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Mike Tyson vs Bruce Lee

Squirrel Girl


17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win?

    • Mike Tyson
    • Bruce Lee

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So, I've been wondering this for a while... who would win in a fight between Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson. Everything goes except for biting and eye poking and no groin punch/kicks.


Personally I would go for Bruce Lee on this considering he is faster and a more versatile fighter.

And as many may not know, he is equal or maybe even stronger than Mike Tyson.


Mike Tyson:




Bruce Lee:





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Assuming both are in their prime? (You sort of have to, considering Lee is dead.)


Tyson, definitely. No discredit to Lee, but I believe that there's simply no way Lee is a match for Tyson, former undisputed heavyweight (200+ lbs) boxing champion of the world. Lee was lighter and no doubt faster, but I'm sure Tyson is no stranger to fighting faster opponents and could apply some of that to Lee, since I doubt they'd just get in a close range hitting match (in which case Tyson would take Lee out in a few hits, if not one). You just can't make up that much of a size difference with Lee usually being around 145 lbs (and even against others in his weight class, Tyson was one of the hardest hitters in heavyweight history), there's a reason boxing weight classes are split up every few pounds and why there are so many.

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Assuming both are in their prime? (You sort of have to, considering Lee is dead.)


Tyson, definitely. No discredit to Lee, but I believe that there's simply no way Lee is a match for Tyson, former undisputed heavyweight (200+ lbs) boxing champion of the world. Lee was lighter and no doubt faster, but I'm sure Tyson is no stranger to fighting faster opponents and could apply some of that to Lee, since I doubt they'd just get in a close range hitting match (in which case Tyson would take Lee out in a few hits, if not one). You just can't make up that much of a size difference with Lee usually being around 145 lbs (and even against others in his weight class, Tyson was one of the hardest hitters in heavyweight history), there's a reason boxing weight classes are split up every few pounds and why there are so many.


Sure, Tyson can probably hit harder than Lee, but don't forget that Lee is is a more versatile fighter and has fought people of all sizes, not just those his size. In the 60's he hit someone so hard they had to rest in bed for more than two weeks (the one inch punch). Also, if you use that the most effective way, it would be better to be hit by a car moving 50 km/h. That is how powerful that punch is.


1 kick from Lee would probably finish this match. His kicks is so fast you don't even see the leg/foot coming. In Enter The Dragon, Lee kicked so fast they had to slow the video down to see the kick. Don't really know if they used that in the movie though. Can Tyson block things he cant see I think that he has a chance. But I doubt he can.


Now, I know Tyson is one of the greatest boxers of all time and if he were to get in a few punches, I do think Lee would be done. But think Lee 9/10 times takes it, maybe 8/10 or 7/10 but no less than that.

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I highly doubt Tyson would get taken out by a single kick, even from Lee. Boxers are used to taking an insane amount of hits during matches, a lot of them to the head. Plenty to the body as well, which they specifically toughen up so that they can keep moving when hit there multiple times. And Tyson fought in the heaviest weight class.


And Lee's not the only one with speed.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRwJyQtQ2Fo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51090bGcoR8


Tyson's a heavyweight, but his style involved lots of movement: Bobbing and weaving and fast step-ins in order to get in powerful hits and combos. He was completely different from people such as Foreman who were huge, slow, but devastating, though he was just as devastating.


Plus, they simply come from different eras. Lee pioneered a lot of stuff, but Tyson has the advantage of modern training, body management, stuff like that. There's a science to modern boxing (heck, boxing itself has a nickname, "the sweet science").

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I highly doubt Tyson would get taken out by a single kick, even from Lee. Boxers are used to taking an insane amount of hits during matches, a lot of them to the head. Plenty to the body as well, which they specifically toughen up so that they can keep moving when hit there multiple times. And Tyson fought in the heaviest weight class.


And Lee's not the only one with speed.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRwJyQtQ2Fo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51090bGcoR8


Tyson's a heavyweight, but his style involved lots of movement: Bobbing and weaving and fast step-ins in order to get in powerful hits and combos. He was completely different from people such as Foreman who were huge, slow, but devastating, though he was just as devastating.


Plus, they simply come from different eras. Lee pioneered a lot of stuff, but Tyson has the advantage of modern training, body management, stuff like that. There's a science to modern boxing (heck, boxing itself has a nickname, "the sweet science").


Now I do agree, that Tyson is fast and he certainly does stand a chance, but that is a small one. Lee does those kind of things in his sleep. In a boxing match, Tyson would probably win 7/10 but any other fight I think Lee got it. Lee punch much faster than that of Tyson with a force as great. People tends to underestimate the power of Lee punches. Post videos of Lees speed soon.



