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Ask Sakura Anything

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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The only volcano (actively) is Kilauea on Hawaiʻi Island (commonly called "Big Island").

I live on Oʻahu (and so does Icy), which is about 100 or so miles away; also factor in that it's an island state, so water.


Can't really answer the question, but just know that we get vog at times (volcanic fog), which essentially makes it a bit difficult to breathe at times.

I've probably been to said volcano in the past, but don't remember.

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Indifferent on the matter; curious on why it's a trend now, but whatever.

Do you want to be moved into the Fleet group though?

Basically just random conversations led to it.

Oh right right that would be good, thanks. I forgot about that. XD

(IC mode activated)
That's so very sweet of you~

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TBH, Sapphy consented during the Halloween event; Latias gave hers back in 2011-2012ish.

With that in mind, I should've been another monster at this time, considering that I did have that large banner of her in my profile/sig for a good period of time.


I did manage to pick up 2 copies of her card the other week, alongside a second Ritual.

Whether or not I'm going to use her in the future; that'll depend if I can figure out a good Deck for her IRL.


Most I got right now is Hieratics (and YGO Online decided to copy my idea with Sapphy's form over there, e_e); it works nicely with her, but given the build, really needs to have its consistency cleaned up.


(Plus, a lot of the Extra Deck will kill me; specifically the R6/R8 bosses)

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I don't think you fully understand my point. Sapphy consented, yes, but Sapphy was also you. You consented to marry yourself. And then made out with yourself in a thread. And then pointed out to a new member that you are officially married to yourself. Do you not notice how odd this is, from the outside? 

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In the event that anyone else asks, the Saffira that I'm married to in my profile is a different one than my monster form.

On a sidenote, I am still using it for my Damage Control account, in the event that I can't do things on this account for whatever reason.


Wait. But the one who consented was your monster. Either you are married to yourself, or your marriage is a sham.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Need some help Sakura.

In my DBZ thread here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/231560-dragonball-the-eternal-journey-best-dragonball-gallery-on-ycm-ever-updated-22115-254/

At the end of the list, some cards are NOT in spoilers. So.....Is there a limit on the spoilers we can have?

If so, how would you recommend I reorganize my cards there?

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Need some help Sakura.

In my DBZ thread here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/231560-dragonball-the-eternal-journey-best-dragonball-gallery-on-ycm-ever-updated-22115-254/

At the end of the list, some cards are NOT in spoilers. So.....Is there a limit on the spoilers we can have?

If so, how would you recommend I reorganize my cards there?


You shouldn't have a max number of spoilers.

Though, if the problem persists, just move some of the cards to another post; and link to them.


You have about 200 cards, so I don't know.


Or just use spoiler tags for every 10-20; not every single one.

Grouping might help.


Just so you can have a legit question and not a "directed towards mod" question.

I'm not sure if you've mentioned, but what are you going to school for/what are you planing on doing in the future for a career?


My profile says I'm an engineering student, so...that's pretty much my answer.

For the future, probably going to designing stuff (like my major implies); it's civil engineering though.


(I think Thar's in the same field, though I'm not sure what discipline he's in)


Why do you hate newer members?


I don't hate them, but would be appreciated if they gave the rules a read. (Some of them do, however, so that's great)

We all didn't read them at one point during our newbie days, myself included, but yeah.


If you're referring to that member who drew a debacle last week, then basically because he didn't change after a lot of members (including Nai and myself) told him his design was awful (for the most part), even after repeated fixes.


I don't mind giving second chances and stuff, but you're expected to learn from it and not repeat the mistake again.



Then again, be glad you don't see me on that Pokemon MMORPG I was on during my 21 month hiatus from here [and still play on].

(I'm also moderator there, but generally for chat reasons lately, which is dead nowadays)


New members generally don't get a lot of recognition, but that's mainly due to them getting a ton of freebies (and luck), whereas a lot of the older members (like myself and several of my friends there) had to work our asses off for it. And then again, a lot of them tend to brag about their things, so...


I wouldn't say that over there, we're "elitist", but basically that you need to actually try hard before getting respect.

That applies for real life things as well, doesn't it?

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I still play YGO, although limited, so here's a below list of stuff I play:


  • Ice Barriers (basically since 5Ds [online + gaming])
  • U.A. (basically due to it being cheap enough to build IRL, and still works. Mind you, I screwed with Necloths the other day on YGOPro)
  • MPBs (RL/YGOPro)
  • HEROs (I tend to use a Synchro/Xyz variant though; YGOPro though)
  • Yousenjuu (DN/YGOPro)
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You shouldn't have a max number of spoilers.

Though, if the problem persists, just move some of the cards to another post; and link to them.


You have about 200 cards, so I don't know.


Or just use spoiler tags for every 10-20; not every single one.

Grouping might help.

I USED to group 10-20, but OTHER Moderators of those times said it looked less professional.

I like the way it is know, but it seems like there IS a limit to spoilers.

I'll give it a week to see if its fixed. (Can you help with that?)

If it doesn't work, I'll just use spoilers for lores that are long. :/

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