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Ask Joseph Anything


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Yeah. It feels weird to use that name. And, yes, Joseph is me. So, I guess just ask whatever you want to know about me, like, as a person or whatever. To be honest I don't see this getting many questions asked, since they usually don't, but I thought I would put it up anyway.

So, feel free to ask away.

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cool name bro


Where do you go to/plan to go to/might consider going to college?

st. Martin's university this fall

3 Scrap Golems seems like a cool idea, but the fridge logic to it is that it's bound to clog.Whats your opinion on that?

in a vacuum, it is the single best monster in the deck, and factory gets considerably worse once you run out of them. Its ability to destroy Winda in battle further ups its utility beyond standard chimerabeast plays, and redox/bulb/1-for-1 increase its utility in hand. 3 might not be the best route, but it has worked for me so far.
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