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[[January 2015]] Raidraptors [[Updated with V2]]


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[spoiler='Version 1']qnqg8.jpg[/spoiler]


3x Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius

3x Raidraptor - Impale Lanius

2x Harpie Harpist  (Replaced with Summoner Monk)

3x Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius

3x Raidraptor - Mimicry Lanius

3x Kagetokage

1x Raigeki

1x Galaxy Cyclone

1x Soul Charge

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force (Moved to Side)

2x Swallow's Nest 

2x Raidraptor - Nest (Upgraded to x3)

1x Snatch Steal

1x Raidraptor - Readiness

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Icarus Attack

2x Dimensional Prison

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Fiendish Chain

1x Solemn Warning

3x Vanity's Emptiness


1x Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon

1x Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh

1x Ice Princess Zereort

1x Number 61: Volcasaurus

2x Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon (Moved to Side)

1x Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1x King of the Feral Imps

1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

1x Ice Beast Zerofyne

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

2x Raidraptor - Force Strix

1x Raidraptor - Rise Falcon

1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon

1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Abyss Dweller

1x Diamond Dire Wolf

1x Number 66: Master Key Beetle

1x Evilswarm Ouroboros


- Kagetokage is extremely potent with Harpie Harpist, Tribute Lanius, or Mimicry Lanius. It is also the strongest opening play the deck can make

- Swallow's Nest is a powerful combo piece and excellent at dodging things (Shocker <.<). Sets off Harpie Harpist as a bonus too.

- Raidraptor - Nest is @2 because it is easily searchable through the efforts of Mimicry.

- I had one tech slot open, deciding between Allure of Darkness, Sacred Crane, Unicorn Beacon, and Dark Armed Dragon. Since I couldn't decide, I went with more backrow hate in the form of Galaxy Cyclone. I may change this. Give thoughts on the various choices?

- Rise Falcon really isn't all that useful, may take out completely and replace with a Number 103: Ragnazero for more Rio influence and to help against the Qli matchup.

- Is Soul Charge even worth it in here? Everytime I've used it, it feels like overkill. Maybe I should just leave it to the Number 86 shenanigans.

- May remove King of the Feral Imps. Once you do the Kagetokage combo, you're pretty much set. You really shouldn't have to search out more, so it might just be there as a "just in case"? Feels like I could use the slot better though.

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Don't play Harpist or the RUM.


Harpist is just plain replaced by Tribute Lanius, because Harpist was always a bit too slow and now it doesn't have slots for it, and you should be playing Summoner Monk in its 2 slots. Summonk is, like, honorary RR.


The RUM is a decent-ish side card, atm. Even with Tribute, it's not good ENOUGH. Even if you choose to tech it, it's just a 1-of.


Nest is easily searchable, but it is extremely important to the deck, and its best monster: Vanishing Lanius. You should play 3 for the same reason you play triple Covenant with the Hellgate or w/e it's called.


D-Pris is not a good card. Vanity's Emptiness is. Especially in a deck that can and will drop Key Beetle reliably.


You don't need King Feral, yeah. It seems like you would, but Kage's honestly just good because it's DARK, and you don't need an engine.


I also don't think Exciton's really good here. If you're at a neg... almost ever, especially after just a -1 xyz summon, you're doing it wrong. Much like why some geargia builds didn't run exciton.



-King Feral


-Rise (only good via the RUM, only vs. BA)

-2 Blaze


-0-1 101 (it's not great anymore, but up to you)

+65: Master Key Beetle

+0-1 Dire Wolf (i like it, ain doesn't like it in theory, so)

+Abyss Dweller

+80: Rhapsody

+Lavalval Chain (it can search Nest on its own)

+other generic R4 that does the job better. Maybe Delteros, idk.


Volcasaurus isn't truly good anymore because it can't hit face-up S/T. It also requires Gaia Dragon to be fully functional, which means, as you have it, it's even less worth it.


Zereort isn't really worth it, either. It's cute, but there are better things than straight-up monster removal.



-1 Volca

-1 Zereort

+1 Tiras (this is, like, the best generic R5)

+1 Adreus (this is a very good R5 thanks to pendulums and increasing number of face-up S/T)


Finally, the Cyclone slot... None of the above? Soul Charge is better than all of them as a generic free-Xyz(s), albeit a bit winmoar at times. D.D.R. is superior to Unicorn Beacon. Allure just isn't a good card at 1. DAD is the only one here that seems doable, and it seems like you'd jump through hoops to drop it a lot of times. Crane is just silly.

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I still don't see why Dire Wolf is popular. Mind shedding some light on that?

It's cheap removal for any two level 4s. Decree, fields, pendulums, etc. And it doesn't return them like Castel, so it's superior in some cases.


When level 4s are absurdly easy to shit out.


In addition that that, this is a deck with many targets for it; Castel, most of the main deck, Zerofyne, Strix... You're going to be able to get value out of it, much like a certain LIGHT deck does, due to Bujintei Tsukuyomi.


Also, forgot, Foolish Burial is a good card in the tech slot.

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