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Lord of the Elements ~ You Will Know Our Names [Yang-Zefra]


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3 Chiwen
Zefra Fuxi
3 Jiaotu
Zefra Qiuniu
2 Bian
2 Bixi
2 Suanni
1 Pulao
1 Taotie
1 Aetellarknight
1 Level Eater
3 Oracle of the Zefra
3 Yang Zing Path
2 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 One for One
1 Raigeki
1 Snatch Steal

3 Yang Zing Creation

Pendulum speeds up the deck a lot, albeit at a -2.


Jiaotu is more broken than ever, Fuxi is versatile which is nice and can basically serve as a Level 3 tuner most times, and Qiuniu is just so much help.


Jiaotu -> Pitch 1+ YZ monster to get Qiuniu + Taotie. 2 + 5 = Yazi. Yazi pop Qiuniu, kill something. Qiuniu searches Path. Path recycles and draws 2. Opening Jiaotu makes the game much smoother.


I'm really, really excited to see what the final boss for YZ is, now. Logically, it could be 11 (1+2+3+4 + Chiwen = 11/Fuxi + Baxia = 11) or 9 (Fuxi + Qiuniu = 9), and either way would be appreciated.


1 Aetellar because 1 scale + level 4 are both helpful. The fact that it's Chiwen/Chiwen-based armor, is jsut happy coincidence. Could run Roach instead, but Roach doesn't kill Vanity's.


I could say more but thoughts not lining up...

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I'm really, really excited to see what the final boss for YZ is, now. Logically, it could be 11 (1+2+3+4 + Chiwen = 11/Fuxi + Baxia = 11) or 9 (Fuxi + Qiuniu = 9), and either way would be appreciated.



Also, are you using Nothung as a Synchro Gagaga Cowboy, or just as a good 6, or both?


EDIT: What sorcery are you using to get Qiuniu? Neither of the PROs seem to have it

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Also, are you using Nothung as a Synchro Gagaga Cowboy, or just as a good 6, or both?


EDIT: What sorcery are you using to get Qiuniu? Neither of the PROs seem to have it

generically good 6/cowboy, yes. It's a potentially 2900 + "1600" damage on summon.


Fanpatch. Same as Nai/Ain/Risa.

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Translation inconsistency between SNES and GBA, I think. 四天王 really doesn't mean either. (well I mean it has 4 and kinda the "lords" part but.)

I knew I should have included colloquially.

And can people be productive. I don't care if you ask a question or what, just enough of this spammy mess.
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Have you considered dropping 1 of the field for 1 terraforming? Helps to thin the deck out, which is really nice. Then again, the field still searches lafe game, so this might not be a situation where it is worth it.

Qiuniu can search the field, so I'd muh rather just run 2-3 field and 0 terraforming, honestly. RotAing fields is cute, but... Qiuniu.


Is 3 Quiunu really that good? Isn't level 6 extremely awkward?

Not really. It's a level 6, yeah, but it's also a pendulum and in a deck that can spit out its 2600 ass almost on demand.


Between dropping it for free searches, using it as fodder, and Pendulum Summoning, it's paid its dues.

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