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MtG EDH - Anthrax and Cyanide (Anax and Cymede)


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Four things I think your deck's still missing:

1) More mana ramp. You have 35 lands, which means you should have at least 3-4 more sources of land or artifact ramp in order to reliably hit your curve. Solemn Simulacrum, Kor Cartographer, Burnished Hart and Commander's Sphere are some good ones.

2) More card draw. Boros is pretty much the worst color combination in terms of card advantage, so you're going to have to take whatever you can get. Three good pieces I've found are Mentor of the Meek, Loreseeker's Stone and Inheritance.

3) More tricks with buyback. Haze of Rage is the only one I can think of that's missing, but it's a doozy if you have the mana. Mark of Fury doesn't have buyback but it can keep coming back to mess with your opponents. (Derp, just realized Haze of Rage doesn't target. Still is good, though.)

4) More targets for heroics, just in case you can't get out A+C and have a hand clogged up with tricks. Phalanx Leader, Hero of Iroas, Akroan Conscriptor, Dawnbringer Charioteers.

There isn't much on your list that immediately stands out as being bad, but I'd cut Monastery Swiftspear, Battlewise Valor, Erase, Wojek Siren (it can help your opponents just as much as it helps you) and Lightning Bolt (replace with Swords to Plowshares - damage-based removal doesn't do much in a battlecruiser format).

Also, as a final note, Brightflame is a silly card and I encourage you to test it, if just for the lolz. Soltari Guerrillas is silly, too.

EDIT: How did I forget Sunforger!?

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