Lee playing Ping Pong with nunchucks:



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I'm not underestimating Lee, but you're underestimating Tyson if you think Lee has as much power. And even if he did, you think Tyson became the boxing legend he is by not being able to take a hit from people as strong as him? (Though Tyson wasn't the kind to trade blows, even if his body was conditioned to withstand it.) Tyson also has range on Lee.


At the level of technique guys like Lee and Tyson fight, it all comes down to physical attributes, of which Tyson is ahead in spades. And Lee wouldn't be protected by a pair of boxing gloves, Tyson's fists would come with much more destructive power than against any boxer he ever went against.


And Lee doesn't do anything like that in his sleep, let's keep this serious. He's a legend but not some invincible superhuman like he's made out to be, plenty of what he's done is exaggerated.

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This video clip purportedly showing actor and martial arts master Bruce Lee playing ping-pong with nunchaku (also called "nunchucks" or "nunchuks") is a digital creation intended as a viral advertisement for the Nokia N96 Limited Edition Bruce Lee cell phone, produced in 2008 (thirty-five years after Lee's death) by the Beijing office of the JWT (J. Walter Thompson) advertising agency. The video employed a Bruce Lee look-alike actor pretending to play ping-pong against an opponent, their movements sychronized to the sounds of a genuine table tennis match, with the final audio and the visual image of the ball being added to the clip in post-production. 
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/photos/advertisements/pingpong.asp#9TU1UMsOkZXaiUx8.99

Awesome ad but unfortunately not really Bruce Lee. 

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Another thing Tyson has on Lee is fighting experience. Lee was not into professional fighting, and all there is is some amateur boxing matches and tales and rumors of fights he's had, for the most part.


Er, Lee was a trained martial artist who taught many fighters...including police and military...and before coming to America he fought in a lot of street fights....

I don't see why you claim his physical capabilities are less than Tyson. He can take hits, give hits, at least as well. He might have not fought in competitions or for sport or anything, but he had plenty of experience


Thing is, these two's style of fighting is so different it would be tough to determine. But remember Tyson is used to fighting in boxing matches, which are a specific style with set rules..

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I don't see why you claim his physical capabilities are less than Tyson.


Because he's some inches shorter and about 80 pounds less? And was born a few decades too early? I believe I've mentioned these things, and more.


It's entirely possible for someone to overcome a size and power difference with enough of a gap of skill and technique. But not that drastic of one (let's face it, you just don't see lightweights going around beating on heavyweights, in all professional fighting sports, not just boxing), and against Tyson of all people. Lee is amazing, but I believe he's simply not that amazing.

But remember Tyson is used to fighting in boxing matches, which are a specific style with set rules..

Tyson grew up fighting people, he was part of a street gang before he was even a teenager, boxing isn't all he knows.


And in this thread they're not under boxing rules (at least from the way the OP is written), otherwise they'd be in a ring where Tyson would have a huge advantage, and Lee wouldn't be allowed any kicks.

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Because he's some inches shorter and about 80 pounds less? And was born a few decades too early? I believe I've mentioned these things, and more.


It's entirely possible for someone to overcome a size and power difference with enough of a gap of skill and technique. But not that drastic of one (let's face it, you just don't see lightweights going around beating on heavyweights, in all professional fighting sports, not just boxing), and against Tyson of all people. Lee is amazing, but I believe he's simply not that amazing.

Tyson grew up fighting people, he was part of a street gang before he was even a teenager, boxing isn't all he knows.


And in this thread they're not under boxing rules (at least from the way the OP is written), otherwise they'd be in a ring where Tyson would have a huge advantage, and Lee wouldn't be allowed any kicks.

That's not as bad a difference as you seem to think. Especially as martial arts is meant to be about taking down bigger foes.


And yeah I get that but he's mostly a boxer. That's my point, he's a great fighter, but he is much more used to boxing.

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Especially as martial arts is meant to be about taking down bigger foes.


Well yeah, Tyson's taken down guys bigger than him before, too. But it's not like martial arts (remember, boxing is a martial art) can't be used to take down smaller foes like Lee as well.


And it's a very big difference, I've seen this debate many times and not enough people seem to realize that. With Lee's size Tyson could deal irreparable damage with a single punch.


"Someone with only a year of training in boxing and wrestling could easily defeat a martial artist of twenty years experience." ~Bruce Lee

Tyson wasn't also a wrestler, but he boxed for much longer than a year, and at the worldwide level.


