 Snatch Steal
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Icarus Attack
2 Vanity's Emptiness
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Raidraptor - Readiness
1 Solemn Warning

Okay, let's see...


Summonk is an honorary RR. Getting Tribute/Mimicry OR Vanishing off of him is almost always value.


In order of "best to worst", and how I see it, the RRs fall: Vanishing > Impale >= Tribute > Mimicry.


Mimicry isn't bad, but you really don't want to draw/use it unless you plan to go R5. It's mostly searcher fodder. It's not bad to draw, just not optimal to draw, and 3 is still worth it due to name/effectiveness. If anything, might cut Tribute to 2. It's stronger, but it's mostly an "upgrade" to Mimicry.


Vanishing is hands down the best. It's like a Hunder, but more restrictive in exchange for a better deck. And you can use Nest to use "4" vanishing in a turn. And even more with Impale.


Speaking of, Impale is better than I initially thought... partially because I thought it was like Gorilla/Tribute... which it's not. The revive condition is hilarious, but keeps it from being abused by Soul Charge. The first effect is good both for sitting the opp down OR sitting Strix down after it swings. Then it revives, most likely, Vanishing (or a second impale to sit said Strix aka owl down). It really gives purpose to the MP2, and encourages thought that's not as common elsewhere.


Tribute is Unukalhai... That's all there is to say. Which is why I probably will cut it to 2, it just happens to be in a deck that really needs names.


As for other stuff... Readiness. It's a tech, but there's an argument for it because of Tribute and Mimicry both being able to set it up. It gives Tribute


Zephyros sounds like a cute idea for the deck, but getting it to the bin without monk/kage/foolish isn't likely, and I'd rather devote them to RR plays generally.


A lot of the deck is really just Strix.dek... Which is fine. Owl's search is strong, and it gets bigger with time/spam. It's not hard to have double Strix, either, so you can search with nest while you search with owls.


I'm not sure on Cowboy, but... I have been in a lot of games where I wish I could chip damage in MP2, so I'mma test it.

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How has Nightmare been testing?

I have yet to make it. It was a tech choice, though, and thanks to Tribute... I think I'll actually Run F0. Double Strix is well and good, but it can clog the field, so i can just Xyz the into chip damage.


Also wish I could fit call of the haunted. I guess I could use it + something over the Upstarts, but Monk...

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