To say he's more used to boxing meaning that he wouldn't do well in a real fight is quite naive, as well. "The value of Boxing is not in the skill acquired, though that too has real value in hand-to-hand combat, but because it quickly acclimates the body and mind to the violence and shock so foreign to modern day youth, yet so absolutely essential to fighting men." 

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There's a lot of mythology surrounding Bruce Lee and his legend, here's a relevant article to help separate fact from fiction: https://storify.com/illmatical/beyond-bruce-lee-the-forgotten-fury


It's rather lengthy, so I'll clip some of the more telling quotes.


Vic Moore, the man who beat them all, was on the receiving end and according to him, not only had Lee cheated during the exchange, he was able to score against Lee during the second half of the speed drill. The latter half of the video has never been shown, and through another source, I'd find out that Moore's claim could be credible.


I'd soon get some assistance with putting the film in perspective. Ed Parker Jr., the son of legendary American martial artist Ed Parker Sr., helped clarify why the footage had not been shown in its entirety. He spoke on what his father's estate had been doing with the footage and what it had been used for since its inception, saying "My father's estate has a couple of reels of film from that event, but I am not in charge of that part of the estate. I know certain things have been licensed out to certain movie groups -- they wanted to see the original footage. We had some footage from 1964, from three different camera angles, and the footage that was from that, was reedited and given to a guy named Bruce Tegner, who was the producer of the Green Hornet series… what he did was help launch the career of Bruce Lee in the American market at that time."



Bruce Lee was a very strong martial artist but didn't compete on the world stage and had promotion behind him. Vic Moore proved himself against the strongest fighters of the era and beat Lee in a speed competition but Lee's promoters tampered with the footage.


Bruce Lee has a scripted fight against Chuck Norris, whose initial stance when asked who'd win in a fight between himself and Bruce Lee was "Well I didn't even know, I didn't wanna go there, and Bruce didn't wanna go there, and I didn't wanna go there, but anyway, we worked out together." 




There isn't evidence to suggest Bruce Lee could have kept up with world champion martial artists and boxers, and successive generations climb on the shoulders of their predecessors. Mike Tyson was also about 150% heavier than Bruce Lee and quite a bit taller (sure, Bruce Lee beat up basketball star Kareem Abdul Jabar in another scripted movie fight, but that doesn't hold much weight for me as to Bruce Lee's world-class fighting abilities for obvious reasons). All that said, I have very little doubt in my mind that Mike Tyson would've won in a fight between them at their primes.


I'm not saying Bruce Lee wasn't a legitimate martial artist, from his physique and the footage available of him it's evident that he trained in various martial arts and had to have been very competent in order to make an impression and promote martial arts to the extent that he did (more than anyone ever has), but his assistance from the silver screen and his non-participation have to be taken into consideration. 


Winner: Mike Tyson. He's a proven world champion, the youngest ever, and had another level of speed and strength in his prime that ended many of his fights against trained and competitive professionals before they started. 



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Bruce Lee was a very strong martial artist but didn't compete on the world stage and had promotion behind him. Vic Moore proved himself against the strongest fighters of the era and beat Lee in a speed competition but Lee's promoters tampered with the footage.



This has been debunked sooooooo many times it's not funny anymore. Just do a little search about how Vic was actually lying in his interview about how he supposedly "acted" like he was trying to not catch Bruce. Everyone talks whatever the hell they want when the guy's dead but couldn't say a word when he was alive? Tells you so much about this guy.


"Tempered with the footage" what about the thousands of spectators? Give me a break. 

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Everyone talks whatever the hell they want when the guy's dead but couldn't say a word when he was alive? Tells you so much about this guy.



Vic Moore doesn't have many interviews in general. Bruce Lee died in 1973, there's a much greater span of time between Bruce Lee's death and Moore's interview detailing his account of what happened with the speed test than there is between the speed test and Bruce Lee's death.




"Tempered with the footage" what about the thousands of spectators? Give me a break.



What about them? The spectators (including GrandMaster Steve Muhammad who was friends with Bruce Lee and starred in Return of the Dragon) can corroborate Vic's account and none deny it, then there's the fact that the original footage was reedited as was confirmed by going to the source of the footage. 


Once again:


We had some footage from 1964, from three different camera angles, and the footage that was from that, was reedited and given to a guy named Bruce Tegner, who was the producer of the Green Hornet series… what he did was help launch the career of Bruce Lee in the American market at that time."

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